Top 10 Most Evil Companies of All Time
Corporations are a major force in our world. They create our favorite products, shape the way we communicate, and provide jobs and income for millions around the globe. Ideally, they use their immense power to make the world better. Unfortunately, that's not always the case.History is full of companies that have made decisions driven by unbridled greed and startling disregard for human life or environmental wellbeing. Some of these companies were held accountable (to some extent, at least), while others continue to operate with shocking impunity.
Whether they're poisoning the environment, exploiting workers, or engaging in shady business tactics, there are a lot of corporations out there with a lot to answer for. But which ones are the worst offenders?
What needs to be said, except how are they not number one? Formed at the start of the last century, they are still going strong, even after producing PCBs and dioxin, and greatly affecting war veterans and Vietnamese children. They had to radically transform to survive toward the end of the century. You start to see that "justice" must be a joke.
Monsanto is a corporation known to falsify reports in order to obtain approval for whatever they are currently manufacturing. They did so with Agent Orange and PCBs, so it can evidently be surmised that they probably also did so with the GMO reports they submitted to the FDA for approval. However, they have not yet been caught, so it cannot be proven yet.

They made commercials in poor countries where water quality is bad, promoting their products and tricking women into stopping breastfeeding.
Some were also tricked into feeding their babies with formula mixed with bad-quality water or Coca-Cola. To do this to babies is the most evil thing I can think of!
These people have no soul. Ask the poor people of Flint who fell victim to their greed. They will steal your water and sell it back to you, then try to get taxpayers to pay for a water plant to solve their legal problems. It all backfired, and they poisoned the citizens of Flint. To look like the good guys, they handed out water.

Apple is one of the greediest companies there is. If you buy an Apple phone, you also have to buy an Apple charger, Apple cords, Apple headphones, Apple adapters, Apple phone cases, etc.
For the longest time, you couldn't even change the battery. YOU HAD TO BUY A NEW PHONE! The worst possible scenario for the environment!
They've done some pretty petty corporate practices, like slowing down their older models. My mom told me that her iPhone 8 is extremely slow now. I think by next year I'll have to replace my iPhone XS with an iPhone 14 to maximize the amount of time I have before Apple makes my phone slow as sht.

They let children buy stuffed bears.
The biggest problem arose in July 2018 when they set up a promotion called Pay Your Age. In this promotion, kids and parents could buy a stuffed bear at a steep discount. When the event took place, people formed incredibly long lines, stretching a mile long in some stores.
In some locations, people waited in line for over nine hours just to get stuffed bears. Chaos, fighting, and riots ensued. After all those hours, the company shut the event down, leaving everyone disappointed.
Who would want to waste so much of their day waiting to get a bear, only to be let down? It was essentially Black Friday all over again. The workshop tried to make amends, but the complaints persisted, and people will never forget.

Birds remain covered in oil to this day. Did they clean up their mess? Only until people stopped watching closely. Then it's back to business as usual, with dubious ethics and safeguards against their product's effect on the world we all live in.

One of the biggest employers in the USA, and they still can't pay their employees a living wage. How can someone who has a job be on food stamps, be homeless, not be able to get healthcare, or not afford to eat enough each day IN A DEVELOPED NATION?!
It's absurd. It shouldn't be reality, BUT IT IS! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Or else it's a genocide on the poor! AN ACTUAL GENOCIDE!

It's almost like they're competing to be the most evil on purpose. They torture animals, take far too long for callbacks when they know they're selling contaminated food - resulting in children dying - and pass off garbage as 'healthy food.' For instance, salads often contain more calories than their burgers. They also pump their meat full of antibiotics.
The sad thing is, I could go on for a long time. I'm not an activist. McDonald's is the only company I actually boycott.
I've worked at McDonald's for half a year. I just recently quit, and I can say my experience was awful. It was terrible. Quite honestly, I'm never working fast food again, under any circumstances.
Dow Chemical is the parent company of Union Carbide, the corporation responsible for the Bhopal Gas Tragedy that exposed nearly 500,000 people to toxic gases. It was the biggest industrial disaster, and they paid $0.00 in compensation.
The CEO responsible escaped from India to his home country, the USA, and could never be extradited to face trial in India due to his lobbying efforts in the US. He's dead now and is probably serving time in hell.
What does Dow Chemical have to do with Dracula? The former was established in 1897, while the latter has been stuck in copyright limbo since 1897, thanks to Bram Stoker. And they both suck!
Horrible internet service provider. Xfinity is terrible. You pay $300 a month, and they still won't let you skip the 4-6 ads they play on demand.
Outrageous prices! I paid $10 more than I would have for Verizon. Their voice remote doesn't work right.
They price-gouge customers and offer extremely poor customer service.
The Newcomers

On vacation, just past the ticket gate at Universal Parks Orlando, a strange woman with a Universal tag approached my two children, ignoring us parents, and said to my children, "You've won, isn't that great? So give us your full name and address," which she entered into her tablet.
I said, "Hold on, what did they win?" The answer: nothing. But apparently, "isn't it great that they can tell their name and address to her?" It felt like high pressure. She managed to get one child's name but not our address.
This was scary and perhaps targeted. Universal Parks Orlando is a dangerous place for children. As we know, teach your children to never give strangers their name and address, even if they're workers at Universal Parks Orlando. Are they child traffickers?

They've had several scandals about how they treat their employees and have had disputes with other game companies.
They harass their female employees and have ruined their reputation since 2018.
They sold the chemicals used to kill Jews to the Nazis and now own Monsanto.
Remember, they own Monsanto. Together, they first make you sick, and then treat you, making money by selling you aspirin.

They don't care about their workers. Employees are forced to work while sick and injured. They're forced to work faster than what is safe, leading to injuries, and they aren't allowed to call for an ambulance.
Amazon also hinders employees from joining unions. They even flooded a protest area with tons of water during freezing temperatures!
They are really bad. Not only do they exploit massive amounts of your data, but they also charge insane prices for services like AWS. Amazon is just terrible overall.

In the past decade, they have changed their business model to focus on microtransactions. These are after-sales purchases meant to provide extra enjoyment or value. Their games have evolved accordingly, transitioning from titles based on cutting-edge graphics and development to games designed to entice players into making these microtransactions.
EA's flagship FIFA series is a prime example. The core gameplay has been heavily scripted to frustrate gamers into spending money to improve their teams. This is done via a virtual slot machine, where the gamer has no idea what they will receive in return for their money. Much like any casino, they often offer special deals and freebies for logging in each day - EA's version of the free buffet.
This is a company that is grooming children for an online gambling habit. They are the Big Tobacco of the 21st century.

They are a monopoly. They buy up everything, which makes everything worse, and they treat their employees terribly.
There are supposedly laws against monopolies, but Google has still managed to become one and is still growing bigger.
It's always the same: "Power corrupts," and you know the rest. For years now, Google has been filtering out and stifling conservative opinion while promoting progressive opinions through its search results. Anyone who thinks Google is providing them with an unbiased source of information is sadly mistaken.
I don't care if you are on the left or the right. Don't you think you should at least be able to make up your own mind by seeing an unbiased list of search results?

They're the reason why Nickelodeon, MTV, VH1, and many other television networks are so bad. They're a multimillion- or multibillion-dollar company that manipulates smaller networks into being taken over. They really don't care about people's entertainment - at least, I don't think that was their mission until recently. They care about money!
And it's not just TV networks. This goes for online services and maybe even technology! Just look at what they did to Neopets! They're a corporation that must be stopped, and we need to talk about them more in order to stop them. But until then, they'll keep ruining our entertainment, and with all the money in their pockets, it's nearly impossible to stop them.
The Rothschilds are controlling the whole world economy, and they are part of the Illuminati. It's no surprise why this organization is one of the most evil.
These people are responsible for every searing migraine I've had due to bad programs or horrible standardized tests. Burn in hell, Pearson. I still finished, even though you didn't want me to.
Go to hell, you ugly people! Eliminate standardized testing from schools. Stop killing individuality!
Standardized testing is not a good way for students to learn. Not very evil, but not so good either.

They buy stories from all over the world, even steal stories, and claim that they are original. They make these stories worse and claim they have the sole rights to them, even if someone else was first and still has ownership.
Disney has made more bad movies than any other movie company. Seriously, they ruin everything they get their hands on. Star Wars? Down the drain. Pixar? An exclusive sequel producer. Disneytoons? Destroyed. Disneynature? Starting to become oversaturated and soon to be wrecked.
They can't even keep their greedy hands off their classics by remaking all of them! They didn't produce a single original movie in 2018. Disney is lucky that all but two of their releases that year were rated fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. Almost all of their movies are remakes, sequels, prequels, spin-offs, or based on other media. Don't even get me started on the fact that they have 11 theme parks. They also sell, like, a billion toys everywhere. I'm honestly just holding out hope they don't ruin Marvel.
Questionable history, including Rockefeller and the CIA after WWII, which is a documented fact.
Some Chase employees believe they were part of the JFK assassination, believe it or not.

An oil and plastic company that's spread lies about how oil and plastic affect the environment. They are one of the biggest producers and biggest contributors to pollution in the world. The world is dying because of them.
Exxon Mobil probably deserves one of the top spots. The company exploits the Earth's resources at any cost and shows no remorse for oil spills and the ecological damage they cause.

It's not about providing good service or even about paying their employees a fair wage. It's about collecting data to resell, buying out competitors, destroying unions, providing golden parachutes for upper management, and barely appeasing OSHA and the FCC. No matter who you are, you are disposable, and unless you're a lawyer, you don't stand a chance.
Overworks employees, sets unrealistic quotas for them to meet, dehumanizes employees and their families, and creates schedules that do not allow for family time.
Largest owner and operator of private prisons and detention centers in the US. Has lobbyists promote laws that lead to higher incarceration and immigration policies that result in mass detention. This is a direct quote from its disclosure to investors:
"The demand for our facilities and services could be adversely affected by the relaxation of enforcement efforts, leniency in conviction or parole standards and sentencing practices or through the decriminalization of certain activities that are currently proscribed by our criminal laws. For instance, any changes with respect to drugs and controlled substances or illegal immigration could affect the number of persons arrested, convicted, and sentenced, thereby potentially reducing demand for correctional facilities to house them."

LuLaRoe is a horrendous pyramid scheme that, although only several years old, has proven itself nearly as evil as Amway and Herbalife. The 2017 lawsuit should have been the nail in the coffin, but their brainwashed "distributors" are what keep the company alive.
The fact that you have to pay up to $6,000 before joining speaks volumes about this awful company.
Not to mention that it's literally classified as a pyramid scheme by the Direct Selling Association, a questionable group that counts numerous MLMs (including Amway and Herbalife) among its members. You know your company is doing something wrong when even literal Amway supporters can tell that it is a scam.