Top Ten Things SEGA is Best Known For

Sega is pretty much only known for making Sonic the Hedgehog games at this point. Still, I thought it would be fun to see what else the company and its brand are known for.
The Top Ten
Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog, trademarked Sonic The Hedgehog, is the title character and protagonist of the Sonic the Hedgehog series released by SEGA, as well as numerous spin-off comics, five animated shows, and an animated OVA.

Saying Sega isn't really known for making anything else seems insulting to the Sega Genesis, the Virtua Fighter series, the Streets of Rage series, the Ecco the Dolphin series, Vectorman, Aladdin, Shenmue, NBA Jam, the Sega Saturn, and the Sega Dreamcast.

Now, Sega's last two game consoles didn't do well by game console standards, but they're still well-known game consoles.

Sonic was really popular decades ago, and he's had a few solid games recently. But his brand has been tarnished by a slew of mediocre games over the past two decades. We'll see if that upcoming Sonic movie is any good - fingers crossed. Sega and Sonic are almost synonymous with each other. Unfortunately, Sega isn't really known for making anything else.

Sega Genesis

Sega made many consoles, but the Genesis is the one everyone seems to have played and cherished growing up.

Sega Title Theme

Who could forget that iconic tune?

Sega Logo Sega Games Co., Ltd., originally short for Service Games and officially styled as SEGA, is a Japanese multinational video game developer and publisher headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, with multiple offices around the world.

Wow! I didn't know until now that the word SEGA was short for something.

Short for "Service Games." A striking and memorable visual.

Dr. Eggman Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik is a fictional video game character and the main antagonist of the Sonic the Hedgehog series, created by Sega.

Almost all Sonic characters look exactly the same. The one exception is Dr. Eggman, who is one of the most iconic villains in the gaming industry.

Sega does what Nintendon't (Slogan) Nintendo Co., Ltd. is a Japanese multinational consumer electronics and software company headquartered in Kyoto, Japan.

Nintendo was founded in 1889 as Nintendo Karuta by craftsman Fusajiro Yamauchi and originally produced handmade hanafuda playing cards. After venturing into various lines of... read more

This famous slogan made Sega a beloved underdog in the console war against a gaming industry giant.

Sixteen-bit arcade action. You can't do this on Nintendo. Genesis does what Nintendon't!

Cream the Rabbit
Virtua Fighter

This game is revolutionary in the fighting genre.

Thanatos (Persona)

The coolest arcana from the Persona series, hands down and bar none.

Sega Dreamcast

Yes, it was their last console, but it was, without a doubt, the perfect console to end on. Sega consoles sure went out with a bang.

Even though it became a failure, the Sega Dreamcast was a revolutionary game console.

Sega's nail in the coffin in console making.

The Newcomers

? Nightshade
? Caring About Their Fans
The Contenders
Sega Saturn

This console is mostly known for marking the beginning of the end of Sega when it came to making video game consoles.


While it didn't save Sega as a console maker, it revolutionized video games.

A true game-changer for video games.

Fall from Grace

Unfortunately, it is a well-known fact that Sega is a shadow of its former self. The company's brand is associated with a fall from former glory. Hopefully, the company will turn this around one day, but that most likely won't happen anytime soon.

This is the worst thing that Sega is known for.


Sega completely owns Atlus and is its parent company. Atlus is a game developer known for its Persona and Trauma Center games, among others.

Super Sonic

The greatest character that Sega is known for.

The best character in the Sonic series.

How is he not in the top 10 part of this list?

Tails the Fox Miles "Tails" Prower is a fictional character in Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog series, and the title character's best friend and sidekick.
Sonic '06

Sega is known for many Sonic games, both good and bad, but it seems like Sonic '06 will haunt them forever. It was universally panned, and many fans consider it the point where Sonic games started declining in quality. It was not only the worst Sonic game in history but unfortunately one of the most memorable.

Streets of Rage

A cool beat 'em up, and one of the best ever.

Streets of Rage 2

A cool beat 'em up that's even better than its predecessor.

The greatest beat 'em up that Sega is known for.

Video Game Music

No doubt that Sega made great music, even after their string of games declined in quality and quantity.

Sega CD
Super Monkey Ball
Extreme Commercials

Hey! Still don't have a Sega CD? What are you waiting for? Nintendo to make one?

YouTube them, and you'll see what I mean.

Sonic X Sonic X is a Japanese anime television series created by TMS Entertainment and based on the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series published by Sega.
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