Top 10 Best Pokemon Creepypastas
As a young and naive kid, I really enjoyed this story. The videos and stories didn't scare me too much, but when I drew him, the more I kept drawing him, the more it felt so wrong.
When I was done with the drawing, I had to throw it away and crumble it up. I felt so strangely guilty and terrified that I drew Lost Silver, and it haunted me for weeks. I felt like he was going to come out of the paper and haunt me. From this "traumatic" childhood experience, I consider this one the best.
This is most likely the best creepypasta I have ever seen in my entire life. Creepypastas don't scare me much, but this one made me pee my pants. Even though I was 12 when I first saw it, this was the only creepypasta that made me pee my pants.
It deserves a 10.1/10 because it scared me a lot, and the fanbase of this creepypasta is very cool. Thanks to the creator of this creepypasta for making it. It is surely my "idol."
This was one of my first creepypastas, and I thought it was actually REAL! It wasn't until almost a year ago that I realized it wasn't. This is one of my all-time favorites. The idea of children committing suicide just from hearing the Lavender Town song is pretty unsettling.
Since I originally thought it was real, I was shocked when I first heard about it, and for a while, I was afraid to hear the song because I was about 10 or so when I first came across it. This was really well made, so congrats to the author.
Okay, where do I start? Easter Egg: Snow On Mount Silver is my personal favorite of all creepypastas. The fact that the brother literally goes mentally insane after experiencing the Easter Egg adds to the effect.
The sprites of the mangled Pokémon almost made me cry, reminding me of my very first Pokémon game, SoulSilver. It still scares me because now I'm terrified that all of my Pokémon will turn against me and come after me. SCARY!
This creepypasta terrified me when I first stumbled upon it in search of a picture. I was disturbed when I read about Ash's refusal to turn back. I was also horrified when I read about how the Pokémon were viciously mangled. The brother's panic over it made me scared as well. Overall, it's worthy of the title creepypasta as it chilled me to the core with absolute terror.
This feels like a coma every time I watch Pokémon. The creators didn't think this through completely.
My favorite Pokémon is Eevee, and it still is because Poképastas are just stories, and this isn't real. But I got scared so badly! It's very good, though I don't like the sicko who decided to have an Eevee who kills the world and half evolves into Espeon. I recommend evolving Eevee into Umbreon - he is the best of the Eevees and has an advantage over Sylveon.
EEeEE was very scary when I first read it, in my opinion. I mean, a Pokémon that kills people and other Pokémon just because it wanted to evolve? It gave me nightmares.
With creepy music and chilling vocals, Hypno's Lullaby is a creepypasta that everyone can be frightened by!
This used to haunt me back then. If you happen to listen to the video, just don't think about it.
Definitely really creepy. My friend and I were both really creeped out by this incredible creepypasta!
If you don't know about Creepy Black, HERE'S THE STORY.
This was originally called Pokémon Black until Gen 5. Now it's known as Creepy Black. You begin your journey in Gen 1 (where else?). Instead of choosing from the usual three starters (Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle), you get a Ghost, like the one you see in Lavender Town before you obtain the Silph Scope. This Ghost only knows one move: Curse. Curse acts as a one-hit KO. When you defeat all of the trainer's Pokémon, a tombstone appears.
As you progress through the game, you notice that everywhere a trainer used to be, there's now a tombstone. Eventually, you trigger a battle, but it's you versus the Ghost. At this point, you are now an old man, and the only move you know is Struggle. Struggle has no effect, and you die. After that, the game crashes.
Most of these aren't even that scary. Lavender Town, Strangled Red, and Buried Alive are the only scary ones in my opinion.
CandyEvie covered this in one of her videos, and the concept is so dark it's unbearable!
Pretty creepy. At the same time, I feel bad for Miki.
That zombie thing is creepy. I tried watching Hypno's Lullaby, but it isn't very scary. This one is, however. Lavender Town is creepy too, but this one had that zombie sprite that is pure nightmare fuel.
Although it may be short, it does make you think about what happened to the player and his Pokémon in your dreams.
This one is by far my favorite and the reason I got into creepypasta. I still get chills when I talk about it or hear about it and even start crying from enjoyment. It's so. Darn. CREEPY. Seriously. And the creepy pic of Buried Alive HOLDING DEAD RED? Ewww... I love it.
The sentimental story starts with a rather predictable beginning and heartbreak, but what's really unique is the ending. It makes you feel all warm inside, and the falling action sends readers to the edge of their seats, rooting for Jessica to forgive Cameron, then cheering (silently or loudly) when she does.
This is truly a magnificent story that deserves a higher place.
I love this! It's a beautiful story that might make people feel sad, cry, or come close to crying. In my opinion, it's truly one of the best creepypastas (or feelpasta?), as it doesn't have any murder in it. Jessica ends up forgiving the protagonist. He needed it after all he went through. Forever one of my favorite creepypastas, as I LOVE Pokémon!
The Newcomers
I like it. It was a crossover creepypasta between Pokémon and Sonic the Hedgehog.
I think this one is called "Audino Wants To Play."
Probably one of the lesser-known scary pastas. This made me unable to sleep again.
It really gives a whole new vibe to Red. I mean, he wanted to be a Pokémon master, but the only reason he was able to become one was because the game had to let him.
I am an Eevee fan. When I first saw this Poképasta, I thought, How dare you make Eevee go through so much pain and death? After I read it, I was crying for an hour. It's more of a feelpasta than a creepypasta, but still, this story deserves 3rd, 2nd, or even 1st place!
I love this Creepypasta because it is really sad!
As an Eevee fan, I found this to be my absolute favorite Creepypasta.
In my opinion, this is better than Lost Silver and Lavender Town Syndrome. Why? Because of the story. It has the violence and creepiness of any other creepypasta, and... it is sad. Your best friend abandoning you for someone else... I really shed a tear!
It's been forever since I've read this story, so I admit that I don't remember much of it, but this is where BRVR came from, and he is one of the most iconic characters.
I personally think that this is the best Creepypasta of all time.
How is this not voted for? This is a very good creepypasta that makes it seem like it was part of the actual game.
Short summary: A child who had no friends used to play Pokémon all day in her childhood with a Pikachu named Brvr (short for Brother). She stopped playing it as she grew up, but after moving to another town, she found the dusty disc. Strange things started happening on the screen when she placed the disc, with Brvr saying, I did this all for you. I missed you. Do you still love me?
Brvr is my best friend in my dream. I would never let anyone be abandoned in my life. Pikachu clone.
The title is kind of true. The Cleffa family and the Gastly family are similar. It's like when Cleffa has a premature death: Cleffa is a ball with stubby hands, and Gastly is also a ball. Clefairy gets wings, which resemble bony hands, and Gastly has bone hands too.
Clefable gets longer arms, the same length as Gengar's, and they both have little ear things on their heads. I haven't read the creepypasta, but just wanted to give a shoutout.
Everybody has a shadow and dark side!
Why is this underrated? This is such a great story.
This is by far as scary as a Pokémon Creepypasta can get. Everyone else, just stop trying, please.
Really good story. It scared me stiff!
I am really surprised that this was not put on this list yet. If I say anything, it will be a spoiler, but it is worth the read!