Top Ten Things You Shouldn't Leave Home Without

The Top Ten
1 Your Cell Phone

If you do not have your cellphone with you, then there would be no way to contact others if you are lost or in case of an emergency.

Well, cell phones always get confiscated during school time.

Blackberry? I haven't seen one of those things in years.

2 Your Money

The number one thing we can't live without is money. No doubt, it is part of our life because on this earth, nothing is free. In reality, we can't live without money because we have different needs that make us happy. Who doesn't like money? Of course, we love money. It's all about our needs, which sustain our happiness. It's all about the money, money, money...

No doubt! We can't live without money. How can we buy what we need? Of course, we need money because we love money. Money is very important to us!

3 Your Sense of Humour

I have a difficult sense of humor. People on the internet seem to get it, but no one at school does.

Britgirl, you must never leave home without yours. You have a great sense of humor.

Under no circumstances leave this behind - you'll need it where you're going.

4 Your Brain

If you forgot your brain at home, you'd be kinda dead. At least it got a break. It is constantly active, like always.

Now that explains why people keep telling me I speak nonsense.

5 A Song

"Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" helps - and sing it with gusto! You can't sing a song like this in a timid, little voice.

6 Your Wallet
7 Your Gun

I never leave home without it. In fact, it ensures I can make it back home in one piece, even if some criminal was planning otherwise.

Only when you live in some criminal place.

Yeah, you're probably right on this one.

8 Your Right Shoe

As sure as God made little apples, by the time you've finished work and scrambled about with tube passengers, you'll have no shoes left. So at least remember to take the right one!

A proud leftie is here to say that the left shoe is important as well! In fact, leaving without it will make you look like a nut!

9 Your Homework

Too late. I used it as toilet paper and flushed it down the toilet.

10 Your Clothing

Imagine going to school and realizing that you forgot your clothes.

No one (myself included) wants to go around the city or blah blah blah...

The Contenders
11 Your House Keys

This is important. Without your house keys, you can't go into your house anymore.

12 Your Mirror

This is a fun thing to do with a mirror: hold the mirror up to someone's head (with the mirror bit facing you, of course) and pretend that your head is on their shoulders. Silly, but it passes the time.

I've never thought of that. Simply hilarious what you think of, Tina! I must try that someday...

This is funny. A woman's head on a man's body. Yeah, it would look crazy. Funny.

13 Your First Aid Kit
14 Your Condoms
15 Your Underwear

This is the most important thing we shouldn't ever leave behind when going outside. I think I don't need to explain why.

16 Your Sanity

True. Who knows where you would end up without it?

17 Your Self Respect

Definitely the most important quality.

18 Your Portable Gaming System

Who knows, maybe you'll get bored while waiting in line or something.

When I want to enjoy myself, I take my 3DS.

19 Your Knife
20 Your Newspaper
21 Your Key
22 A Snack

Don't leave it in your bag too long, because it magically becomes black. It looks really cool - but when you try to pick it up...

You never know when you will need some taste in your life.

23 Your Bible
24 Your Phone
25 Your Dignity
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