Top 10 Worst Double Standards
For those who don't know, a double standard is a rule or principle that is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups. Some of them are so stupid and hypocritical that it's amazing how they're accepted by society. None of these are in any particular order. If you have one that bothers you the most then feel free to add it.I found a video of some Japanese women saying they are glad they made the Ghost in the Shell characters white. Joan of Arc as a black woman is just ridiculous.
I am now starting to think a black person will play live-action Kim Possible.
I'm non-white, and I made an entire list dedicated to this.
Since when is people hurting each other funny?
Anything to get the current top opinion down a place, that just made me sad to see. But this one I can agree on. I don't think beating up guys is funny. Violence is not cool, unless it's self-defense (i.e., he's taking a swing at you).
I don't think casual violence should be accepted at all unless it is truly deserved.
And let's not forget when a black person calls another black person the n word when they're referring to a friend. Oh, and black rappers using the n word in some of their songs. I just don't get it.
Why would Americans of African descent use a word that insults their own race as a way of everyday conversation? I understand it's free expression, but the way it's used by most African Americans is kind of vulgar, if you ask me.
Racial slurs in general are not okay!
I'm not saying that we should murder. I'm saying that we need to kill in self-defense, especially if we were in a situation where there are people trying to kill us.
Come on! Not all guys are perverted pigs who prey on a woman's body. Have a little more faith in us, why don't you?
This one is not good. Halsey is my favorite singer, but it is not right that she copied Lana Del Rey.
I feel really bad for Muslims since they get an awful reputation for being bloodthirsty terrorists. This is especially bad for my best friend on this site who is also a Muslim.
Babies need to feed on the mother's milk because milk contains a lot of nutrients that are essential for growing babies and children. If you don't like seeing a woman trying to feed her child, then simply walk away. It's not like she's going to breastfeed her baby for the next 24 hours while she's out in public.
It's not right to make fun of anyone. Didn't you learn that in first grade?
The Newcomers
No, men don't get praised for sleeping with other women. And people who shame women for this are other women.
Maybe it's just me, but wouldn't that technically make the man sexist in a way? Just saying.
I don't hate religious people at all, but society needs to know that we atheists are in no way evil or corrupt. We do care about living moral lives. We just don't like how people have used religion to do bad things.
I really despise this idea. It's incredibly bigoted!
But why would you be wearing that shirt if you aren't?
Pure hypocrisy at its finest. More often than not, I'm more likely to stumble upon a place where you're called out for being a liberal and generalized as an SJW.
Sure, there are some places where you're called out for being a conservative and generalized as a redneck who doesn't believe in global warming, but social media seems to have more people mocking liberals than conservatives. A few examples include YouTube, Twitter, and TheTopTens too, actually.
That's actually not true. Circlejerking happens everywhere in many different types. I've been to places where being liberal was "evil" and other websites where being conservative was "evil."
Not me. I hate rodents in general, so of course, I love anything that eats rodents for food because that's one less thing to worry about.