Top 10 Best Things to Do to Help Deal with Depression
As a person who suffers from it himself I know how it feel and I want to help.Sometimes I start to feel really unhappy, but I always try to overcome it. It doesn't always work, but as long as I try, I feel like I'll be okay.
"Professional help" is not a school guidance counselor or psychologist. To actively get depression treated, you should go to an actual neurologist that can provide medication which will help you control it and seek happiness.
This is true. You're not alone. You're never alone. I always feel alone, but I realize that so many others are going through the same hardships that I go through every day.
I know that there are people who care about me, even when I feel unloved. So please, don't commit suicide, even if you feel rejected, because there are people who care about you and love you.
You are not the only one feeling these things. Everyone goes through it.
Easier said than done. Once you do it once, it feels like it's near impossible to stop. But you CAN stop. I believe in every single one of you beautiful people out there. Please, don't give up, and get help. Your life will be so much better.
Self-harm does nothing. It is a temporary fix that just leads to more pain later.
My depression is a gentleman. He taps me on the shoulder when I'm not occupied and says (in a British accent), "Oh, I see that you're not doing anything. Here, worry about everything and think horrible things to fill your time." Of course, this is personification, but that's basically what happens. And it's not fun.
You really should keep yourself occupied. Read a book, draw, let out your anger by shouting at dragons in Skyrim, anything really.
I struggled with depression, going to the gym helped me stay busy. When I wasn't at school, I was at the gym, because naturally it makes you feel good and helps relieve stress.
People see me as so unemotional. I don't cry often in public. But the truth is, I cry myself to sleep every night.
A woman I know once told me, "You're not trapped in this moment forever. A lot of girls feel like they're trapped in an eternity of pain and depression, but they're not. You're just in one tiny blip of the rest of your life. There's hope, so just hold on a little longer."
The Newcomers
Although it depends because then it could make someone more depressed.

I often feel like no one loves me. But I know it's not true.