Top 10 Hardest Pokemon Bosses

The Top Ten
Red (HeartGold & SoulSilver) Red is a Pokémon Trainer from Pallet Town, Kanto. He is the first character to be playable in the Pokémon series and his initial appearance is set in the Generation I main games. He has since then made various appearances in Pokémon media, including the Generation III remakes of Red, Green, Blue,... read more

I had so many problems beating him. First off, his Pikachu is level 88! It will kill you if you don't have a Ground type. His Snorlax is very strong but slow. His Lapras is immune to Hail. His Charizard can be hard without Rock type attacks. His Venusaur can use Frenzy Plant and kill you almost instantly without Fire. And last but not least, Blastoise's high defenses require you to use special attacks like Thunderbolt!

The main reason I have trouble with Red is because of his levels and moves. His Venusaur is not a problem because I have a Fire type starter. Charizard and Pikachu are also no problem since I always use my Lugia and Grass type. The main problem is that his Lapras, Snorlax, and Blastoise have the move Blizzard, and all my level 70s and 80s are weak to Ice. I've never beaten Red to this day. He should be number one, darn it!

Cilan (Black and White) Cilan is one of the three Gym Leaders of Striaton City's Gym, known officially as the Striaton Gym, in Pokemon Black and White. In the anime, he is classified as an A-class Pokemon Connoisseur and traveled with Ash Ketchum in the Unova region. He first debuted in Triple Leaders, Team Threats!.

Anyone who is anyone hates the monkeys. So you probably didn't bother to level up your monkey, which leaves you with almost no chance against any of the gym leaders. Plus, the Lillipup is annoying too. So, have fun...

Brock (Yellow) Brock is a character from Pokemon and is created by game freak & Nintendo. He was the first gym leader in pewter city, and specializes in rock Pokemon ... read more

In Pokemon Yellow, I remember going with the starter, Pikachu, and being thrashed. Nidoran and Mankey, the only Pokemon who could properly beat his wretched Onix, only learn the correct super effective moves at later levels. They are also rare to find.

Shadow Lugia (XD: Gale of Darkness)
Cynthia (Diamond and Pearl)

I mean, hard! The rematch... A level 72 Lucario, a level 72 Togekiss, a level 78 Garchomp? Also, she has a well-balanced team with generally good moves. Why does Garchomp have Giga Impact?

Weavile can't even one-shot Garchomp. If anyone can manage this without a Weavile, Scizor/Mamoswine combo, or Altaria, you forever have my respect.

I sighed in relief when I had FINALLY beaten her after the fifth or sixth time. How can she NOT be at number 2 at least?

Mew (Snap) Mew is a Psychic-type Mythical Pokémon created by Nintendo's and Game Freak's Pokémon media franchise. Designed by Satoshi Tajiri, it was introduced in Pokémon Red and Blue. Mew is capable of learning every move in the games (except signature moves of certain Pokémon), and can shapeshift into other... read more

I thought I beat the game until I had to catch this thing. I haven't beaten the game in a year or two!

Dialga (Mystery Dungeon 2) Dialga, known in Japan as the same name, is a Legendary Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

First of all, he isn't the final boss. Darkrai is, and Darkrai is much stronger and has stronger minions.

The Mystery Dungeon series has some crazy strong bosses, and Dialga is one of them. He is far more of a challenge than any Champion or Red.

Aside from Cackletta in Mario RPG 2, this guy is pretty much invincible. If you don't use Sleep Seeds and Focus Punches fast, I guarantee he'll cream you with his Roar of Time.

Plus, the ending, and when you recruit him, it's great to use Roar of Time in Darkrai's battle!

Ghetsis (Black and White) Ghetsis Harmonia, or simply Ghetsis, is the main antagonist in Pokemon Black and White and the direct sequels, as well as the adoptive father of N, Concordia, and Athea.

I actually did defeat him on my first try, but just by the skin of my teeth. I had to constantly keep healing my Pokémon over and over again. I eventually did run out of Full Restores and Revives. I had only one Pokémon left that was very low on health when I beat him. My heart was beating the whole time fighting him.

My first Pokemon game was Pokemon Black Version, and for me, this was the hardest generation I have ever played (since Generation VI wasn't as hard as Generation V).

I kept losing to Ghetsis so much that I actually had to leave N's Castle just to train my Pokemon more so I could finally beat Ghetsis!

Angeallen (Platinum)
Ultra Necrozma (Ultra Sun and Moon)

True, it's easy to beat if you know what you'll be fighting and make up a strategy. However, if you're going in blindly or in a challenge run (like a Nuzlocke, for example), this thing is a dream wrecker.

This thing kills my Pokemon Every! Single! Time! It has boosts to all of its stats, insane base stats, and a moveset of Photon Geyser, Dragon Pulse, Smart Strike, and Power Gem.

Oh, and don't forget its ability, Neuroforce, which powers up moves that are super-effective. This thing should have been number 1.

Higher stats than Arceus, Totem aura, and excellent type coverage. How much more overpowered can you get?

The Newcomers

? Master Mustard (Pokemon Sword and Shield)
? Pokemon Wielder Volo (Legends Arceus)
The Contenders
Whitney (HeartGold & SoulSilver)

Damn it, Miltank! If you don't have any fighting moves, it is hellishly hard to kill because it's like a tank. It uses Milk Drink when you have its HP low enough, and Attract on your male Pokemon. Rollout can be devastating.

Really hard for an early gym leader.

A very hard gym leader, but not one you can't counter. Onix and Geodude have no problem with this gym. I found Clair to be significantly harder.

From what I've heard (I've never played HGSS), she can own anything.

Lance (HeartGold & SoulSilver)

He has overpowered Pokémon and too many items! Even with my supply of over 100 Full Restores, I still managed to never, ever, ever beat him, so I can't put Kanto bosses on here. The only reason he's number four is because I thought other people could beat him more easily than the top three! In fact, the only other one I flat-out couldn't beat was number one, who can beat you way faster!

All I can say is, Lance is difficult.

For starters, his Pokémon are level 45-50, with three Dragonite that will destroy you if you don't have Ice type moves. Secondly, you need to level grind on Victory Road, where Pokémon are level 35 at maximum! I ended up getting my Hitmonchan to level 46 and just kept destroying his whole team. Stealth Rock works on his whole team, especially Charizard. It's not fun, but still possible.

Steven Stone (Emerald)

His Metagross is a monstrosity. Aggron is a novelty. He punishes you enough with Armaldo, stalls with Cradily, and spikes you down with Skarmory. His Claydol is the only thing not dangerous.

Watch out for him at the end of the game. He has levels 72 to 78, and you can battle him immediately after beating the Elite Four and Champion!

Such a nightmare. Aggron can beat my level 98 Deoxys in one hit in defense form. Metagross beat my level 100 Mega Rayquaza.

If it hadn't been for my Blaziken dodging Metagross's Hyper Beam, I would've been destroyed.

Primal Dialga (Mystery Dungeon 2)

It will let you approach it unlike normal Dialga, but it can easily knock out you or your partner in two hits and has about 670-1000 HP!

Cynthia (Black and White)

Her Garchomp is the most terrifying Pokemon ever. Even for an experienced player, if you don't have a strong Ice or Dragon type, you are doomed.

And that's without having to worry about the other Pokemon.

Totem Lurantis (Sun and Moon)

This Pokémon is way too broken. It has Solar Blade along with Power Herb from the start. It can immediately attack with what is basically a physical Solarbeam once it uses it. Not only that, it has Synthesis to restore its health. Its allies also cause a pain in the neck. Trumbeak with Rock Blast kills Fire types and Flying types, which you definitely need to beat it. Castform uses Sunny Day, which allows it to restore 2/3 of its health and immediately charges its Solar Blade. This Pokémon should never be underestimated.

Evice (Colosseum)

The level jump between your own Pokémon and his is incredible. If you were lazy, you had level 45-50 Pokémon (because you caught opposing Pokémon such as level 50 Metagross). If you took the time to grind up in Mt. Battle, you should have level 50-52 Pokémon. The thing is, Evice has level 60 Pokémon with way more elaborate strategies than classical bosses: Dragon Dance Salamence (egg move), Baton Pass Scizor, and Skill Swap Slowking to remove Slaking's main issue: Truant.

The difference that makes Evice harder than Red is that it's a double battle. You can't beat him with multiple X Attacks to sweep his team with one Pokémon (easily doable with Red, even if your Pokémon are level 50). Double Intimidate and the lack of a reliable Ice Beam user (except Suicune, there isn't a viable Water/Ice type in the game that you can catch) puts a lot of pressure and forces you to focus on him to prevent him from setting up.

Lusamine (Sun and Moon) Lusamine is a fictional character introduced in Pokémon Sun and Moon. She is the head of the Aether Foundation.

Her Mother Beast form is overpowered as hell!

Strong and varied team. Managed to knock out even some of my overleveled Pokemon.

Dusknoir (Mystery Dungeon 2)

Three against eight gives the enemy a five-man upper hand! The Sableye have about 93 HP, but Dusknoir may well have about 800 HP! Dusknoir can deliver about 70 damage per blow, and Sableye can do about 30. Do the math, and that's about 93 damage per team member. Ouch! However, these are their strongest attacks if they all attack, so don't get too worried!

This is like Luxray and the Luxio times a bazillion. Your only strategy is to confuse Dusknoir. For every one battle I have with Primal Dialga, I have ten battles with these guys.

Greevil (XD: Gale of Darkness)

Speedster did a countdown on the hardest Pokémon battles, and this was number one. Let's just say he made a pretty good point. I think you should check it out, and he also talks about why Whitney isn't as hard as we all say. I'm voting for this until it's number one. What are you guys even talking about for the number one choice? In another list, Speedster also explains why the battle with Red isn't as great as we all think it is.

Fighting him while having to catch all six of his team is a nightmare. All the Pokémon are strong. They are Rhydon, Exeggutor, Tauros, Moltres, Articuno, and Zapdos. All of them also have high catch rates, especially the birds, so you will need lots of Poké Balls. Also, if you score a critical hit, you may accidentally KO one.

For those who are unfamiliar, the goal of the game is to catch all the Pokémon your opponent has that are Shadow Pokémon (in Greevil's case, all six). These Pokémon also have special attacks that deal super-effective damage to all non-Shadow Pokémon. They will hit any Pokémon you use hard with the exception of other Shadow Pokémon. I strongly recommend not purifying all your Shadow Pokémon before this match, or else your entire team will be KO'd quickly (especially Salamence - I could not have won without it!).

If you want to use the Master Ball on them, that means no Master Ball for Shadow Lugia. Any damage you take against Lugia carries over to the fight against Greevil, so that's not a good idea.

I definitely don't recommend catching all six of his Pokémon at once. While doable, you will need lots of tries - I did it, but it took me far more attempts than any other Pokémon trainer by far.

Lenora (Black and White)

Wow, I figured out how to beat her a long time ago. Use your starter otherwise, but if you started with Snivy, get a Fighting type from Pinwheel Forest. Give your main killer a Chesto Berry, and when she switches in to Retaliate, switch to your HM Slave. I beat her on the first try, even as a Pokémon newbie many years back!

After finally beating the ferocious beast known as Herdier, you have to face her Watchog. It usually starts the battle with Retaliate, which defeats your Pokemon most of the time. Then it starts spamming Hypnosis and Crunch.

Drapion (Ranger 2)

I had to restart my game in order to beat him because I chose Croagunk as my partner. I went back with a different partner and beat him, but it was still super hard.

This boss is the hardest Pokemon boss I've ever faced in a game!

If you chose Croagunk as your partner, you are doomed. You can't get off the ship to change your partner, so you have to restart the game. It took me a long time, but I finally got it.

N (Black and White)
Morimoto (Black and White)
Lysandre (X and Y)

That Mega Gyarados of his is absolute HELL to fight - not to mention Mienshao with Fake Out. Great theme, though.

Gyarados will give you hell every time. He's got a great theme, though.

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