Top 10 Atheist Stereotypes That Are Not True

The Top Ten
1 Atheists are a Product of the Devil

What? Considering that Satanism is a branch of Christianity (the idea of Satan originated from it), the idea that we would worship him is incredibly stupid. Seriously, I'm an atheist, and I believe in reincarnation, not any of this Heaven and Hell baloney.

There have been actual reports of children recalling where they lived or who murdered them in their past lives. Are there any reports of people coming down from Heaven and describing it? No. Zero. I also believe extraterrestrials are real because thinking we are the only living things in this giant universe is idiotic. I need to get this all out, and I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

2 Atheists are Mean

I am a Christian, and I do not believe this. Heck, I have a friend at school who is an atheist! Besides, the religious people saying atheists are mean jerks are really the mean ones! I decide to leave atheists alone as long as they respect my religion and its people. More Christians like me are needed.

Nope, it's the opposite. Many religious people are very hateful to me because I'm an atheist. We get treated like vermin. People say I'm going to hell. I say, "If God does exist, I'd hope he would let me in based on me as a person and not on what I believe. Also, if I'm going to hell, I'll see you there."

3 Atheists are Nerds

Who says being a nerd is a bad thing?

This argument is probably true because we believe in science, math, and academic evidence.

In the old days, nerd was an insult, same with geek.

Now it's for know-it-alls.

4 Atheists are People Haters

Or if you really want to see "people filled with hate," just go on a Christian clip on YouTube and share that you don't love Jesus. For the record, I know it's not all of you.

Usually, it's the religious who hate people for certain things such as their sexuality or their race.

Either you say we hate ourselves or we are subhuman. Isn't that what Nazi scientists said? See what Nazis did. We humans are equal. Atheists are equal to theists, even if atheism is not equal to theism.

5 Atheists are Atheists Because They are Autistic

This is insulting to atheists and autistic people. There is nothing wrong with being autistic or atheist. People need to learn to respect opinions.

I don't know who said that, but if this came from religious people, I can say for sure that I'm proud to be an atheist!

Not true! My brother and I are both Christian and we both have autism.

6 Atheists Hate Christians

Are we supposed to stay out of religious topics? Do you think you have the right to impose and choose your opinions? If atheists don't agree with your topics about religion, they have an equal right to express their opinions and disagree with many things you believe.

You say that life should be a web of choices and opinions, but at the same time, you say that we have to stay out of certain topics. That's a strange paradox, don't you think? I don't hate Christians because I'm open to debate and share opinions without insulting. However, it seems that you are against everyone who doesn't agree with your opinions. That looks very hypocritical and hateful to me!

7 Atheists are Conspiracy Nuts

So true. Tons of people think atheism is just believing whatever stupid idea you think of, but it's really believing in facts that have been almost completely proven true, unlike religion.

I don't even follow conspiracy theories, even though I know a couple that most likely aren't true.

This is ironic, considering a lot of Christians believe in the New World Order.

8 Atheists Eat Babies

I am an atheist, and right now I am working on a rant in class. I find this statement to be complete nonsense.

That is one of the dumbest stereotypes I've ever heard!

Since when is atheism related to cannibalism?

9 Atheists Have No Morals

A particular action or choice is moral or right when it somehow promotes happiness, well-being, or health, or minimizes unnecessary harm or suffering, or does both.

A particular action or choice is immoral or wrong when it somehow diminishes happiness, well-being, or health, or causes unnecessary harm or suffering, or does both.

This argument stems from religion. It is false, as evidenced by extremely moral people like Bill Gates, one of the richest atheists in the world, who has nearly eradicated polio and donated millions to charity.

On the other hand, some argue that atheists steal their morals from Christianity. Those people obviously haven't read the Bible, given how much it justifies genocide.

10 Atheists Don't Believe in God Because They Want to Do Whatever They Want

Just because we don't believe in God doesn't mean we don't have ethical conceptions of morality. Religious people are always talking about the free will that God gives them. Isn't that a hypocritical way of saying they can do anything they want too?

I don't believe in a higher power because I never even heard of one until 5th grade when some random kid asked me what religion I was. I was super confused and did research.

Thank you, parents, for not being religious.

If that's true, why are most prisoners born-again Christians?

The Contenders
11 Atheists are Prejudiced
12 Atheists are Close Minded

Atheists are not closed-minded. It is not closed-minded to withhold belief until there is sufficient evidence. It is not closed-minded to reject an argument if that argument contains a fallacy. It is, however, closed-minded to claim to know something that you cannot possibly know and to assert answers to questions like "Where did the universe come from?" Closed-mindedness is ignoring evidence when it contradicts scripture.

As soon as atheists have evidence for God, we will believe in God, though not necessarily the Christian God. "By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history or chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record." - Answers in Genesis, 2013. Now that's what I call closed-minded.

13 Atheists Want to Corrupt the Youth

Socrates was sentenced to death because he didn't believe the stories about the Greek official religion of the state (the writings of Homer were taught at school) and was accused of corrupting the youth. In fact, he was only giving his opinion.

If religious people still think that giving our opinions is corrupting the youth, I have to say that after thousands of years, they are still stuck and can't accept progression.

Youth gets corrupted by lots of things. Most religions actually play a part in corrupting youth by asking many youths to convert to their religion through convincing arguments or otherwise. Freedom of expression is something that some Christians fail to keep moderate.

14 Atheists Do Not Celebrate Christmas or Easter

I hate those periods of celebration. It's like everybody is suddenly acting in a hypocritical way, pretending that everybody loves everybody.

I celebrate both of those holidays despite my atheism. They are fun to celebrate.

They do, just because of the secular culture of those two events.

15 Atheists Drink Blood, Draw Pentagrams with Blood in Their Room and Perform Satanic Rituals in Their Basement Every Night

You should not confuse atheism with Satanism.

Atheists don't believe in Satan.

1 in 50 million people drink blood. If atheists were that psychopathic, we'd be extinct.

16 Atheists are White Men

I'm an atheist and I'm a white woman. Also, Neil deGrasse Tyson is not white, and he believes in evolution.

I'm a white (and not basic) girl, and I'm an atheist.

17 Atheists are Really Attractive but Slightly Homosexual

Sexual preference does not correlate with atheism. But I feel pretty gay, though.

I'm an atheist, but I'm not attractive at all, and I'm asexual.

Slightly homosexual? You are either gay or you are not.

18 Atheists Love to Start Arguments with Christians

In a sense, we don't. We just say something regarding our non-belief, and some Christian gets offended by our comment.

I'm a Christian, and I don't agree with this!

19 Atheists are SJWs

I'm an atheist, and I cannot stand SJWs!

20 Atheists are Liars
21 Atheists are the Thought Police

So stupid! It's more likely the other way around. We don't have laws written in a book thousands of years ago by some ignorant people that we follow and preach to everyone.

22 Atheists are Sadistic
23 Atheists are Neckbeards
24 Everything Atheists Say is False
25 All Gay People are Atheists
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