Top 10 Most Useless Pokémon

Not only can this thing not evolve, but it also has one of the lowest base stat totals of any fully evolved Pokémon. Not only is it gimmicky and dumb, but it can only know one move: Hidden Power, a move every Pokémon that can learn TMs can learn. At least Magikarp can learn four moves: Splash (useless), Tackle, Flail, and Bounce. Magikarp also evolves into Gyarados, which is a beast. Unown is terrible. DON'T EVEN BOTHER!
Assuming Hidden Power is a Normal-type attack, Unown has crappy stats and only one move that doesn't get STAB. If once again, Hidden Power is assumed to be Normal-type, note that its Hidden Power lowers its IVs, and it only gets a maximum power of 70. Compare that to moves like Psystrike coming off 154 Special Attack and STAB. This guy is of no help without Baton Pass.

Why is it that one of the most basic Pokémon cards still has only 30 health? I have a Magikarp level 19, and it almost always does no damage.
The name speaks for itself - karp of crap.
Magikarp isn't ENTIRELY useless. I know it's such a hassle and irritation to train Magikarp and to level them up, but eventually, they do evolve into Gyarados.
I think Magikarp is the worst Pokémon in the game. It only has one move and takes forever to evolve. Some people say it's only good because of its evolution.

In a Pokémon world far away, in the middle of a battle...
Kristy the trainer: Caterpie! Use Bug Bite on Espeon!
Caterpie: Cat-ter-pie!
Sandy the watcher: Bug types are super effective against Psychic types!
Dan the opponent: AH DANG IT! Espeon, use Psychic.
Espeon: Espi!
Kristy: Dodge it! Flick it back with String Shot!
Caterpie: Caterpie!
Espeon: *faints* Espi!
Sandy: Caterpie is the winner of this battle!
Dan: Espeon, come back. You did your best. Now, Riolu, come out and use Reversal!
Kristy: Caterpie! Dodge it and use Tackle!
Caterpie: Caterpiee!
Riolu: Riol!
Now Caterpie is evolving.
Kristy: Caterpie?
Metapod: Metapod!
Dan (in head): Oh, this is my chance.
Sandy (in head): Uh oh!
Kristy (in head): One more shot, and I'll beat him.
Kristy: Metapod, use Bug Bite!
Metapod: Meta?
Kristy: Hold on, let me see the Pokédex. It says here that Metapod can only use Harden, a very weak move. Then it evolves into Butterfree.
Kristy (in head): I only have this Pokémon left. Dan has to defeat me.
Kristy: Dan! You win! Defeat me!
Dan defeats her!
Dan: Oh yeah! Victory, baby!

Why have Miltank when you could just have Tauros?

It's useless now, but it used to be the only way to obtain heart scales.

If we were to talk about the slime Ditto thing, yeah, it's the weakest.

He is useless on your side, but if the enemy has him, chances are some HP is coming your way. That is why I battle him in SoulSilver.
"Imagine a sword so bad it healed the enemy every time it hit the enemy. It would still make a ghast cry." - Max, Diary of an 8-bit Warrior.
Why does Pokémon have a Pokémon that has a chance of healing the enemy? The first time I learned about that move, I actually just quit the game for a few days.
He has an attack that has a 1 in 10 chance of healing the enemy. That's bad.

Its only real use is to set up hazards and to use Spore, which doesn't even work on Grass-types.
HOWEVER! There is a set I use in Ubers where I Spore the opponent, use Substitute, then Belly Drum, then Baton Pass to a physical sweeper.
Like come on! Do you really want a Pokémon that just draws the opponent? No. And it's even worse than a Magikarp since it can't evolve into anything. Worst Pokémon out there.
Rubbish character. Takes up space.

Does no damage, literally everywhere. Horrible evolutions. Piece of crap.
Weed-el. The Weed. Yeah. It should replace Oddish as the weed Pokémon!
Weedle! Stop taking weed. Your nose is getting red!

It's just a starfish. Nothing special.
The Newcomers

Good Ghost type, but otherwise it's bad.

Metapod is Magikarp's wife. Together they're domination. Kakuna, on the other hand, is useless until he turns into Beedrill.
Kakuna used Harden! It does nothing of use!
Attacks: Harden, and that's that.

Clump of helpless leaves on a stick. Prove me wrong and change my mind.

If you catch a low-level one, it only knows an attack that doesn't do damage. Other than that, Jigglypuff isn't that useless.
Worst Pokémon ever. Just sings you to sleep. This should be in the number one spot.

Rattata has high speed, but the rest of its stats are very bad. All it does is Tail Whip.
FEAR is useful, but ghost types melt it.
10 years searching for a deformed Pokémon that should have an awesome evolved form like Magikarp, and I get this. What a shame.
Dunsparce is one of the worst Pokémon in the game. Maybe if it got a Mega Evolution, or even an evolution, it would be decent.
I want to love this thing, but I can't. There are very few good ways to use a Dunsparce.

Magikarp is way more useful than this Pokémon. Magikarp evolves into a powerful Pokémon while Charizard is fully evolved.
Mega evolved has great STAB, though... I thought they had good special attack?
I once set my Charizard down on some rocks. It couldn't get back up.

This Pokémon is one of the most irrelevant Pokémon of all time.

It's alright, but Dustox really outshines Beautifly. The fact that you get one of two evolutionary paths by seemingly random chance, with one path being a better option, makes Beautifly not worth it.
Dustox is so much better in design and moves.
On Ruby, I took down 4 gyms with this!

It is slow, puny, and fragile in Little Cup. If its defense is not high enough, Guts Rattata can Toxic Orb Facade this plump mouse with little effort. It has Stealth Rock, a huge plus for him, but with Moody banned in Little Cup and its frailty, none of its allowed abilities can be used effectively. This is what we call a Gimmickmon.
The only reason this Pokémon was made is to learn HMs to pass the game.
He is a god! He is Magikarp's son. Plus, when he evolves, he can rollout all the way!

Absolutely sucks. This overrated piece of trash keeps in the spotlight while Pokémon like Magmortar, Electrode, Sawk, Victreebel, Porygon2/Z, and Mamoswine never get any spotlight.
Like Lucario, it has great stats, but with a twist: Its defense sucks.

The only use Audino has is being a total XP bomb.
And it'll keep your partner alive during the Subway Battles.
Aaand that's it! Its main purpose is to be annoying.