Best Actors Who Have Portrayed James Bond In EON Productions' Films
These are the greatest actors who have portrayed James Bond 007 in official EON Productions' James Bond films. Non-EON Productions films do not count.
It's a very close battle between Sir Sean Connery and Roger Moore... but Sean wins it, with Roger happily at second.
The name is Bond... James Bond... and Sean Connery is the actor who played him best.
So smooth, suave, and sexy, with a smoldering voice!

The longer and more dynamic action packed films, with the best inventions, showcased his style. His acting is full of irony and sarcasm, which made him very unique.
Roger Moore's OK, but his films let him down. The storylines seem very repetitive, and the campiness can get tiresome.
Roger Moore is the funniest out of them all.

Daniel Craig is the first Bond who brought lots of profits to EON Productions, and he is the best Bond ever for them.

It's such a shame Timothy Dalton only did two films as James Bond because his interpretation of the iconic character was fantastic. His portrayal was much more realistic. James Bond is not just a womanizer, but an assassin, and Timothy Dalton embodied this brilliantly.
Although his films were undoubtedly not the greatest of the franchise, his performance was the true highlight for me. He's definitely the best James Bond in terms of his interpretation and how he sees the character.
Timothy Dalton and Daniel Craig are always switching for me, but Dalton is the most realistic. I think he looks the most like a spy.

Pierce Brosnan, definitely! He gave the James Bond character and movies drama. His acting was exciting! He is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there will ever be as James Bond.
The whole package. Brosnan had everything you could ask for in the character: looks, charisma, sense of humor, and he was very decent when it came to action.
He was the coolest Bond ever. Also, the Bond I first saw when I was little.

I think George Lazenby was fantastic! His movie On Her Majesty's Secret Service is my second favorite Bond film. George Lazenby had it all - charm, humor, and the likeness of James Bond. I wish he had done more than one movie.
Wasted potential.