Top 10 Scariest Pokemon

I remember the first time I listened to Hypno's Lullaby. There is only one word to describe that experience: surreal. I felt sort of weird afterward, kind of down and tired, as if my energy had been drained. I picked up my 3DS and started playing Pokemon Sun, but I felt this urge to talk to every Hypno in the game's overworld, hoping that one would hypnotize me.
When none of them did, I visited the Pokedex and made the image of Hypno swing its pendulum, hoping that I would be hypnotized. Only by watching a Top 10 Cutest Pokemon list was I able to feel better. I know it sounds like a bad creepypasta, but it's true. Ever since then, I have been terrified of Hypno and anything to do with it, including real-world hypnosis.

A human died, turned into a ghost Pokémon, and carries a mask resembling its face.
That episode in Black & White where it inspired Cilan was so scary!
Totally scary. Imagine how much scarier it gets when it evolves. Definitely one of the scariest Pokémon evolution families.

I love this one so much, and yes, I agree that it's scary. Its call is so creepy too! P.S. I have a shiny one on Pokémon Ultra Moon.
I find being killed in your sleep more disturbing than almost anything. The only other thing that scares me is hypnosis.
It's basically the Boogeyman of Pokémon, giving people nightmares wherever it goes.

It is the scariest/coolest Pokémon!
Looks like it's alive and dead. Black and red!
This is the devil. Why is it not number one?

HELL YES! It should be #1 because it gets revenge on the child that threw it out, and you know what THAT means... That kid is about to wish they hadn't tossed the doll, because their last playdate is going to be in their DEATH BED!
God, this is creepy. It was an old marionette tossed by a kid, and now this freak is going to kill that kid - and probably the whole family.
Let's cremate it, shall we?!
This would definitely scare me later because I keep over 30 stuffed animals. (Wait, do stuffed animals count?)

Why isn't this number one? This is the OG creepy Pokémon! It tricks you into killing yourself!
A Pokémon that can potentially follow you by using your shadow? Count me out.

It wears the skull of its dead mother. When it looks up at the moon at night, it cries, and the skull rattles loudly.
It wears the skull of its mother as a memory. This gave Pokémon games featuring Cubone a bit of a dark side.
It lost its mother.

Mimikyu looks adorable, and that's why I love it - because it's cute yet whimsical, rustic-looking, and scary. This thing... someone died from looking at it!
But it's tough, and I love it, so me and my Mimi are together forever. =D
Unless it kills me...
Under that cute Pikachu sheet is an obvious demon that can kill you if you try to peek. Sounds scary to me!
A man once saw what was under its costume, and he died of shock.
May Mimikyu's curse be upon you!

A shadow at the dusk of day.

It is an angry one.
The Newcomers

It has a disturbing appearance - its face looks dead and its eyes seem to stare right past you. No wonder some kids had nightmares about Deoxys.
Also, when you think about a space virus, you imagine something that could infect creatures like humans, possibly killing or consuming them, and turning them into Deoxys. The world is definitely safer without Deoxys if that's the case.

Nothing is scarier than a mosquito, so a muscular mosquito can be the stuff of nightmares.

The very embodiment of death, or turning you into stone Medusa-style with its wings. I do not understand why this beat out the more pleasant Xerneas in that Japanese poll.
This is below Nidoran? This Pokémon is literally death itself.
Xerneas represents life, and Yveltal represents death. Plus, they are two legendaries based on Norse mythology: Yggdrasil and the Blind Eagle. Scary.

Abra is actually creepy. (QUITE.)

Come on, people! Arceus is a god Pokemon, but it can be caught and controlled by a mortal. Missingno. can be caught, but it messes up your game, and in some cases, catching Missingno. ruins the game to the point where you can't start a new one.
It's technically a glitch, but it's also a type - bird/normal. (Not flying; bird was a beta type that was later removed.)
It would defeat Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Goku, and a lot of other anime characters with ease. It's a glitch Pokemon, therefore making it the strongest!

It has to jump in its sleep. Poor Spoink. Oh, wait, it gets better - if it faints, it stops bouncing, so in that case, if Spoink faints, it dies. R.I.P. Spoink.
Let's play: Episode 1
Let's play: Episode 2 :(
It will die if it stops bouncing.

This thing is a clown! How can it not be number one?
It's just his design. Mimes are creepy, so I think GameFreak did a good job!

The concept of a 20-foot serpent destroying your home would make a wise person think twice about owning one.

Pinsir's face has scared me since I was a kid. If it had beady eyes like its Red and Blue sprite, it would look less creepy (and also more weird).

I actually find this cute, including the fact that it's the ghost of a child.
Now I'm terrified of them...
Oh God...

Ghost and Dark-type Pokemon are common fears. Spiritomb is formed by 108 spirits (people after they die), trapped in an odd keystone that makes noises and looks evil.
Of course, it also looks like it's doing an evil laugh.
At the very least, Spiritomb was terrifying before the dawn of Fairy-types.
I got an egg with this Pokemon in it. Use poison on someone like Emolga if you want them to slowly run out of health (they use Double Team every turn, so it's hard to hit them).

My friends and I made a Jigglypuff Takes Over the World movie. It's so scary! It amplifies its voice and takes control, I tell you!

Just imagine you're minding your own business, and then you see a giant black creature with a big tongue, claws, and a massive blue mouth coming to eat you.
Scary and gluttonous - pretty much the Pokémon equivalent of Gluttony from Fullmetal Alchemist if you made him more terrifying than in canon.