Top 10 Most Random Things Ever
Welcome to the most nonsensical and absurd top ten list you'll ever read! Or maybe not. Who knows. We've scoured minds both full and empty, delved deep into the depths of your imagination, and consulted with some of the wackiest thinkers to bring you the most random things ever.We've got everything from an umbrella that doubles as a cheese grater to a potato that looks like Elvis Presley. These items may not make any sense whatsoever, but that's what makes them so unique and special.
So buckle up, folks, because you're about to embark on a journey through the bizarre and the bewildering. Get ready to laugh, scratch your head, and question everything you thought you knew about the world.

This thing actually works. I got my son one for Christmas, and he loves it so much.
I highly suggest getting one of these, just do not feed it tacos.
Chicken bones taste good when eaten with the aliens so babies named Tree can take over the world. Shakalabomawagadingdong, and that was the 3:00 am news. Hello!
Inuyasha, duh! That's the best random word I've ever heard. So... Purple Monkey Dishwasher!

It's so weird that I have no idea who could possibly think of this. I'm laughing too hard every time I read it.
I have to say this to my friends! It killed me! My laugh made my family laugh because mine is funny.
My friend fell to the floor, holding her sides laughing, when I said this to her.

They have something in common with dragons. They also have a lot more things in common: they're both black belts in cake fighting, and they both like to eat jellybeans when they're surrounded by Lego spiders.
Laugh out loud! I think in the Middle Ages, dragons were actually fire-breathing squirrels.
This-est is-est the-est most-est random-est thing-est ever-est! -est

It's so not random that it surprised me with its presence. Truly, the most random thing of all is that it is not random.
"It's real, Austin! Just like zebras are!" - Ally from Austin and Ally New Year's Eve Special

Pole-dancing ducks raiding a spacecraft with silver unicorns that are chasing them with apple guns filled with purple juice. The silver unicorns like keyboards.
This is ridiculously funny. I don't think it is possible for that to happen to a monkey though!
I wish I had a pet monkey, especially if it could fly. That would be so cool!
Then it challenges Superman the rhinoceros to a firefighter contest.

I cracked up at this. I don't remember seeing this before. When did this get here? It's hilarious!
Haha, I cracked up when I saw this, but then I fell out of my chair and hit my head.
I almost couldn't breathe after reading this.

All the lads at our school always used to say, I've got a ruptured spleen! But I so prefer the saying, That spanner has massive nipples!
Spleen, spleen, spleen, red, blue, yellow, and brown, spleen, spleen, spleen, I like when I gobble them down.
Hahaha, my friend heard this and literally fell over laughing! It was so funny!

For whatever reason, I say this every day, and it was because of what I saw on Looney Tunes.
So basically, a cat asked his cat buddies, "Are we men or are we mice?" Then a baby cat says, "I like cheese," and gets smacked in the face by the adult. I found that really funny, and the way he said "I like cheese" was so cute.
I say this every day, even before I saw this. Now I'm really unpopular. But, WHO CARES? Ha ha, I like cheese so much...
I said that once and nobody laughed. I thought it was funny because I said it like this: I LIKE CHEEESE.

I love ice cream because it cools me off when I'm sweaty.

At school, I go through the day and ask people random questions like this. This is going to be added to my list.
Funny. All the others sound like they are written by 6-year-olds.
Most random thing ever next to beating someone with a small child.
The Newcomers

Cashier: "May I help you?"
Caveman: Makes caveman noises.
Cashier: "Pardon? Could you please repeat that?"
Caveman: Continues to make caveman noises.
Cashier: "If you don't answer me properly, I may have to ask you to leave."
Caveman: Points spear at him.
Cashier: Scared.
Caveman: Points at money while making caveman noises.
Now this is randomness at its best.

More like "Dustbin Beaver" (reference to Moshi Monsters).
He will be engulfed by purple monkey dishwashers.
I hate this guy so much. When I look at him, I die.

When cockroaches climb walls and start throwing stars, my classmates practically fell off their seats laughing.
Most random thing I have heard all day.

To be honest, this seems to happen daily as my doorbell never works.
Or does the lightbulb eat the banana-flavored snake?

Why is Sasuke here? Isn't he supposed to be helping with "Naruto Next Generations, Boruto" right about now?

Recreate this with Soviet Kazakhstan for the homies!

I need one more penny. I only have $7,146,761,049.98. Man, I need more money! Then, I'll be rich and get whatever I want until the money's gone!
I love numbers just like slime.

Hardy shams and cow heads for chicken dinner this morning at your nearest Pink Drums gas station. We pay with baby dolls.