Top 10 Sexiest Male Rappers
There are a lot of male rappers, but only a few are sexy.
I love Eminem. He is not only the hottest celebrity, but he is also the hottest man to ever exist in the world. His face is perfect, his body is perfect, his voice is perfect, everything about him is perfect. He well deserved his place on this list, no matter what people say about him and other rappers on this list.
I totally agree. He looks okay now because he is like 50, but when he was younger, especially when he had glasses and a thing on his head, he was so handsome. And I'm not trying to be a fangirl who's dreaming about him, but he is very handsome. Eminem is the greatest rapper alive!

So damn sexy. He was so damn adorable and had a sensitive, sexy look with his curls. In 2015, he went hard with the new haircut, like damn. His bars and singing top it all off. I'm not the type to have celebrity crushes because I don't know them personally, but looking at Drake got you thinking some dirty thoughts.
He's so...ugh. He and Rihanna are just so beautiful. Aubrih for life! I mean, yeah, Drake has some weird photos of him out there that may not look so attractive, but when you see those hot, sweaty abs and his sexy body, it's amazing. Let's not forget his sexy voice.
And if you ever spot a Papiconda (Drake Bulge), it's like woah. Him with Ri makes him so much sexier in my opinion. Ri is probably the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen, and she's just so awesome. With him and her together, they are the sexiest and cutest couple ever, and I can't handle it! I NEED DRAKE TO IMPREGNATE RI... Ok, maybe that's a little too far, but you get the point!

He is a good rapper, and he is hot, so he should be number one and not Eminem. Well, he did go to jail, but he is the sexiest man ever.
He is so sexy. Even when he was little, I used to dream I could meet him. I still dream. I've been to 10 of this man's shows. OMG!

Literally, this man. Everyone agrees he's hot. I have not met a person who's attracted to males and is not attracted to Rocky. I hope that makes sense.
ASAP should be universally known as the most attractive rapper. He has obtained model status and is a fashion icon.
He's jiggy, and his fashion sense is way up there! Why is he this low on the list?

I think T.I. is incredibly attractive. He has one of the most gorgeous smiles I've ever seen, and I find his accent to be extremely cute. He just has the whole package. I would have no problem traveling from Barbados to the States just to see him perform live.
Some of these guys aren't even rappers, but T.I. is by far the sexiest and best looking in the business. He doesn't show his stomach area, but his face and even in his clothes, you can see his bowlegs, and his swag is sexy as blank.
Are you kidding me, Eminem? No way. T.I. is the hottest guy ever, and he's got his swagger on. I love his attitude. He raps about real things, not like Em who only talks about his relationship with Satan. He should act like T.I. T.I. is hot!

Trey has abs like nobody, and ever since he got a beard, he's been sexier, if that's possible.
Trey Songz is sexy, attractive, hot, all of the above. His abs are beautiful.
He has honestly got to be the sexiest man alive!

The hottest and fittest, with those perfect pecs and the most famous tattoo in the world, Thug Life official. He's the best rapper ever who changed the world and has been rated the god of rap. The hardest working man in music, he made a double disc album in 2 weeks. It normally takes months.
He was the first rapper to be in big-name blockbuster movies and, while in prison, he wrote a whole album and a script for a movie.
Tupac's music is so inspirational, and his voice on the tracks was so damn fine.
He has kind brown eyes. And I like his style. Not a fan, but I respect him.

Y'all really need to take another look at this man. Handsome, sexy, flava, and look at that smile.
Sexual chocolate can rap and dance his ass off!
Something about that thug look.
The Newcomers

He's sexy because he's different from any other guy. He has his own style and way of doing things. And he's a down-to-earth guy with a sense of humor. What can be sexier than that?
Should be first, sexiest rapper of all.

Why is my husband so low? He's hella fine.

#7! 50 needs to be higher on the list. OK, are you really looking at this list? There are sexier male rappers than the ones listed. Some are alright, but not in the order listed here.
In my opinion, I think he is very attractive and he should be way higher. Come on, the body is gorgeous. Almost every man wishes his body was that muscular. He's a hunk.
I love 50 Cent! Best rapper ever and fantastic live! He is the sexiest rapper out there, no doubt!

Why number fifteen? He deserves number one. He is fine as hell.
His looks, voice, sense of fashion, and his music - I think he should be at the top of this list.

I think Kendrick Lamar is hot and sexy! He is a cheerful kind of person. He always has a smile on his face. Kendrick has the best voice. I've had more than just a crush on him and wish, wishes came true, because my one wish would be to marry him.
Love his music and his message. Just watched some of his inspirational performances. This dude seriously should be higher. His voice is really sexy, but at the same time, he raps music with messages and fights for justice.
Um, hello, is he single?
I think Kendrick Lamar is cute! He has a boyish charm and an addictive personality. Let's also not forget he's cold on the mic. I've had a crush on him for years. TDE Fool!

He is hot, on fire. I mean, I can listen to him all day and night. He might not be your type, but his looks are telling me he can put it down!
The dude has the best discography, and the best fashion sense and taste. He's a tastemaker.
Good looking and best dressed. Also, the best artist on this list, hands down.

Oh my god, he is sexy as hell. I want him. My goal is to marry him and have children with him. His mustache makes him look sexy, and if Ariana Grande was still with Big Sean, I would kick her ass.
The sexiest man alive! And he's always looking dapper. His smile is amazing!
He's so clean and well taken care of. I want to marry him...
I actually don't understand why he's all the way down here. After Drake and Eminem? Really, though?

Bow Wow is super gorgeous and funny! It was hard picking between him and T.I. I love them both so much, but I've been crushing on Bow Wow since he was in the Like Mike movie, so he would take the title for Sexiest Male Rapper!
I really think he should have been placed higher on the list. I absolutely love him!
My, oh my, his eyes are so dreamy! He has a million-dollar smile, and did I mention he's gorgeous?

Nelly is so hot because of his lips! He is amazing and has big, juicy lips that anyone would love to kiss.
I've loved Nelly ever since I was little. His whole style and voice are sexy as hell. He's always been cute to me.
OG pretty boy. You would never, NEVER, catch Nelly looking ashy. Lips stay moisturized.

Handsome, talented, and acutely intelligent! J. Cole is that high school boyfriend that you end up marrying. Love this guy!
J. Cole should be way up in the top 10 at least! He's gorgeous, especially in 2014!
J. Cole's eyebrows turn me on, and his song Wet Dreamz is the best.

He deserves to be much higher on this list. MGK is attractive in many different ways. His tattoos, of course, are alluring, and so are his voice, his confidence, and his body - everything. How inspiring he is, is also very attractive. He's incredibly, undeniably talented. He deserves to be up there with Eminem.
Who doesn't think MGK is incredibly sexy and badass? He only falls behind Eminem in my opinion.
Whatever you think, for me, he is in the first position and will be forever.

Well, obviously his music is amazing, and his face... I have no words. He looks that good. He looks very dapper, but he oozes swag. I just don't understand.
I'm sorry, but G is the sexiest male artist in the whole music industry. He definitely deserves first place on this list.
God, I can't even say how hot he is.

He looks like a man, just like a legit dad, literally. And genius lyrics, not to mention he makes all his own beats from 1995 to now. He created one of the biggest rap metal bands of all time, Linkin Park, and his own thing, Fort Minor. And have you seen his pics from 2000 to 2005? That red hair was beyond god.
Mike is so cool! I love him. Laugh out loud. I agree he should be second after Eminem. He should at least be in the top five.
Can't beat Mike. Really the hottest and sexiest man on earth. He should be on top. He deserves the top rank.