Top 10 Best Planet of the Apes Movies

For the time period, it was really revolutionary.
They say my hometown in this movie: "Jefferson School, Fort Wayne, Indiana."
What's with the "hoo hoo ha haing"?

This one is amazing. In my opinion, it's even better than First Class.
I haven't seen Dawn or War yet, but so far, this one is my favorite.
Can't wait to see the next one in 2014.

For now, this should be number 1. The reason I said "for now" is because there's a new Planet of the Apes movie coming soon.
Dawn and Rise of the Planet of the Apes are doing well. The least successful are Escape and Conquest. Interesting!
What? This is the best of the entire trilogy!

It's not out yet, but based on the first two, this one should be great.

This movie had to be here in order to at least make a top 9 list.