Top 10 Lamest Arguments Used by Christians

Here they come again, Bible in hand, on a mission to save your soul. Prepare to eye-roll!
The Top Ten
How do you think you got here?

It seems to me that religious people are only aware of one alternative theory: the big bang. There are more theories than the big bang that are equally plausible. The oldest and now the least plausible theory is the God-theory.

It's modern science and its progressions that will maybe someday explain the beginning of the universe. It's certainly not the sudden proof of the existence of God that will explain it!

What this question is really trying to ask is, "Why is there something rather than nothing?" The answer to that is I don't know, and neither do you.

I am not claiming to have an answer to that question. However, you are claiming that you do have the correct explanation, and I want to know what evidence you have that your particular explanation is the correct one.

You must  in order for prayers to be answered.

I believed for thirteen years. Someone I knew believed and used his religion to justify his poor actions. "God has a plan," he said. He drank himself to death.

So is this the equivalent of saying that if you see a film, you MUST be an actor or actress?

I'm not a Christian, but I once heard a pastor say that God answers every prayer. He answers with "yes," "no," or "not yet."

You can't prove God doesn't exist

One time, I was arguing with a Christian friend who tried to convince me God is the real god, not Allah (I am a Muslim, by the way). He told me to disprove God, and I replied to disprove Allah. He got mad and asked which religion had better morals. I replied that morality is not relevant to reality.

The burden of proof isn't on somebody to prove that something doesn't exist. It's for somebody to prove that something does exist. Especially if the atheist isn't saying they believe there is no God but just saying they merely lack a belief that there is a God.

God gave Man free will.

There's a good comment I read on this one about God being either omniscient and immoral or not immoral and not omniscient. I agree. You can't pick and choose what you want God to be, and it certainly won't help your argument.

If God is omniscient, it means He knows the future. If He knows the future, it means that the future will develop the way He knew. If the future shouldn't develop that way, it means He didn't know the future. If everything develops because He is omniscient, it also means that everything happens necessarily.

And if everything happens necessarily, it means that there is no free will. You can't change something that will happen necessarily. If there's no free will, it means that people aren't responsible for their sins and actions. If God punishes people because of their sins for which they are not responsible, it would mean that God is immoral.

The conclusion is: Either God is omniscient and also immoral, or He is not immoral, but in that case, He isn't omniscient. Logic says that God can't be omniscient and good if He gave free will to men. In more logical terms, it means that there is no God and, for that matter, no God-given free will.

God works in mysterious ways.

My church used to say this every time I would ask a question about God. I started doubting religion the exact moment they told me this.

Just a fancy way of saying they can't explain what is happening or give an answer to something.

More like God works in delirious ways.

If there is no god, then who made the universe?

That's the same as asking where God came from. A God would also have come out of nothing. So, a God can come out of nowhere, but existence can't?

The idea of the universe just coming into existence is the second stupidest thing I have ever heard. There is absolutely no proof of it. But there is proof of God. Consider this: All cells come from preexisting cells. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

So the universe cannot just come out of nothing.

There isn't a Big Bang. If there was, how would those atoms be created? Would they be created out of nowhere?

We are in the end times; read Revelation.

Listen, even if the Christian God exists, and He has committed the sin of sloth by being lazy and not appearing on earth in our time, He would not send His son down here to behave like a monster. Jesus was supposed to be peaceful.

"Fundie who believes come to Heaven." "Sinner, you will be beheaded." The seas turn into blood, some evil-looking horsemen appear, and sinners go to Hell.

That's nonsense because if you had to believe that, then we've been in the end times for thousands of years now. However, I saw that you will stop and end your top ten sites. For me, that's worse than the end of times because your sites were really good. Can you reconsider and not do so?

The Bible says...

The Bible is made by humans, so if you say, "The Bible says," it's the same thing as saying, "People say." If I had to believe the morals and thinking of the stupid people that made the Bible thousands of years ago, I would be stupid myself.

The Bible says you have to stone people who are blasphemers to death. People justify hatred against homosexuals with, "The Bible says it's bad," yet I want to see somebody who is stoning a person for blasphemy. I mean, the Bible says so...

Yep, it's a book. Written by humans. Who are flawed.

If we came from monkeys, then why are there still monkeys?

Actually, humans are more closely related to the great apes, not monkeys. And to everyone saying we evolved from fish, we evolved from single-celled organisms.

Monkeys came from other, less evolved monkeys, and evolution split down the line. We did not come from monkeys. Don't say this and look stupid.

We actually evolved from a third species, a common ancestor of both humans and monkeys, similar to the relationship between dogs and wolves.

Why don't you accept (religion)? If you don't believe, and it does exist, then you'll go to hell, but if it doesn't, then nothing bad happens

This argument is flawed for many reasons. First, you're only concerned about not going to the hell of your specific religion. What if you're a Christian, but Islam ends up being the one true religion, and you go to Muslim hell for being a Christian and not a Muslim?

All other religions can make this argument for why you should believe in their particular religion. How would you determine which religion is correct?

In addition, if it turns out that all religions are wrong and there is no God, then you would lose the chance to do whatever you want with the one and only life you know you have.

Also, belief is not a choice. You either become convinced of something, or you don't, but you don't choose whether or not you're convinced. I never chose to stop being convinced that there is a God. I couldn't help but stop being convinced.

To any Christian reading this, if you truly believe that belief is a choice, then I dare you to stop believing in God for the next minute and see if you are even capable of doing that.

The Newcomers

? Those who commit suicide go to hell
? Atheists are satanic

Being satanic would mean that we're not atheists. If we believe in Satan, we'd be killing each other. Yet you ask us, What is stopping you from killing everyone? You say that we drink blood and use it to draw pentagrams. Few Christians criticize, but some do. It is racist.

How are we satanic if we don't believe in Satan?

The Contenders
Jesus died for you.

Yeah, wasn't he some horrible guy before "He was forgiven"? And he was horrible with God controlling him or whatever.

If he died or if he had lived, what would be the difference in my life?

A lot of people died for us to be where we are today. Son of God or not, he's just one of many.

The Bible is a history book.

Yes and no. The Hebrews mixed history with theology, but there are huge portions of the Bible that exaggerate or try to tie religious belief with factual history, much of it being based on, or identical to, earlier Mesopotamian religious beliefs, in spite of things they knew were true even then. There are also many contradictions.

It is, first and foremost, a book of Christian theology, not history.

No, it isn't. But it's a great read, all those 1000+ pages.

If it's a history book, can I read about the Ancient Greeks in it? (sarcasm)

You're going to go to hell when you die

Personally, I think hell is fictional. If I die, then I (and everyone who dies) will stay in my grave.

Only if you did something really unthinkable, such as committing terrorism or murder.

It might not be so bad. I mean, they say there's pizza with pineapple there.

Humans existing is proof that God exists

Except humans are the worst species of animal on earth. Why are we so special just because we have managed to destroy the earth?

Thanks, Captain Obvious. Because God was a human (if he even exists, of course).

Morality is only possible through religion

This is why I hate when people say that if they're abstinent or pretty wholesome, they're a "child of God." I am abstinent and quite wholesome, and I'm an atheist. If someone tells me I'm a "child of God/Jesus" because of my lifestyle, I'll tell them to stop giving me that schtick.

No, it is possible without religion. I still have morals, and I'm an atheist.

It takes more faith to be an atheist

But atheists don't really have faith. Or do they?

This claim made me lose a brain cell.

If you ask God for forgiveness, you will be Saved.

Ok, I'm a Christian, and I cringe whenever I hear this argument. It's like saying that you're still alive because two midgets dropped a ring into a volcano. Do you think Lord of the Rings is a history book? No, you don't, and atheists don't think the Bible is a history book and therefore don't believe in God. To an atheist, asking God's forgiveness is like praising Frodo and Sam for their courage.

Ok, looking back, the Lord of the Rings reference looks a bit awkward, but it hopefully got the message across.

Conscience. If they think their conscience is clear, it means they believe they didn't do anything wrong because it's forgiven.

God is just testing you

If God is testing me for something I didn't ask for, then he must be a very evil person (or whatever he is). He likes to play with his supposed creation or what?

Why would God test me or anyone in general? Even though I am a Christian, this statement sounds foolish to me.

Testing me on what? Calculus? If so, I'm going to fail. (This is a joke.)

Global Warming is a myth. God created everything and the world is getting colder

As a Christian, I disagree. Global warming is real, and we need to fix this catastrophic situation as fast as possible.

Global warming shouldn't be ignored. It's actually a serious issue that's harming the environment. There's scientific proof of it.

I don't want to die. Millions more people are dying. So you say, the world is getting colder?

God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve

I'm a Christian who believes homosexuality is natural, not sinful. Being gay or straight is like being right-handed or left-handed, so it's not a choice.

I'm adding this item because it is a lame reason to give as to why homosexuality is wrong. Yes, God made a man and a woman during creation so that the human species can survive and become more numerous.

However, it doesn't mean that the refusal to procreate in a married relationship is automatically wrong. There is so much more to a marriage than having and raising children.

God's time is not our time.

Time is relative. You can measure time in relation to the speed of light. When matter goes faster than light, it transforms into pure energy. Beyond pure energy, time stops because it's impossible to measure something that doesn't react anymore. That is a proven scientific theory. My question is, where is God in all that?

You had to come from somewhere

I know for a sure fact that I came from my mother! Besides that, what about handicapped people, intellectually disabled people, bad people... is that the work of a good god?

I came from my mother, not God. Why would God suddenly summon me?

Yes, I came from my mother and father.

Can atheists be good people? Where do they get their morals from?

Atheists can be good people (I'm an atheist, and I'm not that bad). They get their morals from their family or their environment (e.g., me).

I get my morals from myself. And I'm a good person!

God has a plan

I hear this one often. Whenever something happens and we ask ourselves, or ask another person, "Why?", they can't answer or only respond by saying that it's God's plan and that we can't understand why.

What is the "creator's master plan" if we don't even know his plan? What use is it to us to know that he has a plan we're not able to understand? The ones who believe in God are just saying that because they're too blind or unwilling to accept the fact that we're living in a cruel and hostile world and universe, where bad things are natural and part of life.

They think, of course, that everything cruel and hostile is evil and the work of Satan.

It is okay not to believe but is it worth it?
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