Top Ten Reasons Why Pokémon Go Isn't that Fun Anymore

Pokémon Go was pretty fun at first, but now it's not that fun. Want reasons? Welp, here you go.
The Top Ten
1 Gym battles are almost impossible

Gyms are now always level 9 or 10, with strong 2000+ CP Pokémon. I get that it's part of the game, but when all teams, especially your own, use that strategy, it's impossible to take down or add to a gym. No more free coins!

Gym battles can be won if you are willing to exhaust your potions and let all your good Pokémon faint as you slowly wear down the Gym's prestige. I live next to a gym, so it's worth the sacrifice!

My family and I took a gym a few nights ago. My cousin has a strategy where she takes all her friends from the same team, and they all fight the gym at the same time.

2 Bag gets full too easily
3 It drains your battery

You need to turn off AR. Enough said.

Even with AR turned off, it drains my phone's battery way too much.

Pokémon Go destroyed my phone's battery, and it was the reason I had to get a new phone.

4 If you don't go anywhere you only find Pidgeys and Rattatas

What if you don't live in the city? What if there are hardly any PokéStops or gyms in your area? It makes it really lame if you walk around your town but all you get are Pidgeys and Rattatas.

This is why I'm taking a long break from the game. Even when I walk around my neighborhood, I'm always about to scream, "Come on Niantic, there are other Pokémon!"

5 It drains your cellular data
6 People die while playing it or get seriously hurt

Players lose concentration when they are going places while playing Pokémon Go. They might cross the street and get run over because they just want to continue playing.

These idiots in the middle of the street got in the way of our bus and almost got hit because they were playing Pokémon Go!

They should be very careful while playing this game.

7 People fight over the teams

I wouldn't choose any of the teams in the game. As a longtime fan of the series, I've learned never to trust any group that goes by "Team." They are usually the bad guys. In this case, all three teams in Pokémon Go are villains.

Sure, I'm a Team Valor member with a T-shirt and phone case (don't ask), but I don't fight people. I just argue.

My teacher and her husband are red. My teacher and my friend are red. My other friend is blue. My family and I are yellow, yet we all get along.

8 Disturbing moments

Finding a dead body, getting robbed, and many more.

Those lures. People could get kidnapped!

9 People who don't play it see people playing Pokémon Go in their yards and they have no idea what's going on

They think the person is a robber and shoot them. Lesson learned.

10 It got extremely overrated

The game is unworthy of the Pokémon industry. It has lost its touch. In my opinion, the older Pokémon games felt more real. Catching, training, and battling Pokémon play a big role in engaging your brain. I would rather play Pokémon Emerald repeatedly than touch Pokémon Go. They should focus on making the DS games more realistic and imaginative.

The Contenders
11 The gameplay is repetitive

That's why the main series will always be better.

I can't believe this wasn't on the list.

12 They fixed the glitch where your Pokémon doesn't survive at 1 hp anymore

Best and most useful glitch, hands down.

13 Only has gen 1 Pokemon

Other evolutions existed, so why didn't they include them?

14 Most of the gyms only have Dragonites, Snorlaxes, Laprases, Exeggutors and Arcanines

Finally! Someone agrees with me. I want to see something new! Is that too much to ask?

15 When you get to higher levels you need insane amounts of Exp to level up

You won't believe how long I spent leveling up my Pokémon!

16 The battles are boring

It doesn't use turn-based battles. Instead, you just throw balls or tap your screen. Boring.

17 Keeps crashing
18 Servers are unreliable
19 It is too cold to go outside anymore
20 You have to buy a $500 phone if you don't want the game to lag
21 Pokeballs are almost impossible to obtain

At PokéStops, the rate of Great and Ultra Balls was higher. After an update, it is now harder to obtain Great and Ultra Balls (and even Berries) from PokéStops.

22 No more Legendary Pokemon
23 Most Pokemon, especially starters, take at least five great balls or an ultra ball to catch.

I used ten Great Balls on a Charmander today. I finally caught him after depleting all my Great Balls.

24 Niantic doesn't like people hacking the game
25 People find dead bodies
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