Top 10 Worst Things About Theme Parks
For many people, a day at a theme park is the perfect way to escape the stresses of everyday life and indulge in some carefree fun. With thrilling rides, delicious food, and endless entertainment options, it's no wonder that theme parks are such a popular destination for families, friends, and adrenaline junkies alike.However, as much as we love theme parks, there are some aspects of the experience that can be downright frustrating or even downright terrible. From long lines and crowded walkways to overpriced food and lackluster customer service, there are a few things that can put a serious damper on an otherwise perfect day at the park.

Definitely the worst part. But it can't really be avoided unless amusement parks start putting a limit on the number of people they let in, which I think is a really terrible idea.
At Disneyland, I waited 2 hours for Radiator Springs, and then it broke down.
Who doesn't hate lines? Especially if you have to wait 2 hours.
Yeah, having to pay even more money just to bypass rides can be a pain.
Disney's fast passes are free, but Six Flags' fast passes cost extra.
I was on this ride called The Thunderbolt at Flambards. It's a thing that swings you in every direction. Then it almost broke down, and I was scared.
Oh look, PETA members! I agree SeaWorld should take better care of their animals, but Disney actually takes great care of its animals. Plus, releasing animals into the wild is risky as they could become man-eaters, die because they don't know how to survive in the wild, or be killed by poachers! But apparently, vegans are so high and mighty and can do no wrong, so apparently they know best. *Rolls eyes*
SeaWorld takes care of their animals. However, Marineland in Canada does the opposite.
Not all theme parks have expensive admission. Disneyland's admission is one of the most expensive at $100. Most of the theme parks I have been to, like Dorney Park, Six Flags Great Adventure, and Hershey Park, are affordable at $30-$40 for admission. It's even cheaper when you have those discount coupons you get from fast-food places.
Most boardwalk amusement parks I've been to, such as Steel Pier in Atlantic City, Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, Casino Pier in Seaside Heights, and Morey's Piers in Wildwood, have free admission.
The Newcomers
It costs $3 to ride the carousel at Seaside Heights.
This is why my cousins and I bought all-day wristbands at the Santa Cruz boardwalk.
When I was at Great Adventure for Fright Fest, someone was trying to sneak up behind me to scare me. I turned around before they were ten feet from me.
A lady from my hometown allegedly got groped by a guy in a Donald Duck costume on a trip to Disney World once. It was all over the news.
Did you know you're not hugging Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Cinderella, or Olaf? You're hugging a stranger in a hot costume!
Yeah, that's why Gulliver's World theme parks are only for children aged 3-12. Oh, the nostalgia, though.
Parking fees are not fun. At all.
There is shade at the queues at Universal, but not at Disneyland.
So, I wait for 3 hours for a ride that feels like it lasts 3 seconds. Wait, WHAT?!