Top 10 Best "Goodbye" Quotes

The Top Ten
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you until we meet again.

I'm not all that good with goodbyes, so I'll just offer up my own little question. When does a man die? Is it when he's shot over a thousand times? Or when he is executed through brutal means? Or when he dies of a horrible disease? No. A man dies when he is forgotten.

Let these words ring true. No matter what, whether you're separated from your dearest friends or losing your dearest loved ones, know this: you'll see them somehow, someway, somewhere, just as long as you do your best to keep their memories alive.

A memory lasts forever, never will it die... True friends stay together and never say goodbye.

Thank you. It touched me. Yeah, true friendship will never die. I really appreciate this. Awesome and really cool. I like it a lot.

But it's pretty sad to realize that I'm not going to see my best friend for a long time.

This has touched me and the heart of my best friend and her family. Sadly, they're packing their bags and moving to a different state. I know how it feels to lose someone so close to you.

Totally true! I would like to thank the one who made this quote. True friendship never dies. Even if you say goodbye to your best friends, friendship will never end!

How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to.

I felt lucky to have never met or ever will meet a man through Facebook and then WhatsApp. But the words goodbye were never written. Yet, I know it is goodbye on his part. I thank him for making my heart smile, and I know I will forever love him.

This hits pretty close to home. A friend of mine was killed a few weeks back, and it was the hardest thing I've ever gone through. I found unique comfort in this quote.

Now that I think about it, that is true. I am glad that I have someone who was my everything, that it hurt to say goodbye.

Why does it take a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye?

True. It took me forever to say goodbye to my coach who left for a different school, as well as to friends and another coach I had. I love those friends and coaches, especially the first one. He became like a second father and practically adopted me. It's tough.

Love it and, in fact, shared it on Facebook when I left my family and friends and studied overseas. So far, it has been one of my favorite quotes.

This is so true! From my own life, it took an instant to decide he was an okay person to be friends with. But then, when told he was not, it took forever to say goodbye.


Well, none of the others would exist without this one, which is still so dreadful.

My really close friend is moving away. It's surprising how hard it is to say goodbye.

Exactly, and it is a lot easier to remember.

Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before we can meet again and meeting again, after moments or a lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.

There will always be people you love and miss, and you will always be that person for someone else. You'll want to hold on forever and never let go. But the thing is, you can't say hello again if you haven't said goodbye.

I'm writing a letter for a graduating friend. I find this very true and promising. Yes, indeed, true friends never say goodbye.

This is probably one of the most touching quotes I've ever read! It seems so obvious at first glance, but it really packs a punch once you understand the gravity of it.

True goodbyes are the ones never said or explained.

Warning: sad story about goodbyes like these.

I have always been a shy, secretive, and awkward person. I had a huge crush on this boy named Jake in the 5th grade, but I was determined not to show it. I knew I was weird. He was popular, cute, and mysterious. However, when we started texting out of the blue, I got to meet a side of him that no one knew. And he met a side of me that no one knew. He looked at me differently than any other girl, and I knew he had feelings for me. But I was scared. I was weird, shy, and almost the opposite of him, so I didn't show any affection.

Until the 9th grade, we stayed in contact until we just started falling apart. Even though we didn't talk anymore, I still had immensely strong feelings for him. And when we occasionally bumped into each other in the halls, I could tell he wasn't over me either.

Randomly in the middle of my junior year, he left. Without warning, he moved. I had to hear it from one of his friends during class. It was after winter break. He didn't even say goodbye. I knew him better than anyone, and I saw past his popular jerk status. He opened up to me. And more importantly, I opened up to him.

And just one day like that, he was gone. But he didn't stop to subtly tweet this exact quote the day I found out about his move.

I was the only one who didn't know he was moving.

True friends don't say goodbye. They just take extended leaves of absences from each other.

I have just said goodbye to a true and gentle friend. My heart is sore at his leaving because we are now touching sixty and have known each other all our lives. He is going to the far side of the world, and I don't know if we shall ever meet again.

I wish I could have said the quote above, as I hope it is true.

Yes... True friendship is forever.

Never say goodbye because you will never know when you are going to lose them.
A goodbye is never painful unless you're never going to say hello again.

It's true. It is very hard to accept the reality that you will never see or hear that person your entire life. You can only remember him and reminisce about the days spent with that person. So sad, but it is a reality we have to live with those memories.

My girlfriend is moving away for a new job, and I'm staying behind to go to school. This quote has brought me a little peace of mind and will hopefully make our parting more tolerable. I've decided to stop missing her and start looking forward to seeing her again. I love you, Ashley.

The Newcomers

? The story of love is hello and goodbye, until we meet again.

Somebody told me it is a quote by Jimi Hendrix, but I really don't know for sure.

Anyway, it's irrelevant who said it - the quality matters.

? To say hello is to risk having to say goodbye later on.
The Contenders
I have never found any 'good' in goodbye.

An amazing quote, obviously deeply thought about. It's so true, though, what good has anyone got in saying goodbye? I know it's never done me any good.

Very simple and speaks for itself. It doesn't need a lengthy explanation. There is just hardly anything good about saying goodbye.

My friend is being transferred to Mexico. I miss her already. See you is so much easier: see you soon, write me, call me, and never say goodbye.

Goodbye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end, but in my heart is the memory, and there you will always be.

For people who don't know, this quote comes from the greatest movie of all time, The Fox and the Hound. It's when Widow Tweed has to let Tod go to protect him. It's such a sad scene, but it's sad in a beautiful way!

This saying has always held so much love in it for me. It makes me cry each time I hear it, even in The Fox and the Hound.

Goodbye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end, but in my heart is the memory, and you will be there with the rest.

Goodbyes breed a sort of distaste for whomever you say goodbye to. This hurts, you feel, this must not happen again.

If you have never felt what goodbye really means and have tasted the back of your tongue, you're not ready to let that person go.

Goodbyes are words that are adamant to come out not only from the tongue but from the poor heart.

Let me make this easier than saying goodbye: let me tell you hello in advance for the next time I get to see you.

This quote isn't the best one here, but it should definitely be remembered.

I just thought of this and liked it!

Fantastic! I found it so relevant.

Every goodbye brings a new hello.

My ex-boyfriend broke up with me a little while ago. I'm still hurt, and I'd do anything to get him back. But now I see that someone new can come along, say hello, and start a wonderful new chapter.

Goodbye doesn't mean forever. If it did, we ought to be saying 'BadBye'.

Even if you are saying goodbye to someone because they passed away, they will still be in your heart.

You might be ready to say goodbye to us, but we're not ready to say goodbye to you.
Saying goodbye is never easy, especially when the one who is bidding farewell is a best friend without any explanation.

That is what happened to me. It hurts so bad because I do not know from the bottom of my heart what happened.

The worst is not knowing what went wrong.

Don't say goodbye. If you don't say goodbye, it won't be like they left. They're just not here.

It is true. I have been through this experience for the first time in my life when I had to say goodbye to someone very close to my heart. He did not answer, and later I realized why.

This gives everyone a chance to one day meet again.

Goodbyes are painful but are a sign of good memories.

Correct wording to write on a board without making much noise.

Long hellos and short goodbyes.

Today I moved from a school that I've been at my whole life. Truthfully, I always complained about it, but my leave was very abrupt, as in we left in a week. So for my parting Facebook status, I used this. Over 80 likes, I'm going to miss it.

Goodbyes are new journeys of life waiting to be discovered.

Yes, when we say goodbye to one, it's sure we are leaving them and moving far where we meet another new friend, so we discover something new, isn't it?

Goodbyes are not to be sad about. Expect a new beginning to life.
It's easy to say goodbye when you're staying. It's hard to say goodbye when you're leaving.

I love this! I moved to another country with only my mum and my younger brother, thus having to say goodbye to every friend and family member. It was the most heartbreaking experience. However, when back in my home country for a holiday, saying goodbye was easiest because there was always the next day.

Goodbye, my buddy. I will miss you, and I will never forget about you, and I will love you forever.
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