Top 10 Reasons People Cheat On Their Relationship

The Top Ten
1 They are narcissistic

Narcissists are notorious for cheating in relationships. They think they're too good for anyone so they cheat in relationships to feed their ego. For this reason, they are incapable of forming any normal healthy relationship.

2 They experience lust

If you have to have a shot with everybody then you must not be very capable of love.

3 They feel love has ceased
4 They never loved each other in the first place

Surely this must be the most obvious reason? Why would anyone even want to cheat if they loved the one person they've chosen to spend their life with? Maybe I'm old-fashioned or just plain naive but I truly believe in monogamy.

5 They seek revenge for previous misunderstandings

You have some misunderstanding so you move on to the next best thing. That's not a reason to cheat. And that just makes the issue worse.

6 They are heartless
7 They get bored with their partner

Another common reason for infidelity is because one gets bored with their current partner and want something new.

8 They have low self-esteem

Boost ego and self-esteem.

9 They have commitment issues
10 They think having external affairs is cool
The Contenders
11 They are consumed by competition
12 They love someone else more
13 They feel confined
14 They don't feel appreciated
15 They think a change is good every once in a while
16 They want a reason to break up
17 They aren't getting enough attention from their partner
18 They're attracted to somebody else

People can fall for more than one person. Sometimes they feel so strongly that they feel like they have to be with them even if they're already with someone else. Love triangles are actually very common.

19 They are selfish
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