Top 10 Best Psychic Type Pokemon
Psychic-type Pokémon have always had a special place in the hearts of trainers. These powerful Pokémon are known for their mysterious abilities, mind-bending attacks, and incredible versatility in battle. From the iconic legendaries that have dominated the competitive scene to the fan favorites that have stuck with us through countless generations, these Pokémon bring more than just strong stats - they've got serious style and history behind them.But which ones stand above the rest? This list isn't just about what's technically the strongest or fastest. It's about the Pokémon that you think deserve the top spot. Maybe it's a classic from the early days of Red and Blue that you've always relied on, or maybe it's one of the newer additions that's blown you away with its cool design and abilities.

Laugh out loud, how do people even get the idea that Espeon and Alakazam could match up with Mewtwo? Let's take out his new Mega Evolution (Y), which makes him the strongest Pokémon in the entire series, seconded only by his (X) Mega Evolution. So yeah, take that fact out, and plain Mewtwo has base stats totaling 680! Espeon's base stats fall at about 525, and Alakazam's at 490. The only reason he is on any top ten list is because of nostalgia. Plus, Metagross, near the bottom of the list, has a base stat of 600, topping both of these. I do not understand where people even get the basis for their votes. Sure, the Pokémon are good, but this is a top ten list, not a top ten favorite list. Sigh.

I almost literally fell in love with this Pokémon when I first played. And it's not just because of its looks. I mean, sure, it played a bit part. I mean, come on, this is the female version of a British gentleman (that would mean a lady, but honestly, it wrecks way too hard to be a mere lady).
Its special stats are one of the best in the game, and it can take a couple of hits physically as well. Through all the games I played with Gardevoir, it never fainted from one hit when at full health. Truth be told, the worst of its stats are still decent or above average, and IT LOOKS CLASSY.

Absolutely strong sweeper and attacker under most circumstances due to its high base Special Attack and Speed, as well as having good abilities with or without its hidden ability.
Espeon has access to moves of a number of different typings, allowing it to even hit its own weaknesses extremely hard, possibly even putting them down before they can get a swing at it.
Also, it's fantastic as a setup Pokémon with Baton Pass and Calm Mind, as well as being able to shut down opponents' special attack setups with Power Swap. With so much utility on a Pokémon as elegantly designed as Espeon, what's not to love? (Other than its shiny, but we don't talk about that.)

Alakazam is nearly perfect in single-player, multiplayer, and post-game in just about any game you can catch it. Training Abra requires either switch and kill or an Exp. Share, but it's well worth it for about the best you can get.
With 135 special attack, a blistering 120 speed, and access to amazing moves such as STAB Psychic and Dazzling Gleam, Alakazam can sweep a whole team with little to no setup.
If you are the kind to set up, however, Alakazam has access to Calm Mind and both screens to be able to hold off any attack for your setup. Special walls aren't a problem either because Alakazam has access to all of the elemental punches! There are a few holes in Alakazam, however, such as how it can barely hold up to a Tyranitar unless Focus Blast can hit. If you can get past a few of Alakazam's weaknesses, it can be one heck of a team member.

Come on, people, how can this one be no. 5? It deserves number 1 because it can defeat the top three very easily, and I will tell you how.
You need to get some medicines like Proteins, Carbos, etc., to raise its special attack and special defense. Then give it an item that raises special attack and attack stats. Then teach it Overheat, Shadow Ball, Nasty Plot, and Focus Blast.
If you want to finish Mewtwo, use Nasty Plot then Shadow Ball to finish. If you want to defeat any Bug-type Pokémon, use Overheat. If a Dark type comes in your way, you have Focus Blast, and if a Ghost comes, use Nasty Plot then Shadow Ball again. You all know that Overheat lowers special attack harshly, so if we use Nasty Plot three times, you can use Overheat three times with great power. If your HP is low, use Explosion. Mew is the best.

Deoxys EX is the most terrifying Psychic-type Pokémon because of Helix Force. Helix Force does 30 damage plus an additional 30 damage for each energy attached to the opponent's Pokémon. So, automatically, Mewtwo EX's attack, X Ball, does at least 10 less damage than Helix Force and continues to increase, doing 10 more damage over Mewtwo EX's X Ball.
Also, Deoxys EX is one of the only Pokémon that can take down a Mega Charizard EX in one strike if it beats it to the punch. Deoxys EX also has the ability Power Connect, which increases Team Plasma attacks by 10 damage for each Team Plasma Pokémon. I recommend teaming Deoxys EX with Xerneas EX and putting Deoxys on the bench until the opponent has a powerful Pokémon that uses lots of energy, such as Zekrom EX.

Metagross is the best pseudo-legendary because its type is better than others. Steel type always helps. Its Defense and Attack are insane, and it can be a good wall.
When it Mega Evolves, it has a huge improvement in its Speed, turning into a destructive sweeper. This should definitely be much higher. Sorry for my grammar.
Are you kidding me? I can see how Mewtwo takes 1st place, but who doesn't want a sweeper with moves like Meteor Mash? Sure, its speed is probably its downfall, but then you can just clobber your opponent after its attack falls short to Metagross' amazing defensive stats!

Gallade, the noble knight of the Pokémon universe, is one of the most unique Pokémon out there. Its stats are excellent, with 115 Special Defense and a whopping 125 Attack.
With great STAB in Zen Headbutt, Psycho Cut, and Close Combat, and the special bulk to take one of Gengar's STAB Shadow Balls, along with the cool design, it's a wonder Gallade hasn't topped the list yet.
Yeah, yeah, Mewtwo has telekinetic powers, but does he have swords for elbows? NO! Gallade can absolutely knock out every other Psychic-type Pokémon if you teach him Night Slash.
With his high attack stat, he would knock out Mewtwo any day!

He is based on one of the Creation Gods (the others being Arceus and Ho-oh) in Shinto mythology. If you are not convinced yet, check out the Silver Tower and the Gold Tower. They are actual buildings in Kyoto dedicated to those gods (dragon/male/silver, phoenix/female/gold). Also, the Silver Tower was burned in the past but was reconstructed. Guess what? In the game, there's a burned tower. Coincidence? I think not.
Also, for those who think that Lugia can reproduce, he cannot. He is unique, just like every other big legend. Stay out of the anime that no one should take seriously. Also, he can easily outclass Mewtwo, but I guess everyone goes for the classic choice.

Bruh, have you not seen the movie? He's like a fairy godparent mixed with a Metagross! Come on! Then, his ability allows for Iron Head to be the most annoying and hilarious move ever!
Don't even think for a second Jirachi should be in 13th with Starmie! Jirachi should be in the top 8.
You're doomed. It is the ultimate flinch master and can easily lower your stats thanks to its ability. It can grant any wish, and if someone wished for Jirachi to have, say, 10,000 base stats, it would become the strongest Pokémon.
Plus, it's cute and has a more creative name than "cat noise" (Mew).
The Newcomers

Latias was competitively better than Latios in its non-mega form, but Mega Latios was better than Mega Latias. I studied their stats, and this was the result.
Also, Latios' Luster Purge and Latias' Mist Ball were perfect in battle. Dude, I love the Eon Duo.
This thing is a tank. It's bulky enough to take some hits if it doesn't OHKO its opponents (which doesn't really happen. It usually does).
Great move pool and helped me grab the Battle Symbols at the frontier.
It even mega evolves, so why is this so low?

Actually better than Latias because of Soul Dew. Very strong attacker and is very good with or without the mega, allowing you to Mega Evolve different Pokémon. Very good.
Sorry, but Latios should be number one on this list. In my opinion, Latios is the best thing that happened to Pokémon. This is for two reasons.
1. The weaknesses and strengths: It is weak to Fairy, Dragon, Ice, and Dark, and strong against Dragon, Fighting, and other common types.
2. It's my favorite Pokémon!
My best Dragon type is my precious Lapis Lazuli. I got my Latios with Chansey eggs or Audino eggs (in an indirect way), and everyone in PBB wants my Latios now. I cannot believe its power.
Intelligent, elegant, powerful, and patient are words that describe Latios. I think it should be 2nd or 3rd.

Starmie is not just my favorite Water/Psychic type, but it is my favorite Pokémon in general. I even took the time to get myself a shiny one with 5 IVs, Modest nature, and Natural Cure.
Now, with that out of the way, it has decent all-around bulk, a wide move pool, great special attack, and speed. What's not to like?
Starmie has always been a staple in my team since the very first game. It's useful in-game and competitive. Okay HP, decent bulk, Rapid Spin, useful abilities, and above-average special attack and speed. And let's not forget its special move pool.
Surf, Psychic, Ice Beam (Blizzard), Thunderbolt (Thunder), Flash Cannon, Dazzling Gleam, Power Gem, Signal Beam, Hydro Pump, Grass Knot, Scald, etc.
Also useful: Recover, Cosmic Power.

Azelf is the best Pokemon ever! My favorite. Azelf looks good as a shiny. It's also not a Fairy type, just Psychic. Plus, it's super cute and legit!

Reuniclus is a good Pokémon. If you can give it Trick Room, Dizzy Punch, and Psychic with a Twisted Spoon, it is possibly the GOAT (Greatest of All Time) Psychic-type Pokémon.
Reuniclus is awesome. In Pokémon Y, I was walking through a cave to train, and the surprise of my life, the most awesome thing ever appeared: a shiny Solosis.
I trained it until it became a Reuniclus, and now it just beats everything, even Dark/Water types.
How is this Pokémon not in the Top 5? It's an amazing sweeper with Trick Room! Its base speed can't be outslowed, and with Trick Room, he's the fastest DNA you ever had!

Pokémon is a game where people of all ages can have fun (my grandmother plays with me). Unlike many other games, like Zelda, Pokémon allows girls to feel truly engaged too! However, some Pokémon have gender differences like Nidoran. Most of the female versions tend to be weaker, but Meowstic does the complete opposite.
The female is a complete badass with high defense, attack, and speed. The male is slow, frail, etc. I'm not hating on male Meowstic, but obviously, the female is more overpowered.
OP, if you use Meowstic in Pokémon Showdown, give it Leftovers with this specific moveset: Barrier, Stored Power, Calm Mind, and Thunderbolt. You will destroy any Pokémon.
However, if your opponent has a Dark/Ground type, then consider yourself destroyed.

Exeggutor has one of the highest special attack stats for a Psychic type, excluding Megas and Legendaries. Also, he may not have high speed or attack, but normal attacking moves are just bad to give to a Psychic type anyway. Also, his bad speed can easily be fixed with a move like Sleep Powder or Stun Spore. Altogether, with a moveset consisting of Psychic, Solar Beam, Synthesis, and Stun Spore/Sleep Powder, it has the capability to be a good Pokémon to have. And who knows, with his Alola form, potentially boosting his stats a lot.

Sigilyph is very mystical, and it can beat Alakazam any day of the year. I have a Sigilyph, and I love it! Alakazam is based on Uri Geller, and guess what? Game Freak didn't even ask for his permission to make a Pokémon based on him!
Alakazam is the worst Psychic-type of all time. And Mega Alakazam is even worse.
Sigilyph is such a good Pokémon. Just its typing makes Fighting types suffer. If you give it a moveset of Synchronize, Psycho Cut, Fly, and Roost, it will be really reliable against Flying, Fighting, Bug, Grass, and Poison.
Sometimes Synchronize can be useful against weak Psychic types.

Victini is the cutest Pokemon I've ever seen. I think he is one of the top ten cutest. He is also one of the strongest.
People who downvote Victini probably do so because they don't like Gen 5. Personally, he is one of the strongest mythical Pokémon so far.
Victini, Fire Psychic. Well, that's just awesome. Victini is also very cute, and it has good stats and abilities. Not the best, but I think it should be number 2 or 3.

How is he number 18? He'd crush several of the Pokémon ahead of him.
Oh, right, 90% of these voters are basing it on appearance and the anime as opposed to stats and the game.
My spirit animal. I literally love him in battle as well. Just a freaking good Pokemon. Screw legendaries, this man is a legend.

Can teleport before a Master Ball hits him. Master Ball doesn't work?! IT LIED.
He is so strong for a basic Pokemon and also cute!
Abra, the beast that only uses teleport...

Delphox is a good choice because it can beat Water Pokemon with Grass Knot.
This Pokemon swept me twice thanks to its high speed and special attack.

Seriously, why is this not first? People are seriously going insane. Seriously, I said seriously too many times in a stanza. My English teacher will seriously kill me.

So, the powerful legendary that can summon other legendaries with a flick of the hand to wreak havoc and destruction is at number 55?!
This thing has a beast of a dual type. Only Dark can beat it. Really good special attacker.
Would you like a piece of cake? Hoopa can get it for you. Want to control all legendaries and mythicals? Hoopa can do that.

Why isn't this Pokémon in the top 10? Honestly, I'd prefer Alakazam over this one, but this Pokémon has a better overall base stat (600, equal to Mew and higher than Alakazam, Gardevoir, Gallade, Espeon, and many more).
Cresselia is the best Pokémon ever. Come on, lots of sucky Pokémon are ranked higher, even Unown. Seriously, Cresselia is cooler than Gallade (another Gen 4 psychic type), which is number 5.
At least Cresselia is ranked higher than Bronzong. It's actually OK for me though.