Top 10 Signs Someone is a Psychopath
Psychopaths by definition are "people suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior." They are dangerous and you need to be able to tell when you are in the presence of one.
Manipulativeness is arguably the trademark characteristic of a psychopath, in my opinion. They can come off as charming and appear to be nice, good people. It's all smoke and mirrors, of course. Manipulativeness can be honed to such an extent that very few people can see through the illusion of charm and politeness.
Yes, it's the ultimate tool of psychopaths.

Many psychopaths have a tendency to be extremely violent. This may not even be due to a specific trigger, like someone harassing or aggravating them. In fact, psychopaths don't often get violent during fits of rage. Instead, they deploy violence in a very clinical and calculated manner, getting some sort of release from torturing people and animals.

Psychopaths can usually be very calm, but they also struggle with impulses that can lead to bad behavior, ranging from misdemeanors like shoplifting to serious felonies such as murder. A psychopath has to find a gray area between wanting control and the desire to get some form of satisfaction.

It comes naturally to a psychopath to lie. We all know that, but why is that the case? Well, I did some research, and it's partially because they lie so much that it becomes natural to them. It's also because they take pleasure in seeing people buy into their stories. If you believe their lies, it gives them power over you, even if it's to the mildest level.
Too bad their noses can't grow too.

These individuals are extremely egotistical. They have trouble seeing the world through other people's eyes, which is why they lack empathy in the first place. Everything must be the way they want it because they think their way of thinking, acting, and believing is superior to everyone else's. Psychopaths lack the most basic understanding of feelings.

Psychopaths see themselves as better people than they really are. They don't see themselves getting caught anytime soon. Psychopaths blame others for what they have done or caused. They hide their true motivations and project carefully formed personas to emphasize their needs and expectations, zeroing in on people they can use.

They tend to lie in this form all the time. They get so used to hiding big things that they deny even small things they did wrong.

Psychopaths are very secluded and not very emotional. They let others into their lives only if it serves their own betterment. They can pretend to care about your troubles and create the illusion of kinship. This false narrative makes them appear caring and fosters an image of being a good person, which feeds their sense of self-worth.

Psychopaths are very intelligent people. They frequently feed their intelligence by exploring different intellectual areas. This does not have to be academic in nature. Psychopaths can express their thoughts on a wide range of topics, even if they're not experts. They also like to show off their brainpower by using a lot of technical phrases.

Psychopaths don't think about morals like ordinary people do. When young psychopaths stalk people or torture small animals, it is their way of testing whether something they've been told is unacceptable is unacceptable in their eyes. The dog is off the leash with the definitions of right and wrong. When what they say is right is actually wrong to the rest of the world, they believe those who don't agree with what is right or wrong should be punished.
To them, good is bad and bad is good.
The Newcomers

This may seem random, but supposedly if you play or work late into the night, you are more likely to develop the Dark Triad: narcissism, manipulativeness, and psychopathy. It is inferred that people who have the Dark Triad traits developed them because, earlier in time, night was when criminals went out to commit crimes and used the darkness to cover their actions.