Top Ten Best Things to Do at Your Enemy's Birthday Party

The Top Ten
1 Steal their presents and open them in front of them.

Ooh. That would be so satisfying. Love it,

2 Blast music they hate.
3 Knock things off the table and flip it over.
4 Give them a present full of roaches.
5 Replace the candy in the piñata with spiders and then let them break it open.
6 If they hate clowns invite one to their party.
7 Throw the decor in the pool.
8 Steal their partner.
9 Give them a birthday card with a middle finger on it saying "hope you had a f****d up day."
10 Trick them into thinking they're getting the newest phone model and give them a knock off instead.
The Contenders
11 Drive into their party and run everything over
12 Destroy the cake.
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