Top 10 Best Universities in Bangladesh
When it comes to higher education in Bangladesh, the country is home to a growing number of respected institutions that offer a wide range of programs and opportunities for students. From public universities with deep historical roots to newer private institutions making their mark, you'll find a variety of options catering to different academic interests and career paths.
What can one say about a university that played a huge role in the liberation of a country? The University of Dhaka has produced so many legends. Not just in the past, but even if you look at the present, you'll undoubtedly say its greatness has many dimensions.
The university boasts a rich central library, along with hall libraries and seminars. The campus is beautiful and full of life. A university's job is not only to spread knowledge but also to create it, and I would say the University of Dhaka is doing its job well.
North South is the best private university I've ever seen. Here, one can find the most talented students and some awesome faculties. World-class educational facilities are available at this university.
The faculties are very amicable with their students. Recently, North South University received US accreditation. There are also many clubs at North South University where a student can express themselves very fluently. So, North South University is the best evergreen university in Bangladesh.
SUST is the first-ever Science and Technology University in Bangladesh, situated in Sylhet. The natural beauty of its campus is like a state of the art, wrapped with hills and tea gardens.
From the beginning, the university has put forward its name as highly research-oriented, offering semester-based academic programs. This approach has brought several achievements to Bangladesh.
Is this the best university in Bangladesh? It's quite difficult to answer, because only a person who has studied in all the universities can tell the difference. I believe there is no such person in Bangladesh!
However, you can do online research and ask whoever you want, but in the end, you will end up with only one university, and that will be SUST!

It is considered the MIT of Bangladesh. Although it can't compete with Dhaka University in terms of cultural gravity, history, and activities on a national scale, such as matters like the recent quota movement, it is by far the best university for studying engineering courses. No other university, not even the great DU, can compete with BUET in this sector.
I voted for BUET because, in the coming days, which are likely to be much more technology-based, the importance of BUET will increase rapidly. It is very likely to surpass DU. Frankly, almost nobody will choose any other university over BUET if he or she gets selected for admission.

Have you voted for Jahangirnagar University? If your answer is no, then I should invite you to visit the university. To learn better, you need a better environment. Here, you will find that environment, surrounded by nature.
We have qualified teachers, an excellent environment, an international research center, and residential halls with seats for every student. Additionally, we have sufficient academic buildings, well-equipped labs, and almost all the amenities a university should have. We have produced many renowned figures and we are centrally located in Bangladesh, closely connected to the capital.
To become the second-largest university, Rajshahi University maintains a quality education system, better environment, and infrastructure. It offers sufficient supporting facilities for proper education and has accommodations for a large number of students on campus.
There are also unbounded opportunities for participating in extracurricular activities such as sports, social work, and cultural events. All of these factors should mark Rajshahi University as one of the top three ranked universities in the country.
This ranking is not accurate. It is based on people's votes, which cannot be a parameter to evaluate the education and research quality of a university. A few months back, Rajshahi University was ranked fourth among all universities in Bangladesh based on research and education.
People's votes may change the position, but the reality is that Rajshahi University is one of the top universities in Bangladesh.
Chittagong University is known not only for the scenic beauty of the hills, landscape, and small waterfalls, but also for an environment that leads students to thrive in diverse areas. These range from the job market to entrepreneurship to research, and to enlightening people through education. Chittagong University upholds the pride of the nation with its all-around virtues. Rhythms, rhymes, ideas, free will, and curiosity are not just chapters of classroom lectures. They are also present in the canteen, shuttle train, restaurants, buses, fields, and hostels through group music, discussions, and debates.
Like any public university, it is affected by major instances of national instability, but these disruptions hardly affect the determination, results, or successes of the university. People here are imbued with a strong sense of purpose, along with lessons that tie reality to any subject the students study or the teachers teach. Situated far from metropolitan areas, the campus is nevertheless closely connected to up-and-coming cultures and trends, and even serves as a strong influencer of them. These are the factors that make Chittagong University great. Anyone who studies or teaches here is bound to remember this place for the rest of their lives.
BUBT is one of the best universities, offering quality education with excellent facilities. Most of the teachers are highly qualified and deliver outstanding education.
BUBT participates in many national and international programs and consistently shows exceptional performance. Therefore, it is one of the best universities in Bangladesh.
BUBT offers excellent lab facilities and is one of the eight universities that have received a green signal from the Bangladesh government. It's also one of the four private universities with permanent certification from the government.
The best part is that students can access great lab facilities and high-quality education at an affordable cost.
This is the best private university in Bangladesh. It provides the perfect learning environment, and the Residential Semester shapes students intellectually while giving them real-life experience.
While many people complain that BRAC University does not have a large or impressive campus, the response should be that campuses do not dictate the future. A degree from a reputed university does. BRAC University is one of the most reputable universities in Bangladesh for that matter.
A university is a fountainhead of knowledge. New knowledge, skills, and meaningful experiences spring forth from the university. AIUB's inherent intention, even at the time of its conception, is to quench the thirst of individuals searching for a broader horizon of learning and discovering new challenges in life. Students are honed and nurtured to become leaders in their respective chosen disciplines.
The university continuously transforms students into active participants in both curricular and extracurricular activities. It has built and maintained its reputation as a leader in the pursuit of quality and excellence. The primary beneficiaries are the students, who stand to gain from all the resources and services provided by the university. Under the stewardship of dedicated and visionary founders, dynamic management, competent faculty, and skillful support staff, the university continues to be the venue for change and producing leaders in various arenas of endeavors.
The Newcomers
The first institute under the National University and a pioneer of undergraduate programs in Computer Science and Engineering, Bachelor of Business Administration, and Electronics and Communication Engineering in Bangladesh.
This is the best university. All the teachers are highly qualified and friendly. They take great care of students and help us improve our skills.
All activities at this university are very good.
A very nice environment for programming, especially events arranged by pcIST (Programming Club of IST). There is no political violence, and the teachers are very friendly!
Of course, Government Azizul Haque College.
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) is one of the leading public universities in Bangladesh, with a special emphasis on engineering and technological education and research. KUET is well-known for offering high-quality educational, research, and developmental programs in major engineering disciplines as well as basic sciences. It has a focused objective to achieve excellence in quality education, research, and development to meet the current needs of the country as well as the South-Western region, striving to become the "Center of Excellence."
East West University has one of the most beautiful campuses among other private universities. It offers great scholarship opportunities and moderate tuition fees, attracting a large number of students for admission despite a tough selection process. Various club activities and experienced teaching staff prepare students to face the difficult challenges of the world.
One of the best private universities in Bangladesh. The campus is nice, and the education system is of a high standard.
I hope this university expands beyond just teaching. I believe this institution has the potential to elevate its education system to the next level. It just needs a little push to get there.

This is one of the legendary educational institutes in Bangladesh, dating back to the British period. It was converted into a university in 2005 and has gained recognition for its teaching quality and academic system.
Although there are some shortcomings, such as the campus facilities, transport, and residence, the quality of study elevates it to a prestigious position in Bangladesh. I am confident that it will become a world-class university in a short period.
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) is the largest university in Bangladesh in terms of area. Not only is its campus the largest among universities in Bangladesh, but it has also been leading research and education in agriculture since the beginning of Bangladesh's existence.
Therefore, it is the heart of Bangladesh, as it produces many intelligent students who will be involved in agriculture for further improvement in this sector, contributing to long-term food security.
The first and pioneering university in agricultural research and studies was established in Mymensingh in 1960. Before that, Shere-Bangla Agriculture College used to impart education and studies under the Agricultural Faculty of Dhaka University.
Since its establishment, BAU's contribution to agricultural research and its production of agricultural extension specialists has been immense. All these efforts have significantly contributed to food production autonomy in Bangladesh.
My experience at IIUC was amazing. I met so many people and made so many friends with whom I'm still in contact. The university was incredibly helpful and welcoming to both local and foreign students. The halls were small but lively, filled with both international and Bangladeshi students. The study courses were fascinating. The tutors really reached out and made sure that non-Muslim students were involved and understood all aspects of the class.
The campus is beautifully encircled by hills, sea, and natural scenery. The Central Library, Auditorium, and Central Mosque are attractive, spectacular, and magnificent edifices on the campus. The academic atmosphere of this campus is excellent.
Most of the faculty members are talented and are actively helping students build their future. The campus offers one of the best infrastructures, complete with all the facilities a campus requires. The student selection process is excellent. My first choice, especially for students with a science background, would be AUST.
Thanks to all the faculty members for making bright careers for our students. We love you, AUST.
This is the best private engineering university. The class and laboratory facilities are excellent. The library is well-stocked with lots of necessary books.
Teachers excel in their teaching methods. The examination system is very good, and the authorities are straightforward about rules and regulations.
This is an up-and-coming university in our country, featuring some unique and energetic departments. Although it's not very large, the environment is conducive to learning.
Both teachers and students are very committed to their responsibilities. The faculty is friendly and honest. I expect that in a very short time, this university will continue to progress and become the number one university in Bangladesh.
Our Jessore Science and Technology University is one of the best in the country. It is free from politics, clashes, and session jams. The campus features beautifully designed architecture. Although our university is new, it has several effective departments that are lacking in other universities.
Within the next five years, it will be one of the top-ranking universities in our country. I love my university.
I am a student at this university. At first, I was frustrated, but after spending two years pursuing my Bachelor's degree, I've come to realize that success is up to you. The time you spend on your studies determines what you achieve in exams.
Teachers are helpful but could use more experience. Overall, I believe it's a good choice, especially for a private university.
Southeast University's education quality is strongly agreeable compared to other private universities in Bangladesh. The institution employs more foreign teachers to enhance the learning experience. Additionally, it offers more classes per semester and includes a range of activities like presentations, assignments, quizzes, and lectures. Therefore, Southeast University is one of the most outstanding private universities in Bangladesh.

The campus has a nice scenario, strong administration, and a wonderful environment for both study and living. It's the largest campus in Bangladesh among the engineering universities. Our vice-chancellor, Prof. Dr. Jahangir Alam, was selected as the best engineer among the engineers of South Asia. So, what do you think?
The university is also very famous for its natural beauty. Its educational system is very high indeed.
The campus of CUET is remarkable for its natural beauty. It is landscaped around a valley with hilly areas, a lake, plants, and precious varieties, making the campus a natural arboretum. The campus covers an area of 163 acres.
CUET is ahead of other engineering universities in robotics and cultural activities.
It is commonly ranked as number two among the engineering universities of Bangladesh.
The country's first ICT incubator is located in CUET, occupying about 25 acres of the university campus.
One of the best engineering universities in Bangladesh, RUET educates students to become not just excellent engineers, but also better human beings. The curriculum covers not only engineering and technologies but also life skills and ways to be a better human being.
Obviously, one of the best engineering universities in Bangladesh, RUET features a friendly relationship with teachers and excellent academic facilities. Beautifully decorated classrooms are a unique feature of this university.
Alumni of this institution serve both at home and abroad, distinguished by their merit, intelligence, and honesty.
This university's curricula correspond well with those of internationally renowned universities around the world. That's why Khulna University, although new, has built an excellent reputation through its alumni who pursue higher studies in Europe and America.
The key to Khulna University's success is the use of the latest technology, keeping pace with international academia. Industries find Khulna University alumni most effective due to their skills in concurrent methods and equipment, coupled with the professionalism they learn from their studies.
The newest public university, yet to gain wide recognition in Bangladesh. But with our unique study culture and pool of talented, eager students, we will ride our way to the top among the best business schools in Bangladesh.
One visit to the scenic campus in Mirpur Cantonment speaks volumes for this university. It is administered by the Bangladesh Army with a view to providing quality business education to the general public on a merit basis.
Not as a student, but I think it's only a matter of time before the university is held as one of the members of the top five universities of the country.
It's the best University of Bangladesh because political violence can't affect it.
I think this is the best university in Bangladesh.
Daffodil International University is a completely technology-based university. In the near future, it will be one of the top universities in South Asia. A considerable number of foreign students are receiving an education here, and the number is increasing day by day.
Daffodil International University is the first university to start using its own online learning feedback system, through which students can get counseling and solve their problems regarding different subjects. DIU provides each student with a free laptop to ensure they have all the technological support they need to improve their skills. I feel proud to be a student of Daffodil International University.
A university with an excellent campus, brilliant students, and teachers. The Vice chancellor is very careful about the research of the university and never compromises on quality, especially in case of research.
The university spends enough on research and on cultural activities and arranges conferences regularly. Teachers are given free time for research and are given leaves with pay for doing PhD. and any other higher education. We hope after ten years it will be one of the top universities in Bangladesh.