Top 10 Best Movie Trilogies of All Time

What makes a movie trilogy unforgettable? Is it the way a series pulls you into its world, the journey of its characters, or how each installment adds layers to the story you didn't see coming? Some trilogies manage to do all this and more, turning a single narrative into a lasting legacy. A few have set the bar so high, they've become the standard by which all other trilogies are judged, while others have earned their place through sheer creativity, pioneering concepts, or just an undeniable cool factor.
The Top Ten
The Lord of the Rings

I can't stand the people who say Lord of the Rings is too long and that it's only about people walking for hours. First of all, there are plenty of movies in the world that are almost three hours long, and many of them are acclaimed and considered classics.

People who say Lord of the Rings is boring obviously have a very short attention span and can only watch movies with action in every scene. This trilogy is absolutely beautiful in every scene. The soundtrack is the most moving music I've ever heard in my life.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Star Wars and The Dark Knight and all the other amazing trilogies, but Lord of the Rings will always be the best (in my eyes).

Star Wars

The trilogy. Credit for establishing the formula for all trilogies that followed: establishing the world in a straightforward adventure, further developing the characters and going dark in the middle, and rounding everything out by returning to the beginning in the finale.

People always deduct points for Jedi (because of the Ewoks, I guess), but it's a fantastic closing act. The opening act with Jabba, Leia's slave outfit (I mean, come on), the speeder chase, that epic confrontation between Luke and the Emperor, the masterful triple-thread ending, and the ultimate redemption of Darth Vader. It's the most moving and emotional installment of the series, and who doesn't love to root for the underdogs of nature taking on and toppling the imperialistic oppressors, even if the underdogs are an army of teddy bears?

The Dark Knight

I was going to vote for The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, but as you can see, the books are the trilogy, so all the director had to do was put them into movies. And with Star Wars, either 4-6 or 1-3, there are some flaws that you realize over time.

The Dark Knight trilogy had a lot of material to work with because of the comics, but they were well made, and there is consistency between them, although the comics are numerous and diverse. It was a close call with Back to the Future, although the second movie of Back to the Future was the one that messed it all up.

Toy Story

The first film is a legend. The second expanded the universe of toys without missing the rhythm, and the third was brilliant with a surprise ending. The feeling that Andy is growing, and the fear of the toys of being rejected, only becomes more real as the Toy Story series advances, reaching its peak in the third film.

Toy Story is a saga that has no lows and did not suffer from the curse of the "second or third bad movie" that all other trilogies suffered. Seriously, people, let's admit it: Toy Story is the best trilogy of all time.

Indiana Jones

The first three movies are some of the most adrenaline-rushing films of all time, with the third being the best.

The first three were great! But the fourth one... just no.

Yes, there are only three of them.

Back to the Future

All three movies were good. Most consider the first one the best, but I think the second one was the best. I enjoyed the first one and think it's great, but I prefer the second one more.

Personally, I didn't enjoy the third movie as much, but it was still a good film nonetheless. 8/10.

Brilliant movie series with great acting, a solid plot with no holes (thinking about it will make your head spin), an awesome future in Part II, hilarious jokes, extremely quotable lines, and full of creativity.

Jeez, I really want that hoverboard. And Power Lace Nikes. And a size-adjustable and auto-drying jacket.

The Godfather

Ranking The Godfather at number 7 is a joke. The six movies ahead are phony. The Godfather Part 1 and Part 2 are among the greatest movies of all time, while Part 3, The Death of Michael Corleone, is average. Just imagine if Part 1 and Part 2 were never made. I wouldn't buy Part 3 if it were the only Godfather film made. Still, I think Part 3 is better than many movies made today.

The Godfather is about family and the mafia, not fake stuff that will never happen. The Godfather films are more realistic, not about fairies or superheroes for kids. These films are about life as adults. Even Sofia Coppola can do a better job as an actress in movies than those on this list. People say she ruined Part 3, but I can still watch it over this list. The only trilogy I own is The Godfather.

All the nerds can stick with Batman, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars. The Godfather films boast the greatest actors of all time, including Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, and other big stars. The Godfather trilogy is the best.


I'm the ONLY one who saw the Spider-Man trilogy as a fantastic imagining of him (excluding the emo Parker). I grew up with these masterpieces and am still enjoying the trilogy for what they are.

Also, I just want to point out that this trilogy is 1000 times better than Amazing Spider-Man, and I prefer not to talk about those abominations.

The first two are good, but the third one stinks so bad.

Spider-Man 3 is just as good as The Dark terms of entertainment for a superhero movie

The Bourne Trilogy

Perfectly paced and choreographed with dark underlying themes regarding the growing and ubiquitous national security state, as well as tremendous acting with great talents such as Matt Damon, Joan Allen, and Brian Cox.

This trilogy revolutionized the spy genre.

The movie with action that breaks your screen.

The Matrix

I don't see why so many people hate Reloaded and Revolutions. I love the full trilogy so much.

Reloaded is my favorite, but all of it is really amazing.

The first Matrix is my most favorite movie. However, trilogy-wise, the other two aren't anywhere near as great.

This is a top 10 movie trilogy, though.

The greatest action and sci-fi trilogy ever created. Keanu Reeves was born for that role. It's just fate.

The Newcomers

? Spider-man Home Trilogy
? A Christmas Prince
The Contenders
Captain America Trilogy

This series just kept getting better, movie after movie. It concluded with perhaps the best cinematic experience in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and laid the foundation for Marvel's third phase with Captain America: Civil War.

Each movie has been met with near-universal critical acclaim and has proved at the box office that it can be loved by both critics and audience members alike.

Why is this below the Star Wars prequels? This trilogy is WITHOUT FLAW! I don't know how Jurassic Park, Godfather, and Dark Knight, that at best have 2 and at worst 1 fantastic movie in them, all beat out this trilogy. This trilogy has three damn incredible movies contained within.

Pirates of the Caribbean

Undeniably, the first movie was the best. However, the two following movies connected to the first with more adventure, more action, returning characters, and of course, more humor.

The trilogy is very fun and entertaining and makes me want to live like a pirate! What's that? Fourth movie? I have no idea what you're talking about.

How is this only 20th? It's the best thing Disney has ever produced. We have an eccentric genius pirate who is completely fun to watch because Jack Sparrow does whatever suits the current situation and doesn't have a real purpose as a protagonist (except for getting his crew back in the first movie).

But still, he has the biggest impact on everybody that does have a purpose, such as Elizabeth Swann, Will Turner, Barbossa, etc., who all had major character development because of Jack.

Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy

Are you kidding me?! 19?! Sure, it doesn't match up to Lord of the Rings or Batman, but seriously, this is as good as comedy can possibly get!

Shaun of the Dead? A zom-rom-com masterpiece. Hot Fuzz? The best action-comedy movie ever, masterpiece. The World's End? Darker and deeper than the others, but still hilarious! The best movie about a midlife crisis, masterpiece. This needs to be at least in the top 8.

It's three flavors for each film, so heck yeah!

The collaborative effort of Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, and Nick Frost.

The Terminator

The Terminator should be a lot higher! It's an amazing trilogy!

It has good characters, mind-blowing action scenes, and a great soundtrack as well.

James Cameron's mind-blowing stories about the future.

The first two were great. However, T3 sucked.

The Dollars Trilogy

The trilogy that gets better and better. Fistful is perfection. Its only flaw is that it's a remake.

Then For a Few Dollars More came along, a perfect film in every way. In fact, the only way The Good, the Bad & the Ugly beat it was with its epic scope and the way the anti-heroes don't seem like criminals because of the backdrop displaying the horrors of war.

The Dollars Trilogy has to be number one. If I were stranded on a desert island and could only pick one trilogy, this would be it.

Eastwood and Leone at the height of their powers. Awesome trilogy. It has to be the best of all time.

Star Wars Prequel Trilogy

I watched these movies. I loved them. Then, to my surprise, I discovered people hated them, reviled them with a passion. I was shocked. How could anyone hate movies this fun?

These films were a milestone in cinematic history. Without them, we wouldn't have cinematic universes. The prequels practically invented the concept of the cinematic universe. MCU fans owe a lot to the prequel trilogy. While some may disagree, the films are still fun to watch.

The trilogy that puts more focus on Anakin Skywalker, who, in the spectacular Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, transforms into Darth Vader.


The Last Stand is actually a really damn good movie. It has flaws, sure, but the good stuff it has far outweighs the bad. Also, the first two are great, but everyone already knows that. (Lord of the Rings is still the best trilogy, by the way).

Men In Black

They have what, three very well-made movies! Great, in my opinion. Men in Black deserves a better spot than this. This series always kept giving what you wanted to see, such as aliens, comedy, Will Smith, action, sci-fi guns, and a great adventure that you need to see again and again, all 1-3 movies!

Jurassic Park

The Jurassic Park Trilogy is one of the biggest movie trilogies in the world. Michael Crichton created the idea for Jurassic Park through storytelling and sheer creativity. He came up with the Jurassic Park story because he was thinking about dinosaurs and DNA. He created an inconceivably amazing story for all three Jurassic Park movies.

The artistry and filmmaking were just mind-blowing. The representation of the dinosaurs was amazing. The vocals for all of the dinosaurs are just as amazing. The color design of the dinosaurs and the texture of their skin are just as amazing as the performance of all the dinosaurs. Personally, the Jurassic Park trilogy is my favorite movie trilogy because of the authenticity of the acting, the dinosaur performances, and the authenticity in all of the dinosaurs' appearances.

Iron Man
The Hobbit

The Hobbit should really be higher on the list. It's my favorite movie trilogy next to Lord of the Rings, and this is the prequel to Lord of the Rings!

Yes, it might have worked better if it had only been two movies, but they're all great. It doesn't really match the book, but it has its own little storyline. I love how they connected LOTR and The Hobbit. Legolas is again a great character, and even though J.R.R. Tolkien didn't create her, Tauriel is too.

Who cares about CGI and going off the book topics. The Hobbit Trilogy is just amazing.

It may not beat Lord of the Rings, but it started it. Epic battles and you get really attached to the characters.

Evil Dead

Up there with Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, and LOTR.

Mission Impossible
Harry Potter

A trilogy that allows you to transcend into a magical and mystical world, the most interesting and original trilogy by far.

Harry Potter is great! Such surprising events!

This should be way higher on the list!

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