Top 10 Best Ghost and Psychic Pokemon

Gengar is very awesome-looking and kind of scary too, just as any ghost should be. They have an excellent moveset, and I find Gengar very useful for catching other Pokémon because they can learn Mean Look.
Since Gengar is a ghost type, most Normal and Fighting moves won't affect it. Another added bonus is that, as a part Poison type, Gengar can learn Poison moves. I love inflicting status problems on opponents.
Gengar is the very best that no one ever was. Gengar is so awesome that they had to add an extra type (Poison) to the species because he would just completely own all other Pokemon in the original games.

Mewtwo is probably the most powerful Pokemon in-game, as its Mega Evolutions, along with Mega Rayquaza, have the highest total stats.
Even if Mewtwo is probably the most powerful, its design is kind of boring, which explains why he is at number 2. I mean, Gengar has an awesome design, but Mewtwo's is just... boring. That, as I said, is why he is not ahead of Gengar.
Even though Mewtwo is a clone and scientifically created, he is still one of the best Pokémon. Mewtwo appeared in one of the few movies that didn't just have random legendaries fighting because "someone invaded their territory" or something like that.
He is one of the original Pokémon, which are the best. Mewtwo also has to deal with being created as an experiment. If I had to deal with that, I'd probably go crazy. Well, Mewtwo did, technically, go crazy, but he managed to regain his sanity. Plus, MEWTWO IS AWESOME!

Why does everyone choose legendaries? They're just cheap and for people who don't know how to build and raise a good party. I would choose Alakazam over any legendary.
Put the enemy to sleep, use Calm Mind repeatedly, then attack with Psychic or Dream Eater. That's an unstoppable move combo. If you're up against a Dark-type, just use Focus Blast. Not to mention Alakazam's unbeatable speed.
Alakazam is an overpowered Pokémon, especially in games like Emerald, where there aren't as many other Psychic-types to choose from. Also, it's not a legendary, so it's not cheap or lame.
The only downside is that you have to trade to get it, and sometimes trolls will trade you a Kadabra with an Everstone, which is frustrating. I love using Alakazam on my Emerald team!

Mew beat Mewtwo in the movies without even going all out, because he doesn't like violence and tries to avoid fighting. He can learn any move, transform into any Pokémon, and defeat anyone - even Gengar.
Mew can turn invisible at will, create an unbreakable shield around himself, and fly. Gengar is weak to Mew's Psychic moves, or Mew could just transform into Gengar and use a Dark-type move to take him down in a couple of hits. The only reason Gengar is on top is because he's been the meta in competitive play this year, but Mew would completely smash him.

Espeon is definitely my favorite Pokémon. It's so cute but also powerful with the right move combo. My Espeon can knock out a Dark-type in one hit using Dazzling Gleam or a Ghost-type with Shadow Ball. It even once brought a Steel-type down to a third of its health using Psychic, which isn't very effective.
It can also heal itself with Morning Sun. Espeon has a base stat of 525, the third highest of all non-legendary Psychic-types. But I still think Espeon is the best since base stats aren't everything. Basically, Espeon is awesome and deserves to be higher on this list.

Being a Steel-type, Metagross is weak to very few types. It's a pseudo-legendary, too, making it quite a powerful battler if used properly.
Speaking of types, Metagross handles itself well with Magnet Rise, making it immune to Ground-type attacks, and Earthquake, which is useful against Fire-types and Ground/Rock Pokémon. Out of all the pseudo-legendaries, Metagross is the most versatile in my eyes.
Shew, hard to decide - I love Gallade and Lugia, but Metagross is king. He IS the only non-Dragon pseudo-legendary. Sure, Gengar is tough, but he looks like a demented marshmallow.

Lugia can destroy Gengar and Mewtwo.
It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings, it is said to cause a 40-day storm. (Diamond)
You could argue that Ho-Oh could defeat Lugia, but they wouldn't fight. Lugia leads the Legendary Bird Trio, while Ho-Oh leads the Legendary Beasts. Together, these two powerful Pokémon form the Tower Duo and could even defeat Mewtwo.
Lugia can learn Dragon and Water-type moves, as well as Psychic and Flying. He should be 2nd, and Mew should be 1st!
She can take down Espeon with ease. One Calm Mind and Aeroblast combo, and Espeon will faint.

Gallade is a really good battler because it has Psychic and Fighting types, so Psychic attacks aren't as effective against it. It has impressive Speed and Attack stats, which makes it a strong contender. It should definitely be in the top 3!
I would rather evolve Kirlia into Gallade than into Gardevoir. Gallade is faster and has more attack. You should teach him Psycho Cut, Shadow Ball, Psychic, and Telekinesis.
Gallade is my favorite Pokémon. I always use him in-game if I can, and I get really disappointed when I can't. I run Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Close Combat, and Psycho Cut with Choice Band - it's awesome coverage!

Good defense and pretty good attack. He could have great potential if you use him well. He is AWESOME. Not to mention his awesome looks and name. I bet mine could beat ALL of your choices. If you're smart, then choose Dusknoir.
Aside from having pretty good moves, stats, and an awesome design, might I add how awesome a character he is in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky? For this reason, Dusknoir deserves a spot on this list, and a high one at that.
Wish I had a Dusknoir.

He is an amazing defending Psychic type! He's a beast. To me, he is my favorite Psychic/Fairy type!
Haha, I know he's the best after I fought him for the first time...
He always makes me smile. So funny and rare. I love him! Whenever I play PokéPark, he is really nice and funny.
The Newcomers

Haunter is so cool because he haunts, like his name!
Haunter is amazingly cute and strong. If you teach it Shadow Force, Shadow Ball, Smog, and Night Shade, it is!
Haunter looks cool and creepy at the same time, which makes him the best for me. He's my favorite Pokémon.

Come on, guys, this is Hypno we're talking about - he's well-educated and would trump all these fools in a Poké-spelling bee any day! Not only is he a psychic genius, but he's also practically a conman with his hypnotic coin-on-string trick. He could trick even the most battle-wise trainer into forfeiting!
Totally! He's so amazing.
Come on, Drifloon rules. It could KO anyone on this list.

Jynx is overall my favorite Pokémon. She's so majestic, awesome, and fierce!
Dusclops is the best. He even evolves in a cool way.

Gardevoir has high Special Attack and Special Defense and is awesomely versatile! I used her in Emerald and Platinum, and she stole the spotlight! Best non-legendary Psychic-type Pokemon.
Gardevoir is the best non-legendary Pokémon. I use her in every generation, just by trading. She has always been the spotlight on my team, and I think she is one of the strongest Pokémon with her moves: Psychic, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, and Dazzling Gleam.
Honestly, I think she deserves a higher rank than 16. She definitely deserves a place in the top 3 non-legendary Pokémon. She is awesome, and I love her.

Mismagius is quite fast and has a decent movepool that can totally sweep with Calm Mind or Nasty Plot. She has solid Special Attack and Special Defense as well.
Thanks for the info.
This Pokémon has great Speed and good Special Attack. I like the moveset.

It's quick, never misses, and has the best Ghost move: Shadow Force. In fact, it was so good that they made a game about it, Pokémon Platinum. It looks amazing and learns powerful moves like Draco Meteor, Hyper Beam, and Earth Power. The combination of Ghost and Dragon types makes it almost immortal. Its HP can reach astounding levels. How are Chandelure, Mr. Mime, and Gengar ranked above him?
Come on! Nobody else thinks that a combination between a Dragon and a Ghost is really cool? If anyone here has actually played with Giratina, they would realize that this blend goes together very smoothly.
Let's face it, all the Pokémon you guys have listed are great, but Kadabra is just as good as Alakazam in my opinion. In the games, you have to trade Kadabra just so he will evolve, and the only real change is his attack speed. He gets overpowered attacks at level 20, like Confusion. Plus, if he gets poisoned, burned, confused, or put to sleep, his Synchronize ability affects the enemy Pokémon with the same condition. That's why I think Kadabra is one of the top 10 best Pokémon!

Deoxys is one of the most versatile Pokémon out there. If you're into competitive battling, you can switch strategies by changing Deoxys' forme. Deoxys has the highest Attack and Special Attack when in Attack Forme, and the highest base Speed in Speed Forme. It's no slouch in Defense or Special Defense either, having the highest base stats in those categories among all Psychic types. Depending on the trainer, Deoxys could easily be a tank or a sweeper.
He should be higher. He's so powerful in Smash Bros.

It is a chandelier, for crying out loud! Super cute and has really good attacks, especially if you evolve it at the right time.
It doesn't just hit you with Flamethrower. It burns your soul with it. It has a very high Special Attack, more than any starter or other normal Pokémon. Plus, they look absolutely adorable.
It's got an amazing and unique type combination, and it has a really cool design. Chandelure also sports a pretty awesome movepool.

This Pokémon is good! It combines my two favorite types. As a Grass-type, it's strong against Water-types but weak against Fire-types. As a Psychic-type, it has an advantage against Fighting and Poison types but is vulnerable to Bug, Ghost, and Dark types.
Even though it has some significant weaknesses, it still has good attack power.

It walls Dark and Ghost moves like nobody's business! Why isn't Hoopa on this list?