Top 10 Sega Genesis Games

I love Sonic the Hedgehog 2, especially on two-player. I think my favorite zone is Emerald Hill Zone. I have a habit of playing one Sega game and then going to Sonic 2. Move it up one more spot, please. It deserves to be number one.
Actually, after looking back at Sonic CD, it's honestly the best Sonic game. But if we're talking about the best Genesis game, this is as good as it gets.
No doubt it's one of the most loved games ever released by Sega. Such great fun without becoming too easy.

Sega made many decent Sonic games, as well as several bad ones, but only a few Sonic games are great. Sonic 1 is the greatest.
Along with Sonic CD, the first three Sonic games on the Genesis are the best parts of the Sonic franchise.
Childhood in a nutshell, or, in this case, a cartridge.

It introduced Knuckles to the franchise. It had Hyper Sonic, great stages bigger than Sonic 2, gave Tails his flying ability, had the Blue Sphere stages, and completed Team Sonic.
As much as I like Sonic 1 and 2, this game is better than both of them in every way. Acts 1 and 2 have differences in looks, music, and gimmicks. It has save files, better level design, and better special stages. It also has three playable characters that are different from each other.
Not sure why people voted 1 and 2 higher, but I guess it is because they either were re-released more than this, or they are more iconic, so they got voted to the top of this list.

Amazing, thanks to whoever put this game here! Love this game and play it every time I need a refresher on the old days and how good old games are.
This game is my favorite. It's one of my favorite classic adventure games, and the story of the game is great.
A beautiful, enchanting game. Until you need air - then it is hella stressful!

If you like platformers, play this. You will not be disappointed.

There is simply not a bad thing that I can say about this game. Everything is perfect. The graphics look like anime and fit very well with the game.
There isn't a single character in this game that I don't love, and yes, that includes the villains. The characters look awesome and have some depth to them. The first main villain kills off a character that you actually care about (looking at you, FF7). The soundtrack is memorable and doesn't get annoying. The story is amazing and is about as well-paced as a story can be.
I could talk about how great this game is until Ristar gets a sequel. I stand by this game as one of the best games ever made along with Ocarina of Time, which I can say something bad about, *cough* water temple. This game is absolutely perfect. If you ever do anything, you should play this game.

This game is brutal - 103 levels and no password system.
Despite its difficulty, it's still so enjoyable. Every playthrough feels different because there are a multitude of pathways that you can choose and so many power-ups that make the experience unique, depending on which one you decide to keep in a certain situation.
One of the best 2D platformers of all time, truly an underrated classic.
Almost a flawless game except for the lack of a battery. Miles ahead of Mario for SNES.

This is basically what I like to call the definitive Sonic game! It has great gameplay, easy-to-learn controls, outstanding music, and the graphics are awesome for the time! This should be #1!
My siblings and I played this for hours on my stepdad's old Genesis. This game has incredible graphics for the time, amazing gameplay, and a killer soundtrack. It has given me plenty of memories.
Sonic 3 is the best out of all the Sonic games. It looks better than the new Sonic games and the very old Sonic games.

One of the most challenging games I've ever encountered. Unique!

One of the best brawlers ever. It's iconic, but 1 still has a better soundtrack and Adam. Still, all improvements came to light in Streets of Rage 2, short of the soundtrack and Adam.
Can't believe this is not in the top 10. When you think of the Genesis, Streets of Rage should be one of the first series to come to mind. This was the pinnacle of the series!
I am shocked this is so low. Everything from the characters and fluid animation to the addictive soundtrack hits the mark and makes it a firm favorite of mine.
The Newcomers

Best Genesis game ever! I still don't believe this game was released for Sega Genesis. The environments, areas, effects, and game engine are just perfect and better than all other Genesis games! Best ever!
I would vote for Sonic 3 and Knuckles, but that's two games! Gunstar Heroes is a magnificent shoot 'em up by Treasure with so many re-releases that Plants vs. Zombies would be jealous!

The first MK game was great, but this one made this franchise EPIC! True innovation for that time! Oh, and my lovely Kitana was introduced! Hehe.

This game was nothing like Donkey Kong Country. Vectorman is a third-person shooter, and a very slick one at that. It's a shame this video game franchise fell too quickly.
This is Sega's Donkey Kong Country, except with shooting and futuristic settings.
This game is an epic classic. The best and most beautiful game on the Sega Genesis.

An amazing arcade port and one of the best fighting games on the system.
You can play this game for hours. You'll never get bored. NEVER!

Why do people prefer modern Sonic games over this true masterpiece? It's just pure awesome! Perfect graphics, music composed by Michael Jackson, exciting levels, cute characters, easy controls, and very fun gameplay. This game will be perfect no matter what.
I love this list, Loganruckmanman!

What the hell?! Streets of Rage wasn't even on the list. I had to put it down. For God's sake people, what did you grow up with? Streets of Rage is the mad notes.
Streets of Rage crushed the genre, and the sequels made Super Nintendo fans jealous!
A classic game with an amazing soundtrack.

This one is a bit different but still really good compared to any of the others.

Oh wow, I never got into RPGs back in the 16-bit era. I discovered SNES RPGs later after I discovered Zelda on Game Boy and worked backward to the classics.
I hadn't heard much about Sega RPGs prior to Dreamcast, so I mistakenly thought there weren't any quality titles. I was so wrong. Currently working on my first SF2 playthrough. I love this game. The story, the gameplay, and the presentation are absolutely amazing.

I got a Sega Genesis (the new version by AT Games that has 80 built-in games and is small enough to be the controller) for Christmas, and this is my favorite game so far. This is coming from someone who only got to level two, you know.
My only complaint is when I ran out of continues on level two, I was sent back to level one, but I am fine with that.
The best action-platformer ever made!

Sweet controls and excellent mechanics. The cartoony style is lovely and the levels are engaging. Deserves to be high on this list and is severely underrated.
Amazing soundtrack, one that I'd listen to after playing. Amazing gameplay that is super unique and awesome level design.
One of the ONLY good Sonic rip-offs ever made.