Top 10 Reasons Why Rare Should Stick with Microsoft

It seems that more people want the so-called "good old days" back by reuniting Rare with Nintendo. However, Rare has been doing well as a first-party or second-party developer for Microsoft, and Nintendo already has plenty of strong developers who create AAA games (such as Monolith Soft, Retro Studios, HAL Laboratory, Intelligent Systems, and EAD, to name a few). We don't need Nintendo getting too greedy.

I enjoyed Rare's Nintendo games, but I also appreciate their work with Microsoft. There is nothing wrong with being a multi-platform gamer, as all consoles - including those from Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft - have their fair share of good games and exclusive titles.

I'm getting tired of the "console wars". Everyone should enjoy games for what they truly are. I have my reasons, and I'll share them with you.
The Top Ten
They make great games, even today

They release their classics on Xbox Live Arcade, ensuring that they will always be available to those who miss them. Rare Replay is a must-have for Xbox One owners who enjoyed Rare's games, and the new Killer Instinct game is even better than the original, to name a few.

They have always made games with great graphics for their time.

They have much more freedom to make mature games whenever they want

Conker's Bad Fur Day is one of the most controversial games, and this was one of the reasons why Rare left Nintendo to join Microsoft. This game was never mentioned in Nintendo Power or any other family-friendly outlets through which other Nintendo games were promoted. The Xbox platform seems more fitting for mature games, as it is aimed more towards a mature demographic, whereas Nintendo is more kid-friendly in comparison.

Also, Viva PiƱata is good for kids who are too young for more mature games.

They learn their lessons

You can see why Rare no longer makes Kinect Sports titles. Due to the reception they received, they decided to stick to their other franchises, including their best games, while still creating new ones.

It's a good thing that they stopped with the Kinect venture.

They're a great addition to Microsoft's list of game developers
Rare still makes games for Nintendo's handhelds despite the Microsoft acquisition

Remember Diddy Kong Racing DS? Or how about Banjo Pilot for the GBA? This is all because Microsoft doesn't have their own handheld, yet.

Many of the folks behind Rare's Nintendo games have left the company anyway, so bringing them all back would not make sense

Yeah, I personally see Nintendo and Rare as a divorced couple. With Rare employees leaving, it seems that most of them have moved on to other things, including working at other game companies. As much as I would like to see many of Rare's games, like Banjo-Kazooie and Battletoads, return to Nintendo consoles, I think it's for the best that they stick with Microsoft.

Many of the old Rare games that used to be on Nintendo consoles never even appeared on the Virtual Console from the Wii Shop Channel. Unless Nintendo shows interest in working with Rare again, especially since they've done cross-play with Microsoft on Minecraft, I doubt they'll get back together. Overall, though, this opinion is just mine and nobody else's, so if you agree or disagree, share your thoughts.

Rare characters are able to make cameos in Microsoft's games
Nintendo and Sony have a bunch of great first-party and second-party developers and their own franchises, so why not Microsoft?
Achievements are fun

What I liked about Rare Replay is collecting the different achievements and adding them to your gamerscore. It makes their classic titles feel fresh again.

Stop 'N' Swop is added to the Xbox Live versions of Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie

The long mystery is revealed, and the whole fuss about not getting the Ice Key, or whatever, is put to rest.

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