Top 10 Worst Rappers Alive

He's a commercial and fake rapper. I'm sick and tired of these fake guys like him, Drake, Lil Wayne, and Eminem acting, rapping, and dressing like they're hard or gangsters when they're not. They never were and never will be.
The only people who buy their stuff - or should I say steal and download it - are white people and girls who don't even know what real rap and hip hop is.
When I was in elementary school, some kids would blast his song Crank That through their cell phones and dance like dweebs. I wanted to rip the hair off my shins and throw the phones into the nearest body of water.
At the time, I had no clue who Lil Wayne was, but if you make me choose between Soulja Boy and Lil Wayne, I'm definitely going with Lil Wayne.

I'm not going to fully explain why I chose Lil Wayne, but it's rappers like him, Soulja Boy, Nicki Minaj, and Drake that make me think hip-hop is dead. Twenty years ago, I could've listed a thousand good hip-hop artists or rappers. Now, I feel like they paved the road for these horrible new rappers, which is such a disgrace to the genre.
Sure, I can't hate on them because I don't rap myself, but in the case of Lil Wayne, I think anyone is allowed to hate on him. He is just bad, no question about it. I respect people who like him, but I also stand by my opinion, and I think a lot of people would agree with me that he is one of, if not the, worst rappers in history. I'm glad Soulja Boy is up there too because he is also horrible.

Apparently, you don't have to be a good female rapper to get into the industry anymore. All you need is big boobs and a big ass. Honestly, what an embarrassment and a joke! Nicki is lucky she has some single, horny 20-year-old male fans who enjoy seeing women half-naked.
Nicki Minaj is not a real rapper, and her lyrics make no sense. Anyone who likes this phony is also a joke. Also, what is up with her voice? And why are Eminem and Pitbull on this list? Nicki Minaj is the biggest joke in rap/hip-hop right now.
She uses a bigger vocabulary than Tupac and Snoop Dogg, but that doesn't make her good. She is so trash and annoying that someone would actually destroy their computer by eating it while listening to her.

Pitbull may have been one of the "rappers" from the early 2010s, and he probably stopped making songs, but just listen to him. Every Pitbull song is about sex, money, parties, and girls. He randomly speaks Spanish to make himself look talented, but he's talentless. He can't sing, dance, or act to save his life. The girls he hangs out with have plastic bodies, and they probably ghostwrite Pitbull's lyrics for him, because apparently, he can't sing.
I do respect your opinion if you like his music, but still, don't listen to him. He's nothing more than perverted white trash with zero talent.

This guy is just bad. How he can actually consider himself a rapper is anyone's guess. It really seems as if his producers are playing a joke on society by promoting a terrible singer to make the Black community feel anyone can be a rapper. So, instead of working hard and getting out of the ghettos, these young kids think, If someone as bad as Drake can make it, I can too.
Meanwhile, money pours in from these poor, manipulated youth. Radio stations get paid to replay these awful lyrics and weak rhymes, perpetuating this cycle. As long as the poor stay poor by chasing an unattainable dream, we'll continue to see sad excuses for artists like him.
This is not rap. This guy just sucks. I can't even find words to explain how bad he is. Yeah, the joke's on him. They made him, and they will break him. Let's all hope the rug gets pulled out from under him and he becomes the biggest laughingstock in the industry. He might even take his own life. Haha. Now, that would be funny.

Just listen to the song *Kim* - that's all you need. He offers no lyrical content, as his music is shallow, with nothing beneath the surface. Yes, he's technically talented, there's no doubt about that. However, believe it or not, there are artists out there who are much better than him.
To find these people, don't listen to the radio or celebrity music. Formulate your own opinions on all the music you listen to, and give as many different artists a chance. Hence, the term "artists," not businessmen - people who actually celebrate the culture of hip-hop, not those who exploit it.
Music is supposed to be a beautiful thing. It brings people together and brings out emotions you usually hide. But many artists, including Eminem, use it to separate, exclude, and profit. One example is his use of the word "f*****," which discriminates against people with a different sexual preference. Isn't that truly horrible?
Ultimate freedom will come when you stop standing behind the person or team you've committed yourself to and just question everything.

Who listed Drake, Nicki Minaj, and Kanye West? Nicki is the queen of rap, while Kanye is a lyrical genius. If you don't like Drake, you're absolutely crazy. The man has mad vocals, and his music is literal poetry - it's brilliance! The number one person on here should be Pitbull and Tyga. They are the most unoriginal, basic rappers I can think of. The only thing Tyga can rap about is sex and drugs. His music is all the same and a disgrace to the music industry. He lacks creativity, and I find him to be untalented. Just look at the dude's lyrics.

I'd rather listen to "Massive Attack" by Nicki Minaj millions and millions of times in a row, no matter how much my ears hurt.
This guy is an ugly, stupid idiot who appears in every video with no shirt on, dancing around with a bunch of his goons.
Not sure why people actually listen to him, just saying.

This guy is terrible and doesn't know how to deliver without saying his name in every sentence. He has a screaming problem and would probably fit better in heavy metal than hip-hop.
How can he rhyme the n-word with itself and still get those bomb-ass beats from Lex? This guy has no lyrics or flow, and he's getting amazing beats that should go to TI, Eminem, and Tech N9ne.
He is a TERRIBLE rapper. I can't believe nobody has put him as the worst rapper. B.o.B seriously? He shouldn't be on this list. Waka Flocka has no vocabulary and has a terrible name. We don't need to hear this guy's name 20 times in a song.

What kind of name is "2 Chainz"? He doesn't belong in the rap game and can't even get respect in Frisco. The dude got chased at gunpoint, ran like a little wack fool, and then denied the incident ever happened, even though there's a security tape. "My dick so hard it makes the metal detector go off" ... What?
He has the worst lyrics out there. He makes no sense and has no flow. I can't believe he isn't #1.
2 Chainz is not any type of lyricist. How can he even be considered an artist?
The Newcomers

He sucks. His songs all sound the same. Next Big Thing is the most disgusting song ever, and Thotiana is a weak effort. His voice is so annoying. He needs to be higher on the list.

Pretty sure I could write a better rap if I vomited up a can of alphabet soup and wrote down what I saw. I'm not saying he should be #1, but he should definitely be higher on the list. Much higher.
Garbage - an embarrassment to the Bay Area and the true talent there, like Main Attrakionz.
He sucks! Young Money is a mess! Why did Wayne sign him?!?!
Who is Lil Chuckee, like seriously?

I think Gucci deserves to be higher because not only is he a bad rapper, but he's a bad person too. Gucci killed someone. Gucci Undeserving-of-Being-Famous took the life of an innocent person. Even if he were good, he would never be a good person, and he will never be forgiven by me.
Sample his collaborations with another terrible rapper, Waka Flocka. Terrible lyrics and garbage beats.
Horrible, garbage rapper. And why the hell did Marilyn Manson work with him?

Future is wack and spits negative lyrics, as if it's cool to be a druggie!
What the F is he saying? Damn, can't hear a word! He sounds like he's taking a dump.

He sucks, but thankfully he's a one-hit wonder. That's the only reason he's not higher on the list.
He sucks terribly, and his song sounds like a child wrote it.

Stick to fake wrestling, Cena. By the way, Eminem is the best. I hate people who have to hate because they like old school.
He sucks. His only rap is his theme. He makes no sense and just waves his hand over his face. He is worse than Lil Wayne.
What? He's not even a rapper! Also, why is Eminem here? He shouldn't be on this list. His songs are badass.

A rapper whose entire persona is based around drug dealing and criminal activities, when the worst thing Rick has ever done is get caught trying to smoke dope in his hotel room. He started beef with 50 Cent and got owned. He was a correctional officer - REAL gangster. He barks in songs. In my opinion, he's the worst rapper and a major FAKE!
The only good things about a Rick Ross album are the production and the features. Rick Ross has never been a good rapper. He's a big joke. You take the name of a former drug dealer and then diss the guy, calling him a snitch, when he comes up with a plan for both of you to do something positive in the community. Yet, you have no problem using his name. Yeah, smart move, Mr. Wannabe Boss.

Dr. Seuss rhymes - that says it all. He's no rapper, he can't act, and he's not even funny. I hated his show. Just look at him in that show - he looks like a pathetic, overgrown, big-eared dork trying to be a white guy. What a disgrace! Anyone who considers him a rapper is sickening. It's like saying he's equal to 2Pac. Disgusting trash.
He's a good actor, not a good rapper. How did my three favorite rappers get in the top 15? Eminem, Jay-Z, and Pitbull.
Lil Wayne's alright, but he's overrated. His only really amazing song is Drop the World.
Eminem? This list is fixed! Birdman just chants a lot and hides in the shadows. He should be up there!
How is Birdman better than Wayne when Wayne writes for him? Birdman sounds even worse than Lil Wayne.
His lyrics are awful, and his tattoos are disgusting. He should stick to business, or bidness, not rapping.
His teeth are amazing, though.

Always trying to be someone else. He never should have attempted to be a rapper.
Corny, unskilled, and he even tried to diss Eminem.

What the hell is Eminem doing on this list? Akon is the worst singer ever! He needs to learn to sing. How can he be considered better than Eminem? I think people haven't listened to Eminem's songs. They're so inspiring, and he gives me the spirit and courage to face all of my problems. He is a legend!
John Cena is also a very good rapper. Haters only hate what they can't have. Anyway, Rise Above Hate!

I am surprised, but also not surprised, Kanye is not in the top ten for this. His producing career has been average, though I do feel a 5-year-old kid could make some of his riffs on a computer. Yes, some of his lyrics are good. However, most are not, and the way he personally raps them is poor, rhythmically unstimulating, and, to be honest, boring.
Some of his big songs have mainly come from other big songs, like Gold Digger, which was taken from Ray Charles. Lastly, the amount of auto-tuning used in his songs is ridiculous. When I went to Glastonbury Festival this year and saw him live, he was very out of tune with most of his songs. (I'm sure a few of you have seen him attempt Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen on YouTube.)
However, everyone thinks he's so great? His albums are rated so high by critics? I feel people like him because his arrogance brings aggression, self-belief, and overconfidence out in people. Playing fairly heavy bass notes in his songs just makes the music sound more powerful than it actually is.

He should be ranked higher than Eminem because Eminem is such a great artist.
He's the creator of the whole "wigger" image. Some guy who had nothing to do with the hood watched too many hip-hop videos and thought, "Yeah, I wanna do that!" He thinks of himself as a legit MC.

He used to be a good rapper when he was in Three 6 Mafia, but since he went mainstream, not so much. His flow is pretty good (though usually the same in every song), and his songs are usually fun to listen to. He's entertaining, but ever since he went mainstream, his subject matter has been lacking, and he has lost the lyricism he once had.
You can only spit generic lines about money, women, drugs, and guns for so long before it gets old. Sure, he rapped about those things before, but back then he was telling a story or painting a picture of life in the hood. Now he just spits generic lines about nonsense, similar to Lil Wayne and 2 Chainz. His beats go hard, and he has a great rap voice and presence. He just needs to put more thought into his lyrics.