Top Ten Useless Facts
Holy cow! My life is complete now that I know this.
Well, I didn't even know that word existed, and now I know it is unique somehow. That's useful.
People button upwards because you're less likely to get the buttons and the holes mixed up.
I don't use button-up shirts, but for me, it's easier to button a shirt downwards.
I button downwards and upwards... yeah.
I feel like my life's work is complete now that I've heard that random fact!
I really feel sorry for the person who had to find that out.
Now I have to look at a pig's underbelly to see if it's true. Great.
It is the shortest sentence because go is an imperative sentence, meaning it is telling someone to do something. You go is the full sentence, but you do not need you, which is the subject, to be added in front of go.
This is so useful... I use this fact every day... And wonder why people ignore me.
I feel the world should know that fact... too funny!
This is so irrelevant and useless it's funny!
Why the heck would I care which ones bite? They're still annoying.
This fact is actually useful if you don't want to get bitten by a mosquito.
But what's the difference between male and female mosquitoes?
Who cares what color your toothbrush is? The most important thing is that it works properly.
There are many colors of toothbrushes.
I always use blue toothbrushes.
I don't know who's to blame for this spectacle - the decadent sexist traditionalism of the 1930s or hormones.
This is hilarious! Does that mean men were driving?
Useful if you have a diabetic cat, so not that useless. But you don't need it for everyday life.
Um, I have cats and all, and I didn't need to know this fact.
Just so you don't get confused, black lights are another term for UV lights.
The Newcomers
He was a notable figure in German intelligence services during the war, giving them what they believed to be vital information about the Allied forces in Britain. His contributions were so valuable that the German High Command awarded him the Iron Cross, a medal usually reserved for frontline soldiers.
However, he was secretly a double agent working for the British, misleading the Germans about actual Allied plans. Due to him and other double agents, the Nazis prepared for multiple fictitious invasion attempts while ignoring the actual D-Day landings until it was too late. He received an MBE from King George VI.
It was posted with the sole intention of this happening.
This is why poisons are the most effective method for getting rid of rats - they can't expel the poison.
I feel sorry for that 13-year-old. Lots of people are born with a sixth finger or sixth toe, but they are removed at birth. Some people also have fingers fused together.
Imagine the dentist trying to get the tooth out of that poor child's foot.
This is a cool fact, but, of course, completely useless.
I just looked it up and found out that this version dates back to the 10th century. Also, she didn't decide to eat her grandmother - the werewolf/female ogre (the actual villains) tricked her into doing so. Apparently, there are two endings to the story: in one, she gets eaten at the end, and in the other, she makes it back home.
Uh... Isn't that cannibalism if Red Riding Hood eats her own grandmother? (I know it's not with the wolf since a wolf is a wolf.)
It depends on the size of the coat hanger or what it's made of.
Who cares about the length of a coat hanger?
I can still see with my eyes closed. A world full of darkness.
I could go through my whole life without knowing that.
In the Philippines, we are taught that our flag has three stars, ignoring the fact that there is a sun. Since the sun is a star, there are actually four stars in the Philippine flag.
I knew this since I started reading large nonfiction books at the age of 5. How do ADULTS not know this!?
That's sad and weird too. Even weirder than the fact that only female mosquitoes bite.
I've eaten entire crickets that were fried and chocolate-dipped.
Nope. You're not going to stop me from eating chocolate.
Oh no! I'm never eating a chocolate bar again...
I actually watched a video about something like this. I thought it was more recent.
I can't be the only person who thought of 'Secondhand Lions' when I heard this.
Allow me to spoil this 'horror story.' It doesn't say that the man in the story is the last person on Earth. It just says he's the last MAN on Earth. So, it could be the last WOMAN on Earth knocking on the door. Am I the only one who has thought of this?
This is only because Christmas and New Year's are the ONLY holidays men CAN remember... laugh out loud!
Yay! I'm made out of precious metals!
So they can mate with two different females? I did not need to know that.
Um, why? Who would even try to discover that?
I didn't really need to know that...