Top 10 Most Annoying Things About Insomnia

If anyone responds with a list of cures, ones that work, I will be eternally grateful.
The Top Ten
Tiredness throughout the day, whether you sleep or not

I sometimes feel like I'll drop dead at midday. Agony.

You're so tired you can't do anything. It's horrible.

Inability to concentrate at day when you need it

If you're like me, you try to follow instructions, but you can't concentrate long enough to do it right.

I get that a lot, actually. But the more you do it, the worse it becomes. So annoying, right, Anonymous?

Because you're so bloody tired! Aargh!

Mind wandering

Sometimes I hate the fact that I have a big imagination, especially at night. So I try hard not to think so much and also not to imagine things in my head.

Yeah, I have random role plays going on in my head, along with thoughts I strongly dislike. Also, I'm so excited for June 29!

It's so weird when you can't picture something otherwise simple at 11 p.m. So annoying.

When you suddenly feel hungry
Having it happen night after night

Five nights out of seven. Sunday nights are best because it's the only day I can properly relax. Every other night is hell. I don't know how I've still got a job.


Sometimes, while trying to sleep, I stare at my fan spinning around.

Still awake, P.W.? It's exactly 1:20 a.m., and I CAN'T BLOODY SLEEP! I keep seeing lists and lists and lists. If I don't sleep soon, there'll be enough lists to count! Arrgh... I'm not joking!

Great list, by the way.

Just lying there, awake for hours, just kills you...

On cold nights, when you slowly feel yourself freeze to death
Hot nights, when sweat builds up

It keeps you awake and glues you to the bed. Not pleasant.

Noises become more obvious

Also, the less sleep you get, the more you see and hear things. So therefore, the noises aren't just demon ghosts, they are demon-ghost Justin Bieber werewolves.

It's like the clock in your room you don't otherwise hear, unless it's midnight. Then it sounds like it's played through speakers used at a Metallica concert.

My sister has this CD player she always turns up really loud, so I have to try to sleep through Kidz Bop blaring from her room, which is right next to mine.


I'm being serious now. This is the very WORST thing. The headaches are insane! You just lie awake while your head is thumping, and all you want to do is nod off! An irritating rating of 10/10 for the headaches.

The Newcomers

? Feeling sick
? Frustration
The Contenders
Falling asleep at 6am

It's misery! You finally doze off, feeling so good, just to wake up to an alarm clock and realize you have to go to school.

Finally, you drift off, and then the alarm clock squeals into your ears. Insomnia is clearly a form of torture.

When you finally run out of ways to distract yourself and everything is scary

That moment when you finally make yourself attempt to sleep, but then everything is a murder.

When you can't tell whether or not you are asleep

Since your mind is still wandering and racing around, you daze off into space and are sort of half-awake.

When you wake up and feel like you can't get up

This is one of the most relatable lists on here.

When you have a song stuck in your head
You feel like you have to pee but don't

Oh wow, other people feel like this too?

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