Top Ten Villains In Sega Games
Now, this list was very hard to make as Sega sort of ignores its other series and just caters to Sonic and Yakuza. So the villains for any other game you might not have heard of, my apologies.I can't really say much either as I can really only fill in the top 3 spots before getting stumped.These villains will be judged on how evil they are as a whole, how memorable they are and just how good a villain they can be!

Eggman is the obvious choice for first place on the list, being the big bad of the series and has been trying to defeat Sonic ever since the very start. Eggman quite the eccentric and inventive villain, creating his own minions by himself - that'll save on worker fees.
The rivalry he has with Sonic is the same as Mario and Bowser, DK and K. Rool, Link and Gannondorf, and so on.

Metal Sonic is Eggman's creation and Sonic's main counterpart. Metal Sonic surpasses Sonic in everything he does and has gotten so close to defeating him, but the blue blur just won't give up.

Balder is Bayonetta's own father - that's gotta hurt.Balder is the CEO of the Ithavoll Group, having become evil after trapping the soul of Aesir. He appears as a boss in both games.

Oh I'm gonna fid a demon record probably doesn't exist but imma look for it anyway
The Newcomers

So, lemme get this straight; Warhead, has a warhead, for his head? *stifles laugh*