Top 10 Weirdest Facts
Bet it helps with the rust. If no one repaints it, then it will lose its color and end up like an abandoned observation tower.
Well then. That explains why bacteria came out of me after I stabbed myself with a pencil by accident.
So you're telling me that I've technically been 3 lbs lighter than the scale always told me?
So you're telling me I was technically 1.4 kg lighter than I actually am?
Well, of course it's illegal in Iran because Iran is an Islamic Republic. If the king, instead of Imam Khomeini, were in Iran, it wouldn't be illegal.
Actually, I must tell you that many people in Iran use mullets illegally, and nobody finds out. At every party you go to in Iran, you see everybody using mullets.
Why would mullets be so bad to be illegal in Iran?
Mullets are ugly, but I didn't know that they were that hated in Iran.
This is incredibly ironic since an odontist is the British word for "dentist." Having odontophobia and the job of an odontist (dentist) would be the worst luck and the biggest case of irony ever.
Okay... So I'm guessing that person doesn't have teeth.
Why does it have to say Korean? It's just weird for anybody to marry a pillow, but that's what I call desperate! They must have had some very soft pillow babies with heads. It's just like making dolls.
Considering how some of the pillows in Asian and American society have pictures of anime girls on them (a.k.a. Shreky Devito), I can't really argue, not that I have one.
That isn't the only weird marriage. A girl married a dolphin.
Yeah, pretty weird how much society can change.
I really loved this decent list, especially the stair one, the zebra one, and this awesome one. Lucky girl! I'd like to be in her shoes, although the shoe size may be XL or something. Bye, Kiretsun!
I get tired of the same food if I have it four days straight.
Is this a challenge? Does she think she can eat more than me?
Was he doing an experiment to see if he could cook in space? Otherwise, he'd have absolutely no reason to have it out there.
Someone should put some eggs and a frying pan up there.
Oh, so if someone finds it, they can cook in space?
Blowing smoke is now the anus's job, considering how much Taco Bell some people eat.
How would this achieve anything?
That is by far the most horrid thing I've ever heard in my life (and I've heard pretty strange things)!
Gross! The Romans were out of their minds at this point.
Ugh, that's disturbing. I am disgusted by this.
The Newcomers
That's kind of sad but sort of amusing at the same time.
That's weird. I wish it was illegal to wake me up when I'm sleeping.
This actually happened in my town about a year ago, so it does happen.
When Zapdos and Articuno meet each other.
That sounds like a Warrior cat name.
Technically, the female lays the eggs inside the male's special pouch.
So a caterpillar is stronger than I am? Why am I not surprised...?
Thanks for the info, man. I kinda wish I had known this sooner.
How about eating hot food to get a brain burn?
I have not had a brain freeze in years, but I'll try it the next time I do.
The Yakuza used them. That was before they made Pokémon cards, an E-Reader on the GBA that used cards, and Animal Crossing Amiibo Cards.
I knew it. Not only that, but they were founded in 1889.
Well, there were special features in Toy Story 2 with this.
I guess Star Command really was a thing...
Wow. That is really young to have a baby and be a grandfather.
This is why the world is ending.
Goldfish paradox: what's the point of dying a fool when knowing everything is the better option?
I think I know this. Does this mean I knew less than I did before?
As if we didn't know, but it's scientifically proven!