Top Ten Most Powerful Wings of Fire Tribes

The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten

RainWings are by far the most powerful. Their venom burns through flesh and has no cure outside of a relatives venom. There's also the addition of what is basically invisibility. There's not even that much to say outside of that. Even if some RainWings don't prefer use their use their venom (with the exeption of Queen Glory and some other RainWings, like Kinkajou) they also have artificial weapons and darts which they make to use in battle.

If RainWings were willing to fight, they would easily dominate with their venom and basically invisibility. Only SilkWings, NightWings, and maybe LeafWings would have a chance of detecting a camouflaged RainWing. This alone would be powerful enough, but they have venom which they can shoot from a pretty long distance, does severe probably fatal damage, and has no cure except a family member's venom, which other tribes wouldn't have.


This extinct tribe had these abilities:
Like their HiveWing descendants, some BeetleWings had insect-like powers. They might have also had an ability to shoot venom from their fangs, similar to RainWings. They could also spin silk out of their wrists, and had an antennae, they also had some flamesilks. So this tribe had the abilities combining of HiveWings, SilkWings, and mabye one of the abilities RainWings had. So this tribe would probably be 1 if it wasn't extinct, but since it is, RainWings get number 1. BeetleWings are very powerful, and would mabye even defeat RainWings in battle, if it weren't for the camouflage ability, mabye.


SilkWings are next because if you look at the SilkWings in a good way, they can defeat every tribe exept RainWings and BeetleWings. People see SilkWings as weak, but I don't agree with that, first of all they only agreed to be ruled by a HiveWing because they were tricked. So look at my list of steps to see how SilkWings could easily defeat other tribes, below:
1. SilkWings use their attenas and detect attackers coming and make a plan and hide where they best blend.
2. Then when the attackers come they are confused because they can't see the SilkWings
3.In that moment of confusion, all of the SilkWings surrounding their attackers, shoot silk out of their wrists and tie all the dargons toghether and hang them on a web.
4. If any of them tries to escape before they release them, the SilkWings use their flamesilks, to give those who are trying to escape a little burn.

So, as you see, SilkWings can use this technique in attack also, so, they're pretty powerful, right?


SandWings have scales that radiate warmth and are capable of breathing fire. They can camouflage with sand, can sustain themselves on very little food and water, and have good hearing and smell. They are naturally adapted to desert conditions, better at handling heat and a lack of water than any other dragon tribe, but can still be affected by desert conditions. They are built for long flights across the desert without stopping, and they are able to go for days with very little food.
SandWings have venomous barbed tails, similar to scorpion tails. Their venom can kill a full-grown dragon, with how long the death takes depending on how close to the heart the wound is. SandWings do not develop their tail-barb venom until they are around three years old, and as young dragonets, they have a smaller barb that has not fully developed. The cure for SandWing venom is brightsting cactus.


HiveWings have genetic abilities and some don't have abilities at all, but since the abilities some have are very deeadly, they earned their place as 5th. These abilities include deadly stingers extending from their wrists, venom or a paralyzing toxin known as nerve poison in their claws, stingers, or teeth. Boiling acid that can be shot from a stinger on their tail, and emanate a horrible stench said to smell like dead rotting things pickled in sulfur.

HiveWings would probably be first or at least second on this list if all HiveWings had abilities, but we can still see a lot of them do, and they don't just have one kind of venom, they have many kinds, like acid, paralyzing toxin, and painful, deadly venom from their wrist stingers.


The SkyWings are very powerful fighters and fliers, this is stated in the series multiple times, even though there only ability is breathing fire, some are born with firescales which is a very powerful ability and they'd be the wrong tribe to pick fights with. SkyWings are the fastest fliers of any dragon tribe due to their enormous wings and endurance,
and they are built for flying longer distances because of their stamina. SkyWing dragonets also learn to fly at a fairly young age. They are capable of breathing fire and are considered powerful fighters. They can see farther and have better cold resistance than most tribes, excluding IceWings.


IceWings are very unique, as they have unique abilities different from normal dragons as they don't emit fire, and are used to very cold conditions, the reason they're not ranked higher is because that outside of their frostbreath they can be a lot less powerful, and since frostbreath can be "taken away" in hot conditions sometimes, not always, they earned they're place in 7th, because of their sharp claws, sharp eyesight and freezing cold bodies which can shock their enemies. IceWings can withstand subzero temperatures and very bright light.
They have serrated claws for gripping slippery ice, which was described as "ten times sharper than normal claws" and "like getting clawed four times with each claw instead of once" when used offensively. They are also known for having sharper eyesight than the other Pyrrhian dragon tribes, and their scales emit an icy-cold chill, which can freeze tiny drops of water on their bodies. They can also exhale a freezing weapon called frostbreath, also known as "freezing death breath" by the dragonets of destiny.


SeaWings have powerful tails. But the reason they got this low is because water is their only element and outside of water or if they're not near water while fighting, they are usually slow on land, which makes them an easy target. But apart from that they have their tails which make huge waves with one splash of them, which would have their enemies fainted if they don't dodge or run away and they have excellent night vision, so this earned them 8th. SeaWings have gills, exceptional night vision,
and powerful tails which can make huge waves with one splash of them. They are able to breathe and see underwater and use their tails, wings, and webbed talons to swim. Their claws are curved like fishhooks to help them swim, and their tails can be used to batter opponents or create huge waves. SeaWings often ride currents to travel the ocean faster, and they prefer to alternate swimming and flying when traveling long distances. Physical wounds, such as burns, can be healed by ocean water.


NightWings are low. Because their mind-reading and foretelling- future powers are, yes, useful in battle, but they can't read a bunch of minds at once, for example, they could be reading somelse's mind, while someone from behind suddenly attacks them and they don't know, and foretelling the future, could be used to detect if a tribe is about to attack, but the tribe can avoid this by not making too much of a plan, this is shown in Talons of power, and not all of them have these abilites, it depends on how many moons their born under. But other than that they have the ability to breathe fire (which most dragon tribes have) and disappear into dark shadows (which does not help in battle, mabye at night though). NightWings are a nocturnal tribe that can blend into the night sky and shadows. They can also breathe fire, and most modern NightWings have harmful bacteria in their mouths which can poison animals with a single bite. However, it is noted that after searching through the corpses of dead NightWings, there was no venom found in their teeth. They have a strong sense of smell and powerful night vision.
NightWings hatched under one full moon have the power of mind-reading or prophecy, and those hatched under two have both. Dragonets hatched under three full moons will have both of these powers, which have been made stronger by the third moon.


The reason they're so low is because they have close to no abilities, as they can only absorb sunlight energy and have knowledge of plants (which does not help that much in battle), and because only some have leafspeak, and their plants could be destroyed by fire, frostbreath and possibly even venom, yes their knowledge of plants can make an enemy faint, but they can't trick every dragon.

Their only abilities are leafspeak, which few dragons have, and absorbing energy from the sun, which isn't that helpful. They have some knowledge of poisonous plants and insects that might be useful, though.

The Contenders

MudWings are lower than LeafWings, because apart from fire (which can be taken away if it's too warm) they only have super strength, and it's stated in the series many times that MudWings use their strength, not their minds in battle, and if they don't use their minds, they won't know when to dodge or when to strike, obviously, they do use some of their mind in battle, but they are not very intelligent, and rely on their strength, yes, that gives them power, but they need to still be intelligent in battle to be ranked higher, otherwise, with the breathing fire ability, they are still not that powerful. And LeafWings, if they use their intelligence in battle, could defeat MudWings easily, even if they're bigger and stronger.