Top 10 Worst Shark Movies
The classic Jaws, the wild Sharknado movies, and other Hollywood films involving sharks are generally enjoyable. However, the movies on this list don't quite measure up.
This isn't only the worst shark movie ever. This is the worst film ever made. At no point in this incoherent mess was there a single redeemable quality. This is the only film I've ever seen that gets a 0/10. How did we go from the masterpiece that was Jaws to this atrocity? Also, SHARKS CAN'T ROAR.
The last of the Jaws movies turns into a downfall, and there's no way to explain how bad it really is. The worst part is the horrible design of the shark that gets stabbed by a boat. I'll just stick with the first Jaws movie from now on.

The only good thing I liked about this movie was the kills. The CGI, for a movie made around 2012, looked severely outdated.
I can't tell if this movie was intended to be cheesy and corny.
Talk about the Snookis, the meatheads, and the guidos. Talk about the god-awful show Jersey Shore, but this terrible shark movie stings like you're trapped in a tanning bed. Plus, those sharks are damn ugly, by the way.
The story is dumb, the special effects are stupid, and this movie sucks in every way.

Worst puns in the movie, awful shark design, and... what's this? A CGI fighting tank with four legs that can defeat the shark? Seriously? The director and the producers who made this must be high on meth.

Sharks that can travel under sand as well as underwater may sound good, but not with Brooke Hogan on the spot and mimicking Tremors.

An interesting concept for a shark, but the way it was executed made the movie fail. I believe 3-Headed and 5-Headed are the best out of all of these.
Maybe it's unique to have a shark with two heads, but it's still an awful movie. Why would you cast bimbos like Carmen Electra and Brooke Hogan in this movie? They can't act, and we know Electra's acting career is outdated. They even have 3-Headed Shark Attack for a sequel.

The Shark Attack franchise has been a ripoff of Jaws for years, but the second movie is a big copycat of Jaws 3. Even the actors didn't have the stones to do their jobs right.

I know there are more movies than just Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus: Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus, Mega Shark vs Mecha Shark, and Mega Shark vs Kolossus. What's next, Mega Shark vs Hammerhead Mega Shark, Mega Shark vs John Cena, or Mega Shark in a fatal four-way fight? This will keep on going and going!

I'd stick with Sharknado rather than watching a ghost shark floating around killing its murderers and other victims.
Ghastly movie! The best scene is when the guy drinks from the water cooler! Haha.

This movie is way worse than Jaws: The Revenge. Sure, Revenge sucks, but this one can die in a hole. At least Revenge's shark doesn't float through the water, and it's an animatronic, not 3D crap! Revenge has original characters from the first movie, while Jaws 3 gave us characters I wanted to die! Another thing: Revenge has that shipwreck chase scene I enjoy, though I don't know of any good scenes from this one.
This. Movie. Sucks.
I honestly think this is worse than Jaws: The Revenge, which, yes, was a terrible film, but The Revenge has a couple of scenes I enjoy, like the banana boat scene. But THIS film is absolutely horrible. It has nothing to do with the rest of the films, and there's some pretty bad acting. This movie could've been saved if it wasn't for its godforsaken CGI!

Three hours long - WTF?
It was interesting to see other sharks besides Great Whites attacking people for a change.
This movie still isn't good, thanks to its ridiculous length, but the kills are alright.
Just a huge swarm of sharks swimming around like bees. Well, big woof!
The Newcomers

I mostly watch shark movies for the kills, but this movie has to be one of the laziest ones.
The sharks use the exact same stock footage from the Shark Attack series, and the kills look identical to those movies too.
Glad I never watched this movie in full.

This isn't even a movie. It's just a bunch of completely random scenes, and some of them just happen to have a shark in them. This movie did almost nothing right. Well, if you can call it a movie.

Jaws in a pool of blood, I presume?

This movie, and the four others in this set, are so bad they're good. What's better is that they KNOW it's bad and make fun of it during most of the film.
I hope this movie was meant as humor, but who knows. Awful CGI accompanied by a terrible plot.

One of the stupidest combinations and a dumb movie. Just looking at the picture makes me think bad things about it.

The model of the shark in this film is actually a retextured version of the one from 3-Headed Shark Attack, with a fourth head added and a fifth head placed on its tail.
The acting in this movie is completely forgettable, and the kills are just a downgrade from the previous movie.
The sound of the shark in this film is the reason I like it. I swear, I love how the shark sounds in this movie.

The Megalodon scene is just so goofy. The fact that they added stock footage and resized people to make them smaller is actually a better way to make the stock footage less repetitive.