Top Ten Weirdest Phobias
These people are scared to death of things like this. I promise you that they are all existent and genuine. What boggles is how they came to be.Which is the weirdest one, though?

Hydrophobia: (I got this from Google) "Word History: Hydrophobia is an older term for the disease rabies, and it means 'fear of water.' The name hydrophobia comes from the fact that animals and people with rabies get spasms in their throat muscles that are so painful that they cannot eat or drink, and so will refuse water despite being very thirsty." I don't have it. I just thought I would share.
Basically, people are scared of those who are scared of water. But are they scared of water themselves? What if they aren't, and hydrophobophobic people are just anticipating? But what if they're right? What if they don't know that they're hydrophobic? Then what? Does it mean they're scared for no reason, or aren't they?

Aren't you just inflicting the fear on yourself then? You're basically causing your own misery.
This would make life quite the nightmare, I imagine.
Rather self-inflicted if you fear fear itself!

Fear of long words... that describes the name. Imagine a person telling this to someone else:
"I have hippopotomonstro..."
"You keep speaking. In the meantime, I'll get a cup of coffee."
Maybe to make it easier, you could've made the phobia name shorter? Or does that seem too much like rocket science?
You might have thought they would give it a shorter name to take the pressure off sufferers.

The fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. This phobia is unusual but can be distressing for those who have it. The fear may stem from a choking or gagging experience in the past or an aversion to sticky textures.
When I was younger, I refused to eat peanut butter and jelly because it stuck to the roof of my mouth. Maybe I had this phobia? Although I don't think I was fearful of it, just mostly annoyed.
Why peanut butter? I know it's very sticky, but what about treacle or golden syrup sticking to the roof of your mouth? How does peanut butter make a difference?

Okay, this is weird. I don't know about the fear of being watched by ducks, but the fear of being watched by owls can be creepy. Have you ever walked through the woods and felt you were being watched?
I've heard about this one. It kinda makes a little bit of sense. Just imagine that somewhere a duck is always watching you eternally... kinda creepy.
Wait, why a duck? Why not something more dangerous like a bear?
AHH! There's a couch! AHH! There's a TV on the wall! AHH! There's a lamp on that table! AHH! The walls are painted blue! Okay, I'm closing my eyes! AHH! It's dark!
How do you get over this fear? That would probably take a long time.
Imagine having Panophobia and Phobophobia! That would be agony!
Aargh. I am me! What do I do?! What will I do next?! Aargh!
That would be unbelievably awkward!
How would you live with yourself?
What are the odds of being in this exact situation?
That is the most oddly specific fear I have ever heard of.
This must be a very interesting phobia to have.

I was born on the 13th, so was my brother, and my favorite celebrity's lucky number is thirteen, and mine is too!
I think this is the devil's lucky number.
Well, thirteen IS an unlucky number...
The Newcomers
The fear of not having your phone or Wi-Fi. This phobia is a relatively new phenomenon caused by the increasing dependence on technology and smartphones.
People with nomophobia may feel anxious, irritable, or panicked when separated from their phones or unable to access the internet.
The fear of clowns. This phobia is one of the most well-known and can be triggered by a negative experience with clowns or their exaggerated appearance and behavior.
It can cause intense fear or anxiety and may also be associated with other phobias, such as fear of masks or fear of crowds.

I have this. Do NOT ever look at a Surinam toad if you have this!

I don't know anyone who has this, honestly.
This is something a Karen would have.
Does this even exist? I love Nintendo!
I have this because my dad gets so mad about this color. It's really horrible.
This is like having a fear of wealth or something.
I read this and then looked to my right, and my lotion bottle was "looking" right at me.
I imagine this would be only slightly easier on the mind than phobophobia.
I feel like this could be a problem for girls, romance lovers, and more...
What if you're a woman and you have this phobia?
It's a shame if the person is female.
Not really weird if you're a vampire like me.
They are so scary! Even scarier than apples!
My favorite color is yellow. I have some unusually serious arachnophobia instead.
Maybe this is because they are also scared of bananas.

Call me a wimp, but I can't stand being around spiders. Being afraid of bugs and arachnids isn't even out of the ordinary when it comes to phobias.
Oh, I have this. I get paranoid about going into a room where I've seen at least one spider.
If I had this, I'd be completely messed up.
I would be nothing if I had this.
Like, wouldn't you die from sleep deprivation?
The fear of knees. People with genophobia may avoid activities that require exposing their knees or seeing others' knees. This phobia may be caused by a traumatic experience involving knees or a learned behavior from someone else.
I think this is a lot weirder than a fear of becoming fat.