Top 10 Failed Predictions from Back to the Future Part 2

The Top Ten
1 Flying cars everywhere

I was really looking forward to this when I was younger. Now I kind of gave up.

They do exist they are just not everywhere

2 Hoverboards everywhere

But they do at least exist, give them some credit

They do exist, they're just not everywhere.

3 Clothing

Yeah. 'Cause we all know that cloths aren't going to become a thing in the future. Right?

4 Laserdiscs
5 People working out while they eat

Some people do that

6 Phone booths

I'm pretty sure these are an endangered species.

7 Queen Diana
8 Thumbprint currency and keys
9 The Cubs at the World Series

It was rather slightly inaccurate. The movie predicted that Chicago Cubs winning the World Cup in 2015. In reality, the Cubs did win the next year.

How is this a failed prediction? (Never mind it's not anymore)

It hasn't failed yet. Don't stop believin'.

10 Food hydrators
The Contenders
11 Good music
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