Things I Hate

The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 Crowded Places

So many people go to them, and that's why they're crowded.
The real problem is how disorganized such places are.
If they were better-organized, they wouldn't be such a problem.

2 Hypocrites

Putin for example, thinks he has the right to invade Ukraine and wage war on them, but gets all salty when people criticize him for it and accuses them of waging war against Russia when he clearly started this war himself.

Some people are out of their minds,

3 Pedophiles

Just sickening.

why is this not #1 alongside zoophiles

they suck

4 Zoophiles

It's one thing to support animals, but it's another thing to go crazy about them.

5 Injections

They can be painful, but worth keeping you healthy from diseases.

6 Extroverts

Some people can keep coming to you even when unnecessarily.

7 Bitchy Girls

Pardon the first word, but they can be mean.
This item should've been titled Mean Girls (though you were probably trying to prevent the Mean Girls cover from showing).

8 People who shove their beliefs and ideas down your throat

My family forcing Christianity on me:

This's a reminder of how messy people's attitudes can get.

9 Loud Noises

It's the reason people are afraid of balloons (since they can pop).
This also means afraid of live events (such as concerts, parties, and sporting events) as well as loud animals (like lions, tigers, and bears, etc) and certain products.

10 Cats The cat (Felis catus) is a domestic species of small carnivorous mammal.
It is the only domesticated species in the family Felidae and is often referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from the wild members of the family. A cat can either be a house cat, a farm cat or a feral cat; the latter... read more

They're cute, though they are highly defensive and always fill the litterboxes.

I like them, but I can see why some people don't like them.

The Contenders
11 Being called “Lunatic”

It's name-calling, which's a form of bullying.

12 Being babied

It makes you feel like being called a wimp.
It's also abusive to be treated like a baby when you're mature.

13 Working

Working can be stressful, but productive.
It's better than being lazy in bed doing nothing.

It can be exhausting, but you have to do something for a living.

14 Closed Spaces

That's claustrophobia.
The phobia of being unable to escape.

15 Pick-me’s

Obsession with desire of male approval is a serious problem.
It's somewhat sexist.

16 People who are two-faced

Two personalities is just absure.

17 Being touched

Some people want to keep their personal space.

I love getting touched

18 Chihuahuas

They're legit the evilest dogs ever yet people still love them.

19 Idiotic Anti-Furries
20 Racists

racists are below cats... thats crazy

21 Hearing the word “Rizz.”
22 Know It Alls
23 Karens
24 Posers
25 People Who Never Leave You Alone
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