Top 10 Male Greek Gods

The Top Ten

As far as I know, Poseidon was the most feared Greek god in mythology.

Even the gods and goddesses of Olympus did not dare to prank or anger Poseidon because they feared his revenge! Poseidon ruled the seas, waters, horses, and earthquakes (as well as other natural disasters).

Zeus is too controlling and a bad leader.
Apollo is too self-absorbed.
Ares is just a jerk.
Hephaestus puts himself down too much.
Hermes is a thief.
Hades is too emo/death.
Dionysus is like #wineislife.
Eros is irrelevant.
Heracles is so mean, he killed his own wife and kids.
And then there's Poseidon who is so chill and calm compared to everyone.


I like the dead people god! He is just really misunderstood! But he did abduct Persephone, on the bright side they ended up liking each other.

He can bring people and other stuff back from the dead!


God of war and I am Greek. He is a true legend!

Come on, everyone knows Kratos should be #1!


He is the king of gods and ruler of the heavens above. He should be at the top because he saved Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, and Hera's lives. He should be at the top.

I mean, lightning? Who else can control the sky? Who else would get my vote?

He is so beast! I mean, lightning? Sweet!


I am a hardcore Rick Riordan fan, but I came onto this list thinking that it would be on the Greek gods from mythology, not their personalities from the Riordan books. But, seeing as all the comments have something to do with Rick Riordan's books, I voted for Apollo as in the Trials of Apollo series you really got to know him well.

He has the most powers out of all the gods and the most essential ones like the sun, healing, disease, archery, and prophecy.


He is the god of fire so he has to be awesome. Plus, he makes the other gods' weapons, so what does that tell you?

He's god of fire, so if he lights a fire, he can control it and make it go everywhere, then he can take over.

Fire and weapons? Cool! If he can minus the ugly part, it'll be better.


He is awesome. He has a bow of love, he's the god of love, son of Aphrodite, and there's a holiday for him!


Dionysus and Hephaestus should be much higher.


What can I say? Clever since birth (as a baby, he invented the lyre and tricked his half-brother Apollo when he, Hermes, stole Apollo's flock). He protects travelers and thieves and invented sports, all the while acting as a messenger boy for the other gods and goddesses. He had a good sense of humor (When Ares and Aphrodite were caught in Hephaestus's trap, he joked that he'd love to be in Ares's position). All around, he's an awesome guy. He gets my vote.

Hermes is a great god. Only an amazing god could be picked as the messenger. He is clever and can get in and out of the Underworld. He invented the lyre as a baby, and he protects travelers and thieves. He by far does not get the credit he deserves. He also is very humorous!


The Newcomers

? Zephyrus
? Plutus
The Contenders

The god of nature, the wild, sheep, the mountains, and flocks.


God of medicine, raising people from the dead. That's got to get you somewhere on the list.

Kratos Kratos is a fictional character and the titular primary protagonist and anti-hero of the God of War video game series. He is a demi-god who seeks retribution and vengeance on Ares and later, the Greek Gods after he was betrayed and was forced to kill his family .
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