Top 10 Best American Girl Movies

The Top Ten
An American Girl: Isabelle Dances into the Spotlight

This movie is very interesting. Isabelle is a great character. I know almost everything about this movie. Just ask me. Ballet is one of my favorite.

The whole idea of her dancing gave the movie an extra touch of fun.

An American Girl: McKenna Shoots for the Stars

I LOVE this one! I think it's my favorite. Why? Because it's so inspiring.

An American Girl: Saige Paints the Sky

Saige Paints the Sky is my favorite American Girl movie! I love to paint. I couldn't imagine school without art.

Art is my favorite thing in the whole world. Who doesn't like art?

It was worthy of existing. It even had uptempo songs and shows you the talent of art.

An American Girl: Chrissa Stands Strong

I adore this movie so much. It's so cute and it addresses a serious topic: Bullying.

Powerful, bold, and motivating. My sister would've probably loved it.

An American Girl: Grace Stirs Up Success

Another movie about a great retired character. Yet it's still in our memories since the actress Olivia Rodrigo is still trending in the mainstream.

Grace is the best American Girl movie ever! I like how Grace goes on a vacation to Paris, France, her uncle teaching her how to bake correctly, Grace and her used-to-be mean but now nice cousin dancing to Grace's song, and Grace being confident at her baking show. I LOVE THAT AMERICAN GIRL MOVIE!

An American Girl: Kit Kittredge
An American Girl: Samantha Holiday

Pretty much the best of all the character movie adaptations. It has the perfect score and story along with great acting and dialogue. And it was great to have it as a Christmas movie.

Plus, it was the first movie in this franchise. And it is based off of AG's signature character. I can see why my sister loved AG and the movies. Perfect to watch along with Home Alone 1 and 2.

This was really the most iconic film on here and helped start this film franchise. After all, Samantha's the reigning American Girl queen.

An American Girl: Aloha Kanani

It's certainly underrated for the most part.

An American Girl: Felicity Adventure

Truly classical and fresh. My sister watched it multiple times as well.

An American Girl: Molly On the Homefront

It was a great movie for the franchise and my sister loved it too. It deserves second place.

The Contenders
An American Girl: Lea to the Rescue
An American Girl: Corinne Tan

It was actually great. Too bad it had to be released by Amazon instead of being released on HBO Max and Cartoon Network (though Cartoon Network should never have aired live-action content at all).

An American Girl Story: Summer Camp, Friends for Life

Good for the summer of people watching American Girl films. A good title and story.

An American Girl Story: Ivy & Julie 1976 - A Happy Balance

It teaches you to have a balance in life. Great lesson.

An American Girl Story: Maryellen 1955 - Extraordinary Christmas
An American Girl Story: Melody 1963 - Love Has to Win

It was reasonably good and told history. Very valuable to learn.

An American Girl: Really Truly Ruthie Friendship
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