Top Ten Pokemon Grass Moves
This says Top 10, not strongest. Frenzy Plant makes you rest for a turn, so it certainly isn't the best. Leaf Blade, on the other hand, has no setback and has a high critical hit ratio!
It's like Night Slash, but better. It's a blade! High critical hit ratio and decent power. I used this move with my Leavanny, and it bossed everyone! This should be #1!
Sceptile's signature move. Physical Mega Sceptile's Leaf Blade is very powerful, and it has a high critical hit ratio. Vote for Leaf Blade!
What's not to love? You are literally absorbing the power of the sun and blasting it at your foes! And with Sunny Day or Drought in effect, you don't even have to charge up. Probably one of the most awesome attacks in the game.
A grass-type Pokémon on a fire-based team with Sunny Day and this move makes it very useful.
Drought + SolarBeam is awesome! Great for some Fire types!
Eh, not sure what to say about this. Sure, it's good for short battles, but you can cause more damage with two Energy Balls or SolarBeams (if you use Sunny Day). I always considered Frenzy Plant a last resort on my FRLG Venusaur, and I didn't bother using it on my Torterra, Serperior, or Chesnaught.
Frenzy Plant is the strongest grass-type move in Pokémon! It can only be learned by grass starters, just like Hydro Cannon and Blast Burn can only be learned by the other starters!
Frenzy Plant should be #1 because it is the strongest grass-type move ever! SolarBeam should be #2. Frenzy Plant has 150 power and 90% accuracy - it can beat SolarBeam!
It's number 1 for sure. I mean, be honest, what's the last move your Grass type learns? LEAF STORM!
This is a very good attack, and with Contrary Serperior, it is almost unbeatable.
Great upgrade to Razor Leaf for Pokémon like Torterra. The only downfall is the Special Attack decrease.
Easily the best grass move. Damage power: 75. Healing: 37.5 = 112.5 total. Teach it to a Bulbasaur in combination with Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb, and Toxic or Leech Seed, or even Amnesia (by breeding).
This KO'd every Water type I saw while keeping my Roserade healthy. Why did Mega Drain beat this?
In Pokémon Emerald, when I was battling the 8th Gym Leader, I destroyed him with just a Lombre.
How did this get over Petal Dance, Energy Ball, and Spore?
Ordinary but extraordinary. Use it well.
Isn't this a lower-level move? How is it this high?
While other moves have accuracy problems or recharge statuses, Leech Seed comes with a permanent death sentence on the Elite Four. One shot is all it takes. Combined with the strength of Toxic and Double Team, there's no weakness you might possess. Sure, they can use that spinning move, but it's still pretty reliable.
This move is great mainly because after each turn, the other Pokémon loses health, and you get some back. This and Giga Drain are a deadly combo.
Leech Seed cannot be stopped until the foe faints or switches to another Pokémon. The user receives the same amount of HP as the damage taken by the enemy!
OP and can heal you while hitting like a truck.
This is the best grass move because it drains the other Pokémon's health and adds extra health to your Pokémon. It's a huge advantage, in my opinion! Absorb must be the best move!
Mega Drain and Giga Drain are better than this trash.
It is so OP. I had a level 50 Leafeon and 1-shot a level 67 Dugtrio in Pixelmon with it.
The Newcomers
Easily one of the best. It lowers the Attack stat of your opponent's Pokémon every time it is used.
Handy for battling Pokémon like Snorlax.
Healing moves are very useful!
Energy Ball is a reliable and easy-to-use grass-type move. It has 100% accuracy and can instantly KO many Pokémon.
Energy Ball has taken out many Pokémon for me.
The Shadow Ball of Grass Pokémon!
This is a great move for Pokémon who can learn it, such as Ferrothorn or Carnivine. Although it has a slightly higher chance of missing than most moves, its power - 120 - is a force to be reckoned with.
It is very strong, and it's a rare Grass move.
Dudes, it is the best move for Venusaur, MAN!
This is the Grass-type Outrage!
It's used very much in the anime, so why not in-game?
It will give you a shock-like feeling.
Listen here, mates. Bullet Seed has 25 base damage, always hits at least twice, and can hit up to 5 times. That means 50-125 base damage, and 75-250 critical hit damage. Let's compare this to Razor Leaf, a 50 base damage move with a 1/8 chance to crit for 100 damage. Bullet Seed has a 1/8 chance to hit 4 times, which will equal 100 base damage, but it can also crit or hit again to go even further beyond. It's strong and underestimated.
It also bypasses Sturdy, so it's perfect in almost every aspect.
I really like this move for some reason.
Pow pow, shoot bullets from your mouth!
This is my favorite move, and it's on my favorite Pokémon.
Sure, only Shaymin can learn it, but it's sweet!
Petal Blizzard does damage to all adjacent Pokémon, including allies. In Horde Encounters, it will target all opponents. 90 power, 100% accuracy. Enough said.
Day's pretty, ya know! Its power and accuracy are perfect for Venusaur or Sceptile.
It's Protect that hits back... What's not to love?
While not powerful, the loss of accuracy to the opponent, in combination with Leech Seed and other recovery moves, leads to longevity.
Every Grass Pokémon should know a move this strong.
It's the best move for any Pokémon that can learn it.