Top 10 Best Rock and Ground Pokemon

Tyranitar is awesome! Use Curse to raise its Attack and Defense while lowering Speed, which is actually beneficial. Go with Payback over Crunch because, while Crunch has a base power of 80, Payback reaches 100 if you go last, which you will because of Curse.
Use Avalanche because it starts at 60, but if you go second, it doubles to 120, making it better than Ice Beam. Plus, Curse boosts physical attacks, and Ice Beam is a special attack anyway. For the Rock move, choose between Rock Slide and Stone Edge. Stone Edge has a high critical hit chance, but Rock Slide benefits from Curse's attack boost and has better accuracy.
Go for a Brave nature to raise Attack and lower Speed since two moves require going last, and hold a Focus Band. You'll be unstoppable with this Tyranitar. I have it, and I never lose!
Golem would be the best, in my opinion, because of how easily it can be obtained as a Geodude or Graveler and then trained into a super-powerful Rock beast! It's versatile enough to serve as an HM slave or as a solid addition to your team early in the game.
Even though Tyranitar is better overall, it's hard to add to your party as a Larvitar since it can only be obtained after beating the Elite Four.
Using Golem against a Water, Ice, or Grass type is practically suicide. It's so slow, and a powerful special attack like Ice Beam, Surf, or Energy Ball can take it out before it even has a chance to attack.
That said, it's really good in other respects.

Aggron is a true tank in the world of Pokémon and deserves to be in the top 5. Most of its moves are tank-like and strong, including both its Rock and Steel moves (Rock Tomb, Iron Head, Rock Slide, Iron Tail, Take Down, Double-Edge, and more). It has strong defense and a decent attack.
Additionally, as someone else mentioned, its Mega Evolution has one of the highest stats in Pokémon history.
He is amazing, and the fact that he got a Mega Evolution means he's just too good. Also, being a Steel type with great stats is impressive, though I would agree that Rhydon is better.

This Pokémon is amazing in Fire Red, thanks to its abilities and small but useful movepool. Rock Head allows him to use Double-Edge without recoil damage, so he can spam it repeatedly. In Fire Red, before the Physical/Special split, he could also make good use of Ancient Power, which was physical then, potentially boosting all his stats at once.
Aerodactyl is a beast, and with Mega Evolution, he gets even faster and stronger. I love using him on my team whenever I can. Plus, for some reason, the name Fluffy suits him well and always makes me laugh.

Equip Rhydon with an Assault Vest or Eviolite, and you've got yourself a tank. Many people like to use Megahorn, but while that's a strong move, it misses often, which isn't ideal for online battles. Like Swampert, Rhydon has major weaknesses to Grass and Water. Use him at your own risk, but he can definitely turn the tide of battle if you play smart.
It's a close call between Rhydon and Tyranitar, but Rhydon takes the cake for me. Before Gen 5, I would have picked Tyranitar for sure, but Eviolite Rhydon is a fantastic tank that performs very well competitively.

Garchomp is one of the best physical sweepers, and its various move types allow it to handle any type. Poison Jab can counter Fairy types, Brick Break can take out Ice types, and the rest can be covered with Dragon Claw or Earthquake.
If you teach Garchomp Flamethrower, it can cover Ice types and destroy almost anything else. Fire, Water, Grass, and Electric moves aren't very effective against it, making it an all-around unbeatable option.
Why is it so low? Garchomp is a pseudo-legendary and has good moves like Swords Dance, Earthquake, Stealth Rock, and Outrage.
By the way, does the Pokémon on this list have to be both Rock and Ground, or either Rock or Ground?

Swampert is undoubtedly a fantastic Pokémon. Its design is cool and intimidating without being overly complex. Its mythology and concept are unique among Ground and Water types. Its stats are impressive, and it is highly versatile in battle roles.
With high defenses and a decent move pool, Swampert can tank like few other Ground types, both physically and specially. Its Water/Ground typing gives it only one weakness - Grass - which it can counter with Ice Beam. Swampert can also play a support role, using moves like Toxic and Stealth Rock.
In its Mega form, Swampert can act as a mixed sweeper with its Swift Swim ability, as long as it's in the rain. Its defenses receive a boost in Mega form, making it even more resilient. While it might not be a pure wall, it excels as a tank. I don't see why Swampert isn't number one on this list, but I guess opinions vary.

I like him way more than Steelix because he's far faster than his evolved form. With Earthquake, Stone Edge, Iron Tail, and either Iron Defense or Rock Polish, he's a beast. The main thing will be protecting him from special attacks...
He's a snake made of rock. I wonder how they made this - probably glued some rocks together and added googly eyes.
It's a huge, giant rock snake. What's not to like about it?

Bonemerang and Double-Edge are very good attacks, especially because of Rock Head. What would make him a killer is that he can learn Focus Energy, which means Stone Edge would have even more critical hits!
Marowak is faster than most Ground types, and Bone Rush is really good! Why is he ranked 10th here? Not to mention his appearance - Bone Club is also awesome!
In Gen 1, some trainer got all the badges using him alone. I don't think the game's stats give Marowak any love.

Sandslash and Golem are my favorite Ground types. I never really knew how good Golem was until I got him from a trade. He is amazing in battle, and Sandslash is awesome too. Plus, his design is fantastic.
Golem is already ranked number two, so I'm voting for Sandslash. In double battles, I use Sandslash or Golem with my Pidgeot, and since Earthquake doesn't affect Pidgeot, they take down opponents quickly. It's my best double battle team.
Sandslash both looks and is super awesome. It learns many powerful Ground-type moves like Earthquake, and because it is a Ground type, Electric types are no problem. Sandslash is also faster than most other Rock and Ground types, except for perhaps Aerodactyl.
The Newcomers

It's Grass and Ground, so it deserves to be here! I think that King Torterra should be number one on every list, even for things that don't have anything to do with it, as long as it's a good list - unlike the top 10 worst Pokémon. Who dared put it on that list and call it a crazy bull?! Whoever said that, you're a crazy bull!
A turtle with a tree growing on its back. This thing practically is its own ecosystem! It travels with a farm on its back. When underwater, it's an island. And when faced with a Fire type, Earthquake is a perfect solution.

Nidoking is the definition of badass - just look at him! What I love most is his versatile movepool. He has so many options, like Batman. He's a top candidate for a Mega Evolution and long overdue for a boost in stats!
Nidoking has always gotten me out of sticky situations throughout my Pokémon journey. Nidoran isn't too hard to find, and it doesn't take much to evolve him into a deadly Nidoking.
A lot of his moves are pretty useful, like Thrash, Megahorn, and Earth Power. His stats may be average, but he's very reliable for any Pokémon adventure.

Two words: Solid Rock. Not every Rhyperior is as strong as Palmer's from the anime, but this thing is a beast. It can stand up to almost all its weaknesses. Use Earthquake and Stone Edge for STAB and raw power.
Weak to Steel? Earthquake them. Weak to Ice? Stone Edge! Weak to Grass? Megahorn! Weak to Water? Thunder Punch!
I can't believe Rhyperior is ranked 13! He should be much higher. This beast is far better than Golem.
Rhyperior has high Attack, great Defense, and a wide movepool. His low Speed and Special Defense are balanced by his high HP and the ability Solid Rock. And why is Rhydon ranked higher than Rhyperior? My Adamant Nature Rhyperior with 252 Attack EVs in White 2 wrecked everything!

I ran Gen 2 with only a Donphan. Rollout handled anything my Ground moves couldn't. Sandstorm can be useful if you want to set up.
Donphan is a powerhouse and aggressive. Plus, it's a twist on the average elephant. Donphan is just amazing, okay?
Donphan has both gigantic base Attack and Defense stats. It learns Earthquake, Stone Edge, and Ice Shard. What could be better than this?!
Anyway, Tyranitar isn't even a Ground Pokémon.

Its body is harder than even a diamond. Its Mega form has the highest defense, tied with Mega Aggron at 230. How good is that?
This is the evolution of Onix, yet Onix is ranked higher!
Mega-evolved Steel snake of doom!

Mine is awesome! He has great defense that takes most attacks better than pretty much everything on the list. He can stall, he can attack, and he can and should be in the top 10 at least!
I agree with everyone here. All it needs is to set up Stealth Rock and heal, then it's everywhere!
Regirock can destroy anything in its way!

What's Groudon doing all the way down here? It is the behemoth, the lord of all Ground-type Pokémon. It even gets a Primal Reversion that skyrockets its base stats to 760! This thing is the best of all Ground types in Pokémon and created the continents for Regigigas to tow. Give Groudon the respect it deserves.
Why is Groudon ranked 34, below Hippowdon? To me, that is mentally impossible. Groudon should be at least in the top 3.
Groudon is a pro. He should be at least first or second. There's no way Tyranitar can beat Groudon. Groudon is also my favorite Pokémon - I love him!

Zygarde is another favorite Pokémon. I like its 10% form, but I like the 50% form even more. It's just awesome! You must see the episode when Squishy turned into Zygarde 50%, and when Squishy and Z1 turned into Zygarde's final form and beat Lysandre. Zygarde is the best Dragon and Ground type Pokémon and deserves a top 10 spot.
Zygarde is an awesome Pokémon, especially because he can switch between Rock and Ground types. He is a beast and definitely deserves to be in the top ten.
This legendary Pokémon can kick butt. Land's Wrath can take out the X legendary, and powerful moves like Draco Meteor can destroy the Y legendary. Its design is great, and its ability can counter Xerneas and Yveltal.

For anyone considering moves, I'd probably avoid using Toxic or Substitute. Instead, I'd go with Thunder Fang to deal with Water-types (many of whom can learn Ice attacks) and either Protect or Rock Slide.
Ground and Flying types have had countless rivalries. Well, my favorite moves are Earthquake and Roost, so I looked for a Ground/Flying type Pokémon. BOOM! Once I saw Gliscor, he became one of my favorite Pokémon, right behind Nidoking and Trevenant.
He can learn Earthquake and not get hit by Earthquake because he's Flying. He can use Earthquake and not get hit by Thunderbolt because he's Ground! Not only does he have such a unique combo, but he also has decent speed and good defense. His ability, Poison Heal, makes him a tank. Put a Toxic Orb on him, and he becomes a great wall!
Ice types may bring him down, but with Fire Fang, he can wreck. Toxic, Earthquake, Substitute, and Fire Fang are all you need. Just dish out Earthquakes and Fire Fangs. If someone is hurting you, then Substitute and then Toxic them. Then wait it out using Substitute while still getting heals from Poison Heal. They'll die from Toxic, and then you beat them. Yes, it's a tedious and difficult strategy, but that is what makes him a fun and cool Pokémon!
All you guys pick are Pokémon that get Mega Evolutions, but Gliscor can beat them. Again, awesome Flying/Ground combo, fun to work with, and can even defeat Megas. Also, he's a flying scorpion - what else is there to say?
Oh, yeah, one more thing - I got a 4 Pokémon sweep by just using Gliscor. 4 Pokémon SWEEP. In a nutshell, Gliscor will be a great contender on any team. Good night and peace off!

Terrakion is a smashing good Pokémon. Come on, everyone - he looks so awesome! You can tell by his face, and he is a Rock and Fighting type. Even though he has a lot of weaknesses, like Water, Grass, and Flying, he's still impressive.
He smashes all Rock types, Flying types, Electric types, Fire types, and Dark types with the moveset Sacred Sword, Close Combat, Earthquake, and Rock Slide.

Graveler has such high attack power. I can't find anyone to trade with, so I'm going to keep my Graveler. I don't have to teach it Rock Slide or Stone Edge. Its Rollout attack is unstoppable.

This guy is awesome, and like Slaking, he has an ability that holds him back. Otherwise, he'd be too overpowered.
I think Archeops has amazing Attack and Defense. He looks very cool, but he has a horrible ability.

Rampardos is a pachycephalosaur that used its hard head to smash any threats or opposition.
Rampardos is a pachycephalosaur. They used their hard heads to smash predators or rivals.
Why is he at 26? He should be at number 1! Well, he's still the best at crushing any Pokémon.

Flygon is a beast. Dual Ground and Dragon typing makes for a very strong combo, and its strength is only matched by its speed. It should be at the top of the list. It learns moves like Earthquake and Dragon Rush - so much potential. Give it a try, people!
Its only weaknesses are Ice and Dragon, and it has two immunities! Also, if you don't evolve its first pre-evolved form and wait until level 73, it learns Fissure.
And how will you make sure that Fissure hits? I'm not sure about ORAS, but last time I checked, Flygon couldn't learn attacks like Foresight or Lock-On.

Awesome! And I have a little look-alike face with Mario. I can also learn Volt Switch.