Notable Traits of Evil People

Basically, a list that deconstructs on what makes a person evil. Breaking down why figures like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Vlad the Impaler, Nero and many others were able to stand out, despite their shared display of being, well, bad people.
The Top Ten
1 Sadism

Case in point: an individual targets a victim. The victim is beaten, tortured, bullied, and possibly more. Why? Because the attacker wanted pleasure and enjoyment out of it.

Sadists are rare to encounter, as that particular kind of nature tends to be displayed only when an attacker has full authority over the victim and the environment around them. Various serial killers are known to indulge in sadism simply to entertain themselves.

This trait is common among serial killers, with notable examples being H.H. Holmes, Peter Kurten, and Jeffrey Dahmer.

2 Lack of Empathy

Someone doesn't express concern, care, or simple feelings for anybody in the slightest. What is given is a stoic, cold, and expressionless personality that seems borderline creepy.

This is a notable trait among psychopaths (though not all of them are criminals). While they are unable to express general emotion, they can compensate by presenting a believable facade to lure and exploit others.

A common trait of a psychopath.

People who lack empathy have no idea what it's like to be in other people's shoes or to have the same problems as others. This is why God is telling us to be nice to others.

3 Narcissism

Having the grandiose belief that you are better than everyone, or at its most extreme, thinking of yourself as a god. While not every narcissist is an evil person, a good number of them are, and they are largely unrepentant of what they do and think, highlighting their selfishness.

4 Depravity

In the end, the ultimate judging factor for one's evilness is depravity. The most evil people in the world are those who are purely and absolutely depraved. They are morally and pathologically brutal, commit irredeemable actions willingly and for pleasure, and display no mutual respect or love towards anyone or anything but themselves.

Peter Scully is a textbook example of absolute depravity.

5 Abuse

Self-explanatory. It doesn't matter who the victim is - animals, children, people of different skin colors, political allegiances, sexual orientations, or personal preferences - abuse can take all these forms and only highlights how much of a scumbag abusers can be.

On a personal scale: Joszef Barsi. On a grander scale: Nero and Caligula.

Abuse is wrong and also very cruel on so many levels. Abusing a baby would be even worse!

That also depends on whether people suffered from abuse when they were little, but still, it's inexcusable!

6 Disregard for Others

Everything is but an obstacle or item for one's own gain. Work acquaintances, friends, family - everybody is expendable. All this person ever cares about is themself. Everyone else be damned. In some cases, there are nihilists who'll even depreciate themselves and think of themselves as trash alongside everyone else.

You can put your needs first without being selfish because if you can't take care of yourself, how are you going to take care of others? However, you do need to take care of your loved ones as well.

7 Superiority

Superiority in any way possible: racism, political power, gender, even other trivial matters. A person can reach high levels of depravity solely if driven by the desire to be better or by proclaiming themself above others.

Adolf Hitler is an easy example.

No one is superior except for God Himself!

8 Ambition

Ambition in a darker sense: the drive and obsession to do vile acts as a fueling factor for one's depravity. Even normal objectives like gaining leadership, completing a task, or collecting something can be pursued by committing something terrible.

Once again, Hitler is a noted case study.

9 Envy

Envy and jealousy may be similar, but being jealous means that you're protective of what you have. Envy is being jealous of others and obsessively wanting what they have.

10 Lack of Remorse

This is similar to the lack of empathy, though both remorse and empathy frequently overlap. The lack of remorse shown by an individual is a clear sign of someone's drive to commit evil acts and/or psychopathy.

Wow! This is one of the worst traits anyone could ever have. Yes, there is sin, but we should repent by asking God to forgive us. Doesn't anyone have a heart? This is why God is very angry with sin!

The Contenders
11 Hatred
12 Stupid
13 Sexism
14 Hypocrisy
15 Charisma

Not every bad person is charismatic, but this is a notable trait for a psychopath. Being able to blend into society while looking and acting like a normal person is creepy and unpredictable, to say the least.

16 Arrogance
17 Ignorance
18 Angry
19 Unjust

This is why we should treat others the way we would like to be treated. We may be different, but we are the same human race - different skin colors, but we bleed the same blood. God made us very different in His image, but He still loves us equally.

They're not fair and don't treat everyone equally.

20 Moody
21 Condescending
22 Racism
23 Greed
24 Naughty
25 Spoiled
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