Strangest Phobias We've Never Heard Of, But Just Might Exist
Dear fellow Toptenners, apologies if you have any of these. Add some bizarre ones of your own if you like.This actually exists! Which is unbelieveable. I love this list, Britgirl! As good as always!
As I'm an introvert, my personality is really hard to predict. No one really knows what type of person I'm actually, not even me.
Well, sometimes I find myself hard to predict.
I have a fear of my looks. :P
Why? I love this website! We're on it right now people!?
Thank goodness I don't suffer. I have many. And a very special one.
Can you imagine screaming and breaking out in boils when these two come on? Me neither!
I love you but can't stand to be around you!
I've a phobia of certain words. Especially the expletives.
I have a phobia of baby talk.
Me: How do you do?
Random Stranger: Rather ill, thank you very much. *Dramatic polite little cough cough* Nice day isn't it?
Me: Why yes kind Mr... Um.. Mr.
Random Stranger: Celeb
Me: AH