Top 10 Roman Gods and Goddesses
Neptune is the god of the sea and water. What is more destructive: tsunamis 567m tall, which Neptune could create, or a massive cyclone? The tsunami would destroy everything, while a tornado wouldn't do as much. Water is the most powerful force of nature's elements.
I hate how some comments say the Romans hated Neptune, so he isn't the best. They hated him because THEY WERE SCARED OF THE SEA. They were scared of water and his power! You're telling me this amazing god isn't the best just because people feared him? That's funny. You haters can comment all you want about how Neptune is only first because of Percy Jackson, but you're just salty because your favorite god isn't first. Please, just vote for the god of your choice. Mine is Neptune!
Wow, what a wonderful goddess! Poor Diana/Artemis, she lost her best hunters Zoe Nightshade and Bianca di Angelo. Now Thalia has joined. Honestly, I didn't know Thalia would ever become a hunter, but she did.
She is definitely the best of all the goddesses and gods. This just proves how cool she is! Who would not want to become immortal in her hunting group?
Guys! She is also the goddess of maidens (virgins)! She keeps us clean! And she's the best hunter of them all!
Get your mind out of the Percy Jackson books and get it right. Pluto was badass, just, and reliable, unlike Jupiter and Neptune. I hate to break this to Percy Jackson lovers, but Neptune and Jupiter were not sincere about their duties. Pluto was a just king, and hey, he rules the Underworld. Try to beat that, Jupiter.
I admit, I have read the Percy Jackson series (it was wonderful), but Hades is probably one of the most powerful gods out of all the Olympians. I also feel a bit sorry for him, being banished from his rightful place on Olympus due to fear.
Ah yes, Vesta, goddess of the hearth, family, and fire. Rome's beloved alongside Jupiter, Juno, Mars, and Minerva. She is powerful and deserves to be ranked higher, at least in the top 10. Her sacred fire was guarded by the Vestal Virgins. Without the sacred fire of Vesta, Rome would fall. As long as the sacred fire burns at the sacred hearth at the temple of Vesta, Rome would be eternal or, in other words, immortal.
Plus, she is so kind and gentle. She's one of my favorites alongside Juno, Jupiter, and Minerva. She is also one of the Dii Consentes (Council of the 12 Roman Gods).
Apollo is the god of music, poetry, and the sun. Apollo is like the god of life, but he's not. He's awesome!
My favorites are Neptune (2nd) and Apollo (1st). Apollo still represents wisdom. Why can't he marry Minerva?
When I look at the sun, it reminds me of Apollo. He's a good god, but I think Artemis disagrees. Still, he's cool!
I just love Minerva. Although she lost some of her roles to her stepmother/aunt, Juno, she still serves Rome a lot. Minerva is actually the goddess of many things, including law, order, civilization, health, and poetry. She is also the Divine Guardian of Rome, one of the Capitoline Triad, which keeps Rome financially and politically stable.
Her role is very complex. Unlike her brother Mars, she is more of a peaceful and strategic goddess. She deserves to be in the top 3.
Oh my Minerva, wow, my favorite goddess. She thinks she is all smart and stuff, well, that's because she is. I just love Minerva/Athena. Wow, Zeus must think of her as his favorite daughter. She is smart and beautiful. Oh my Athena, I wish I could meet her, and she could be my mom. I wish Zeus and Athena were my parents. In Roman form, it would be Minerva and Jupiter.
I personally think that Vulcan is underrated and often ridiculed for being ugly and lame. Really though, in myths, he is a caring god and very helpful, not to mention flat-out awesome. Also, he controls fire!
Vulcan is the boss. I think he has the best power of the gods.
Wow! Hephaestus is so good at tinkering with things, which makes him the god of fire and crafts, and especially Leo and Beckendorf's dad.
Jupiter is the best of the best. He can strip the gods of their powers and throw thunderbolts. If you argue with him, you're dead. Unlike Neptune, Jupiter can kill every living creature in one minute. Since water is a great conductor of electricity, people will be dead when Jupiter wants them dead. Don't mess with Jupiter, or you'll find yourself in the underworld.
Best God. Poseidon/Neptune is not as awesome as Zeus/Jupiter. He is the best of them all. Poseidon is not as brave or awesome as Zeus. I can never and will never believe Poseidon is as powerful or smart as Zeus. Zeus is always wearing a pin-striped suit, which is more sophisticated. Poseidon was never and never will be better than Zeus, never! I say never!

Mercury, as the deity of commerce, was frequently invoked in matters of commerce (money!). He paid off, as demonstrated by his inscriptions.
He was a god of many things, ranging from commerce to gaming. He was even a god of two completely opposing ideas: stealing and trade!
Also, my cat is named after his Greek counterpart, just putting that out there.
Mercury is a flying angel with a white body and a good heart. He has great power, a brave face, and big hair.
He is like the second most powerful, next to Jupiter. Mars represents Rome and honor. Without that, Rome is lost. Plus, he is their protector.
God of War. He basically takes Athena's place as a strategist and keeps Ares' job. He was often thought of as second only to Jupiter, but sometimes sub-categories of Roman religion placed Mars as the most powerful. He was most likely prayed to as much as Jupiter, so he was probably near Jupiter's power.
Mars is the best. I am actually doing a report on him. There are a lot of interesting facts.
The Newcomers
Mother of all the gods and Titans. I guess that's all you have to think.
Juno is my Queen. The Patroness, Protectress, and Special Counselor of Rome and the Roman Empire. She is essentially the female version of Jupiter, the most powerful goddess, and the highest-ranking among the Roman goddesses in the Council of the Twelve Gods (Dii Consentes).
Despite being the Goddess of marriage and childbirth, she has many other roles. She protects and supports women, watching over all aspects of their lives. She was in charge of Rome's finance and also warned Rome whenever there was danger surrounding the country. She was associated with politics, war, and eternal youth.
A fun part about her is that she spent time on Earth defending and protecting Rome. She also often used her magic for the good of Rome, although sometimes she misused it. Unlike her Greek counterpart, Hera, who spent her time spying on her husband, feasting, and quarreling on Mt. Olympus, Juno is much more graceful and merciful.
She made the Earth, the only planet known to have life! She's pretty much the goddess of life and nature. She is the best, unless we were talking about the sun, but the sun just helps life. Ceres is the best. She's the queen of gods.
I agree she should be the first goddess. She made us all! Please give her more votes!
She literally causes a universal famine when her daughter is gone. Why is she so low?
Bacchus is a hero and god, also known as Dionysus. A temperamental god, his story as a warrior and fighter is legendary. For him, being a god involves love, intellect, and selectiveness. Dionysus-Bacchus is a legendary god hero.
Not just wine, but the god of good times!
This is actually quite true. Love is not so different from war, honestly. She has the power to make any man drool over her. Some people will say things like war is the strongest element and everything, but love is. So many deaths happen because of love. So many wars happen because of love. Love can make people stronger or a whole lot weaker. Love is one of the most powerful elements of all.
Weak but hot. Now I get why, when a boy sees her, they fall madly in love. It's usual because she is the goddess of love and beauty. Duh!
Imagine if you could control time. Saturn is number one on my list. He can control the cosmos like a DVR: fast forward, pause, rewind, and play.
Time is money. It is priceless. It is bigger than all other things and creatures.
Kronos was so annoying and bad. He tried to destroy Olympus, but Percy Jackson gave Luke the sword, and Luke stabbed himself, which saved Olympus.
Cupid is the best because he is the god of love. Plus, I was born on Valentine's Day, so that's double awesome for me!