Top 10 Reasons Not to Upload Embarrassing or Mean Videos to Social Media

There are some incidents related to the subject of the list that have happened before. That is considered cyberbullying and you should never do it.
The Top Ten
1 It can cause the victim to commit suicide

That's so freaking sad!

2 You could get arrested
3 The victim could get disrespectful comments by others
4 It can ruin the reputation of the victim
5 It reveals the victim's secrets to the public without their permission
6 You could get expelled
7 Your account could get deleted
8 It's cyberbullying
9 Everyone will turn against you

I like think the Cyber bullies might get beaten up too!

10 It's not "funny"
The Contenders
11 Your account could get banned
12 Your videos could get deleted
13 You could get sued by the victim's family and friends
14 Your videos could get banned
15 You could have a hard time getting a job
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