Top 10 Reasons to Hate The Legend of the Titanic

The Top Ten
1 It is Disrespectful to The People who Died on The Titanic

I have to laugh at everyone who gets their knickers in a twist over the three Titanic cartoon movies. One of them I saw in the dvds in Poundland. Three movies that are probably not very known. (How many people know the sequel to The Legend of the Titanic, when they go to the under sea city) It was silly the rapping dog, but was everyone saved like the Octopus saved everyone in The Legend of the Titanic? They wont make any movies over any other world disaster, these were just odd cartoon movies because people liked to make Titanic movies way before the 1997 Jack and Rose.

They should make a fourth Titanic cartoon that does not have a fairy tale ending.
One where there is no talking animals.
It sinks and its about who died, who survived.
Those who survived and went onto Carpathia do not get a fairy tale ending that would make it get a horrified reaction but maybe not as much as the first three.

2 It makes No Sense at All

The fairytale get your knickers in a twist that you'll probably find it in the bargain bin.

3 It Exists

I had never even known there was a cartoon Titanic until I saw the DVD in Poundland.

Titanic itself is awful and garbage and has to be one of the worst films ever.

This is FAR MORE AWFUL but I haven the finished watching it because I don't EveN BOTHER!

4 It has a Sequel

People are very timid cry babies being over offended with ridiculous kids movies.

They even made an animated movie with a rapping dog.

5 Never Explained why The Humans can Talk to Animals
6 It's Made for Kids

How about making an animated Titanic movie where the ship sinks and there is no happily ever after in New York.

7 It gives Italians a Bad Name

It's a comedy even if Titanic was a terrible disaster.
I have read the plot on Wikipedia the woman doesn't want to marry the man with it being an arranged marriage, the step mother is outraged and the step mother with the man the step mother wanted her to marry send for sea creatures to sink it.
I wouldn't watch it but its made for little ones and sounds comical.
The second one Titanic The Legend Goes On sounds more like the 1997 movie because people did die in that cartoon.

I'm Italian and I feel like this is really embarrassing. We don't make good animated movies, but this is like, Disney rip offs at its worst. I feel embarrassed to say I come from the same country as the child-hating man who wrote this.

8 Has Bad Animation

Ever read Jack Chicks Titanic Tract, obviously the guy at the end goes to hell with no face God. But the iceberg looks stupid.

9 It's Insulting to History

Its an overreaction to a cartoon Titanic with a fairytale ending...and they all lived happily ever after.

10 It's Inaccurate

I feel like this pathetic excuse for a "production company" is at work on "9/11: The true story", which features a bunch of hamsters killing bin Laden, everyone surviving, and all of the would-be victims singing "Why should I worry? " Spoiler: they're all saved by the magic belugas from SeaWorld (SCREW GEOGRAPHY, right? ) and the film ends with everyone dancing to a Duran Duran song. Just because they can. And anyone who says the Twin Towers were destroyed is a lying idiot who has no idea about actual history.
"The Legend of the Holocaust", where Anne frank survives (with the help of mice who are pretty much Jesus), marries the king of the Netherlands and becomes a children's book author. Oh, and Miep Gies becomes an award-winning composer who wrote the score for most Disney movies. The musical number: "How bad can I be? " from the Lorax, sung by Adolf Hitler, and "Let it Go", just 'cause.

Movies 1912 - Saved from The Titanic, La hantise, In Nacht und Eis, 1929 - Atlantic, 1933 - Cavalcade, 1943 - Titanic, 1953 - Titanic, 1958 - A Night To Remember, 1964 - The Unsinkable Molly Brown, 1980 - Raise the Titanic, 1992 - Titanica. Please don't get your knickers in a twist over a cartoon movie, they have been making movies since one Co-Written and starring a Titanic Survivor in 1912. You won't see cartoon movies about 9/11 and Holocaust.

Are you being sarcastic? They would never make animated movies about any of those.
Yes I know everyone survived a historical disaster In The Legend of The Titanic and they made a silly sequel where they end up in Atlantis. But this movie was also about the romance of the main characters.

They made a handheld game.

The Contenders
11 It says Evil Jailer Sharks are The Ones who Sunk the Titanic and Not the Iceberg

So? Also something else that never happened was a giant octopus saved everyones life and they lived happily ever after.

12 It's Insulting to Animal Activists
13 It's Insulting to Kid's Intelligence

Creationism the movie directed by Ken Ham.

14 Nobody on the Titanic died in This Film
15 It Rots your Brain

It was made to get your knickers in a twist, overreaction to all three Titanic animated movies.

16 It's the Worst Thing to Come Out of Italy since Mussolini
17 The Dialogue

Mouse 1: I hate to break it to you, but you're a mouse, and she's a human.
Mouse 2: Well, there's one thing I'm not, and that's a racist.

THERE YOU HAVE IT. Opposing a mouse+woman relationship is on the same level of the KKK.

Its just a stupid film that not many people have even heard of. I didn't even know cartoon Titanic films existed till I saw one in the bargain shop once.

18 It says that a Giant Octopus with a Dog's Face helped sink the Titanic

1. Everyone's lives were saved, did the movie makers forget what the history of the Titanic was?
2.Why didn't someone show the animator a photograph of an octopus.

19 A Rip Off of the 1997 Film
20 Made to Not Scare Small Kids
21 It Has a Handheld Game
22 There's an Octopus with a Dog Nose
23 Being Rebuilt in a Lost City is a Stupid Joke
24 It Has Three Movies; First the Boat Sank, Second Octopus, Third Lost City.
25 It Has Bad Editing
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