Top 10 Fallacies

Know anything about fallacies? Well, you must if you are getting into an argument.
The Top Ten
Straw Man

A very common fallacy and one that is just annoying. It is basing an argument on a misrepresentation of the opposing position.

Slippery Slope

A small step that leads into a chain of events that really should not have happened.

Ad Hominem

In this case, the fallacy is a direct attack against an arguer rather than the argument itself. This shows that the person committing the ad hominem has no good counters.

Non Sequitur

The simplest kind of fallacy, a formal one that is actually an invalid argument.

Cherry Picking

Picking out individual parts of data conforming to a certain position, as well as ignoring contradictory data. This is my least favorite fallacy.

Appeal to Emotion

Pretty common for a fallacy these days, with progressivism surging it quite harshly. The argument is made due to manipulation of emotions, instead of valid reasoning.

False Analogy

As simple as creating an analogy, but the analogy is easily misleading.

Fallacy Fallacy
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

When a certain term has more than one meaning, and one meaning of it is being misused.

The Newcomers

? Affirming the Consequent
? Begging the Question
The Contenders
Nirvana Fallacy

Got a solution? It's rejected in this fallacy because it is not a "perfect" solution.

Moving the Goalposts

Where evidence presented for a particular argument is dismissed for something that is perceived to be of greater importance to the argument.

False Dilemma
Middle Ground

When something is on the news and a certain thing is claimed, or when a certain advertisement comes up, viewers can get all excited and the hype can go up. But, as they say, such news makes things seem too good to be true.

Appeal to Authority
Appeal to Ignorance
Genetic Fallacy
Appeal to Tradition
Tu Quoque
Red Herring
Circular Reasoning
Guilt by Association
No True Scotsman

I think you all know what this is. For those who don't, search it up.

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