Top 10 Reasons Why Tangled Is Awful

The Top Ten
1 Princess Rapunzel is too annoying and cowardly

Rapunzel is not a coward or annoying. She knocked out a stranger (Flynn) on her own. She stood up to the scary thugs at snuggly duckling when they were fighting over Flynn. She confronted Gothel which took a lot of courage as Gothel had manipulated her since she was a baby. As for "annoying", Rapunzel had never set foot outside her tower so she was naturally excited to see everything. That girl hadn't ever stepped on grass for heaven sake. What a stupid list.

I wouldn't say cowardly, but she is the most annoying disney princess

Yeah, cause she was taught to fear the outside world. Blame Gothel for that, not her.

2 It has horrible animation

You can even see the laces in her dress and freckles on her face. Every single thing is incredibly detailed. Lmao what a dumb list.

Who made this list? This is probably the best animated Disney film ever

How is it horrible. Hippogriffs

3 It's a rip-off of the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Seriously, Disney couldn't you think of something original for a story about Rapunzel. The plot is so much like hunchback that I think that this could almost be a bad version of the great movie. Oh, and Mother Knows Best sounds like crap and is obviously supposed to be Hellfire.

4 This movie is overrated

Now I see why people hate Frozen. Because of the popularity. Sometimes people hate something that is too popular. And sometimes they just don't make sense and act immature at all.

Too bad everyone's too busy hating on a certain other Disney movie to realize this.

If a movie is overrated it doesn't mean you have to hate it

More than agreed

5 Rapunzel's dress
6 It’s not in 2D animation
7 Mother Gothel Mother Gothel is the main antagonist of Disney's 2010 animated feature film, Tangled. She is a wicked crone who retained youth for hundreds of years through the healing properties of a magic, golden flower.

This is the female version of Frollo. Wow, Disney, I think that you are running out for great villain ideas!

8 Irritating songs
9 Flynn Rider gets captured

Great, just another ripoff of Luigi (from the Mario franchise) to make the movie hateful. I would rather Zachary Levi play Bass (from the Mega Man franchise) and Charmy Bee (from the overrated Sonic franchise).

10 Rapunzel's hair

Hello, It resurrects the dead.

The Contenders
11 Rapunzel has awful floral braid
12 It's only for girls

This is a stupid reason. Men can watch just as much as girls can. How is this even a reason your obviously a childish person how is it being for girls even a bad thing? What men can have movies just for themselves but girls can’t?!

This is sexist as I know boys who like it and I'm not a girl.

Gosh forbid something appeal to females!

13 Rapunzel being 18
14 Flynn Rider is highly annoying

I wouldn't say highly annoying, but doesn't his fans realize he's a robber their clapping?

I hate him...I wonder why do so many girls find him hot...he annoys me

15 It is not even a little bit hilarious
16 Rapunzel is voiced by Mandy Moore

She is a very good singer

17 Cowardly females
18 Maximus is a ripoff of Pegasus from Hercules
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