Top 10 Songs from Radiohead's A Moon Shaped Pool

This list is based on the top songs from Radiohead's 9th studio album "A Moon Shaped Pool"
The Top Ten
Present Tense

These five minutes of music are not only the most memorable on A Moon Shaped Pool but possibly some of the most emotionally involving in Radiohead's entire discography. Simply lovable.

This is so In Rainbows.

Ful Stop

My favorite. Such a nice song - you can get into a trance listening to it.

Even the dog is grooving to this song.

Such a beautiful trip.

Burn the Witch

I'd say this song needs more credit.

Decks Dark

This is easily the best song off this album, hands down! Daydreaming is so overrated - it's kind of just one note the whole way. Decks Dark is flawless in every part, the best in their entire discography!

Exactly, how the hell isn't this #1? Daydreaming sucks, and this is by far their best song to date! Yes, better than all those timeless classics before it.

This is the best one on the album for me. Kind of reminds me of Subterranean Homesick Alien.


Underrated. This song is probably the most aggressive on the album, besides maybe Burn The Witch, but it is nonetheless captivating. From the very King of Limbs-esque rhythms (it was actually written during that time as well) to the really pretty vocal melodies, and also the great guitar parts in this song (some of the best that Radiohead has written, in my opinion), it strikes me as very strange that this song isn't higher on the list.

True Love Waits

This song should definitely be higher. The heavy piano keys and Thom's vocals are just so heart-wrenchingly sad and captivating.

He wrote it in the '90s. I think it was originally a guitar song, but Thom sounds amazing, and the piano is great.

Deserves some love for being the saddest Radiohead song ever.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief
Glass Eyes

Should be at #3, behind Daydreaming and True Love Waits.

The Numbers

Criminally underrated Radiohead song.

The Newcomers

? Spectre
? Ill Wind
The Contenders
Desert Island Disk

Am I the only one who actually really enjoys this song? It's quite relaxing and has a soothing guitar melody. Not the best on the album, but not the worst either.

Easily the best for me after repeated listens. Fascinating that it is apparently the lowest-rated. A sign of a good album, I suppose.

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