Pokémon Anime Openings
This is a list I wanted to make for a long while. A proper ranking of the Pokémon anime openings which consists both English and Japanese openings.
Was there ever any doubt? There can never be a better anime opening than the theme synonymous with the show that defined the childhood of an entire generation. One line of this song is all it takes to pull a billion heartstrings. Nothing is capable of evoking such overwhelming nostalgia from fans, and this theme will always be known as THE Pokémon Theme song.
Even if we throw nostalgia out of the window, it's still a phenomenal song. This theme is the most well-known anime theme in the world, and that's for a reason. Jason Paige's performance here was nothing short of legendary. If you watch his video where he sings the intro in the studio, take a moment to look at his facial expression and how he moves his entire face muscles, nose, eyes, cheeks, breath, etc. He was singing his heart out! I've never seen anyone in my life sing with such passion. And it all works together. Singing like this with all of one's effort shows magical results. He must be one proud man.
But let's not forget to give credit to the lyricists of this song, John Siegler and John Loeffler. They managed to produce some of the most motivational lines from our childhood and the perfect fit for the Pokémon anime. These lines perfectly encapsulate everything that the series is about: friendship, adventure, discovery, and competition. It also establishes the idea that Pokémon are more than just pet animals. They are trainers' true friends and a large part of their lives.
All in all, there is no doubt that this is the best opening in the history of the Pokémon anime.
Here are just some examples of the appreciation for the Pokémon Theme:
"What words can I even say, Jason? Nothing will ever be profound enough to explain what you've done for us all. Perhaps it may sound silly, it's just a song after all, isn't it? I don't believe so. It's truly so much more. A beautiful work of magic and artistry is the closest thing I can articulate. I have to apologize, as words fall short. We can tell you gave your all in this performance. Let me speak for so many others when I say how much we appreciate it. Your enormous effort to entertain us as children is not wasted on us. My fondest and clearest memories of my childhood are waiting for Pokémon to come on at my grandmother's after school. Had the beginning of the show not had this much power, emotion, and pride in your work, I truly believe it wouldn't have had the same impact on the MILLIONS, perhaps BILLIONS, of people you've touched in our hearts. You had an entire generation singing with you. Your role in this show, and our lives, is pivotal. I only wish I was able to articulate more clearly how much you've done. Your legacy is forever, and we will see to it. I'm positive I speak for many when I say: From the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much."
- Travis Graves
"This is one of anime's most special theme songs because of its unique ability to bring people together. It's not just a song, but a social glue that makes new friends and keeps old ones."
- Top 10 Anime Openings, WatchMojo
"There can only be one, because let's face it: You know this song. It follows you wherever you go... The very millisecond you hear this song, you'll stop whatever you're doing and sing along."
- Top 10 Catchiest Opening Songs of Anime, Anime America

Pokémon XY was the series when Ash finally became a mature trainer and a badass protagonist. He had arguably his strongest team ever, and there was always a look of confidence on his face. He had a traveling companion who had a clear crush on him and a rival who was following in his footsteps. It was the time when the Pokémon anime began to feel like a top-tier shonen anime.
The hype for XY&Z was already soaring, and Rica Matsumoto did not need to go so hard for the opening. But she did it - she did it for us. With breathtaking animation and fiery music, this is the most KICKASS intro in Pokémon history. It's the theme that attracted many Pokémon fans to watch the subbed version.
This opening did a fantastic job of hyping up Team Flare and showing off the stunning choreography of XY battles, as well as Complete Forme Zygarde. However, no discussion about XY or this intro can be complete without mentioning Ash's Greninja. Not all superheroes wear capes. Some wear their tongues as scarves. With visuals portraying the connection between Ash and Greninja, the growth of Greninja from a small Froakie to achieving the spectacular Ash-Greninja transformation, the lyrics of Iku Z! are packed with Ash and Greninja's optimism and confidence. It didn't take long for this theme to become associated with Ash-Greninja.
And the moment when this theme played in the much-anticipated Ash-Greninja vs. Mega Sceptile battle in the Kalos League elevated this theme to legendary status! You may call it Iku Z! or XY&Z, but this opening will always be Ash-Greninja Theme with lyrics to XY fans like me.
Rica Matsumoto has been singing amazing theme songs since the first season, but none of them come close to this one. It's that good!

Spurt! almost sounds like a song from a totally different anime. While the majority of Pokémon openings are case studies on how to make a pop song as catchy and exciting as possible, Spurt! is something completely different.
It's definitely still a classic anime opening, but the vocals are way more intense and passionate, and the music is much more dramatic. It feels like it's just bursting with tons of energy. The video for this opening was absolutely incredible! It starts with all of Ash's Pokémon rushing toward an epic battle. After montages of May, Drew, and Harley, and shots of Ash's Pidgeot, Larvitar, Butterfree, and Lapras, we get a series of fast-paced battle sequences with a lot of explosions!
It effectively sets the tone for the final season of the series, as if it's preparing fans for the climax of the story. Apart from the hype for the Frontier Brains, we're treated to a spectacular card scene in which Delia Ketchum and Misty are portrayed as Queens of Hearts, and Team Rocket as Jokers. From start to finish, this intro is pure excitement! This theme is so epic that Japanese audiences at the time felt the Pokémon anime was about to come to an end.

"Battle Cry" does everything "We Will Be Heroes" does but better. It's just as wholesome as the latter but much more inspirational. It has a great melody, Eric Bowman's beautiful voice, and some amazing guitar tunes. It does a wonderful job of pumping up viewers for the battle against Team Galactic and Hunter J. But what truly made it stand out are its fantastic lyrics and its beautiful message.
It starts with a phenomenal line, "Sometimes it's hard to know, which way you're supposed to go." This is a situation almost everyone has faced at some point in their life. But this song inspires the belief that no matter how hard the situation is, the heart will lead to the correct path. On top of that, it wonderfully conveys the spirit of friendship.
It's great to have friends, but it's even better when you have friends you can bring into a battle with the confidence that you'll win - Season 12's theme song gives you that feeling. By this time, Ash, Dawn, and Brock had been established as a trio, so we were all in. The theme had a battle-like feel to it, but one that reminded you to keep your friends close.

This theme is an absolute banger by David Rolfe. From the very first moment I heard it, it's been one of my favorites and still holds a high spot on the list of my favorite songs to this day! Not only is this one of the catchiest songs of the bunch, but the adrenaline rush from the moving lyrics, as well as the sick electric guitar, is epic like nothing else.
Besides being an absolute banger, this song is the best representation of Ash's ambitions. Don't get me wrong, the first Pokémon theme perfectly captures the essence of the Pokémon world, but when it comes to Ash, his goal isn't to catch 'em all. Ash's greatest aspiration is a master quest to become the very best, which is eloquently reflected by the lyrics and the incredible scenario of him climbing the staircase to the Pokémon League. With his personality mirrored by the beat and his ambitions portrayed by the visuals and lyrics, I call this opening the perfect Ash Ketchum Theme Song.
Aside from that, this opening brought an ocean of hype to the anime. There was a sense of grand plans set in motion surrounding the Johto League, but the biggest one was the full battle between Ash and Gary. Yes, folks, after five years in the making, it was finally happening!
Furthermore, hearing the full version for the first time during the water race in Pokémon Heroes was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. And did I mention that this opening is an absolute banger?

This is pretty much the same as the 2007 version. The same heartfelt lyrics and wholesome video are mixed with an even jollier melody.

Diamond and Pearl is arguably the best season of the Pokémon anime. In many ways, this series was quintessential! Other than XY, this is the season where Ash had the best growth in character. And Together was an amazing intro for this phenomenal series.
It starts with Ash and Pikachu standing on a cliff, gazing at the horizon, marking the dawn of a new era. Next, Ash, Dawn, and Brock are on top of a tree, witnessing the wonderful new Pokémon in the Sinnoh region. That is followed by some beautiful habitats of Pokémon, as well as shots of Professor Oak, Delia, Professor Rowan, Johanna, Nurse Joy, Pokémon Contest judges, and more. The new legendary Pokémon, Palkia and Dialga, were also introduced in a monumental way.
Besides that, the lyrics are filled with clever references to the Diamond and Pearl games. The song is arguably the most soft-toned in the franchise, with the most cheerful melody and wholesome lyrics you'll ever find. But that doesn't take anything away from the excitement. This song also introduces Ash's new rival, Paul, who is unarguably the best rival Ash ever had. The face-off between Ash and Paul, along with their Pokémon, can be described in one word - EPIC!
Overall, Together perfectly encapsulates the vibe of that era of Pokémon. Out of all the theme songs in the Pokémon series, this is arguably the one that induces the most nostalgia. There's no way a list of the best Pokémon openings can be complete without it.

Hands down, there has never been a cooler song in the Pokémon franchise than this one. Unbeatable plays similarly to the other Hoenn intros, but what it brings is a rush of adrenaline to the system.
It is the last theme from the David Rolfe era, and the moment I first heard it, it instantly became my favorite. The Gen 3 intros are the most hype in the franchise, but this song outshines them all. It starts strong and stays that way the entire time.
The video clips in this intro are among the best in the series. There are montages of Ash and his Pokémon battling the Regi trio, May and her rival Drew, Brock proposing to girls with a bouquet, a throwback to past companions and professors, and Team Rocket getting chased by a group of Aron and Lairon. There were also snippets of Kyogre and Groudon's battle, Mewtwo in a dark alley, Lucario and Mew, and a slew of other legendary Pokémon. With an image of the Frontier Brains - only Noland visible and the others as silhouettes - this opening also riled up excitement for the next season.
But the best scene has to be the Pokémon of the land, sea, and sky. The vast area filled with so many Pokémon interacting is probably the most magnificent presentation of the Pokémon world. The song gets even better with the full version from Lucario and the Mystery of Mew.
In short, the blend of an upbeat track, a fantastic singer, and exhilarating lyrics made this the most exciting theme song we've ever had.
Note: I was about to place it at #2, but the only reason I didn't is that Ash isn't actually Unbeatable. But it's to this song's credit that we got the impression that Ash was finally on his way to becoming an OP trainer.

This Dream doesn't waste any time in delivering a strong burst of energy. It had the same intensity as the other Hoenn intros, but it was much more succinct, giving us the entire gist of the season in just a few seconds. The exciting animation and the fast, intense, upbeat track were complemented by lyrics that not only reflect Ash's mindset terrifically but can also serve as a motivation booster to keep pursuing one's dreams.

Rika Matsumoto once again comes back to sing another opening, and instead of being accompanied by another trainer, she sings along with Pikachu's voice actor, Ikue Otani. The song is extremely catchy, features a group of children singing backup vocals, and of course, Pikachu's voice is instantly recognizable. On top of that, it has one of the most addicting choruses ever!

This song creates a comforting atmosphere while simultaneously getting us excited for the adventures our heroes are about to embark on. It instilled in us the belief that everyone on the stage, not just Ash, was destined for greatness. It also brings focus to the Pokémon who help Ash on his quest, a fitting touch, especially since Diamond and Pearl did an excellent job of making all the main characters share the spotlight.
This song makes you feel like you're wrapped in a warm hug, and the soundtrack never goes all-out, maintaining the wholesome mood it creates. For those few seconds, you're tempted to imagine that one day you, too, will be a hero.

If there was one theme song that captured the sense of wonder and delight that came with the Pokémon franchise, it was this one. The Johto Journeys theme song was so happy and cheerful in its presentation that it made you want to dive into all of the Pokémon mythology you could find. The lyrics of this theme encapsulate the idea of going to a new location perfectly. Even if it is a whole new world with a brand-new attitude, you still gotta catch 'em all.
This opening could get by on just its incredibly catchy tune and the do-do do-do, do-do's, but it also has some fantastic animation to accompany it. The group continues to explore Johto, giving you a look at the scope of the wide world of Pokémon.
This song wasn't so much about completing challenges as it was about having fun and enjoying the open world brimming with fascinating new Pokémon of all shapes and sizes. A delightful track like this can easily entice new fans and keep interest from longtime fans fresh.

The second English theme song had too large a shoe to fill and, quite understandably, had little chance to create the same atmosphere as the first. As a result, this intro is often overlooked. But on its own, it's an awesome opening. It may not be the best in terms of pure musical principles, but it's arguably the catchiest Pokémon opening of all time.
Despite the abundance of exciting scenes, the animation puts a lot of focus on Ash's growth since the beginning of the series, which is fitting for the season. And there are so many callbacks to past characters, as if we're looking through Ash's memories.
This song, performed by Russell Velázquez, the same artist who performed 2.B.A. Master, radiates a retro vibe like no other. When the second generation was announced, fans were ecstatic, and this theme helped fuel that excitement. On top of that, this is the easiest song to bop to out of all the Pokémon openings. We may not actually live in a Pokémon World, but if you can arrange a bunch of Pokémon fans to scream this song together, it will be the time of your life! This fire intro is a true hidden gem.

XY was the season when Japanese music truly began to take off. In so many ways, this song is wonderful. It's a fast-paced, energetic track with feel-good lyrics and an incredibly upbeat and cute background melody.
The video begins with some really fun scenes, such as Bonnie dressed in a Tyrantrum costume, Ash pulling Clemont into the air, and the Kalos gang enjoying good times together. It's like having a second family. When we rewatch it now, the moments evoke strong XY nostalgia, making us emotional.
The focus then shifts to Ash's gym battle against Clemont. We knew from the very beginning that Ash vs. Clemont was coming, but this song amps it up to another level. The introduction of Sawyer is another fantastic feature. We saw this mysterious young trainer following in Ash's footsteps, and we couldn't wait to see what would happen next.
The only issue with this song is that the build-up verses are so good that the main chorus feels a bit underwhelming. I'm not even sure if that's a bad thing or a good thing.

Advance Adventure stands out from most Pokémon openings. It begins with a trumpet, which is unexpected in a pop song, and while it's very high tempo and incredibly '90s pop, the horns in the background give it a fun retro feeling. But what truly grabs our attention is the magnificent scenes of the new Hoenn region.

This song is pretty catchy and perfectly encapsulates the idea of the end of a journey. The visuals were really something special. Not only does it hold some gorgeous animation with smooth transitions, but there were three different versions of this theme, all of the same song but with different visuals to match the running story arc.
It only clocks in at 30 seconds, but the upbeat tune and glimpses of the Unova League, N and Team Plasma, or the cruise back to Kanto are enough to make this opening memorable. The melody is much more child-friendly than the others, and you may be tempted to believe that Pokémon is becoming less adult and more directed toward children, but it's only when you embrace the song that you realize the meaning behind it.
When Ash entered different regions with companions not well-known to the general audience, it's about bringing new friends into the fold, just as one might carry older friends. There's a definite sense of camaraderie in this song, and the tune makes you feel safe.